
Ch. 189 Planing before ones next journey

'Dear Aedan,

It would seem the creation of your compass has been more timely than I could have foreseen. We have discovered a new hidden hero as well as one of Tom's horcruxes in Grimmauld place itself, stolen from its original resting place by Sirius' deceased younger brother Regulus. Kreacher, whom I no doubt believe you know of, had been tasked to destroy it, but had failed to do so until now, resulting in it being under our noses for so long.

The destruction of said Horcrux coincidentally rendered the trails I was following obsolete due to it apparently having been replaced by a fake. I would still like your assistance in handling the Inferi guarding said fake to preemptively curtail any future troubles.

I would also ask for your presence at an important Order meeting this evening to discuss a significant change in Tom's objectives and our responses.

Yours, Albus.'

Writing a quick response to confirm receiving the letter and my willingness to attend said meeting, I hand it over to Fawkes who had been enjoying the special treats made with Sol in mind.

"Thanks for the delivery. Here's the reply." I say to the fire bird as he nods his head before grabbing the letter with his beak and flaming away.

"So anything important?" Tory asked from the couch.

"Another of Tom's Horcruxes has been taken out and I have an important meeting later." I simply answered my lovely wife.

"For Morgana's sake, how many of those things did that mad bastard make?" The exasperated young woman asked incredulously.

"As far as I know, his snake, the Hufflepuff cup and Harry are the last ones, so over halfway there." I casually answered as I sat down beside her.

"Well, seven is a powerful number, but there's got to be a reason why even a bastard like Herpo the Foul, the dark wizard who created the way to make a Horcrux and first bred basilisks, didn't make more than one. Looking at how he acts, I'm guessing he's almost completely unbalanced psychologically, with only his intense desires for power and fear of death actually keeping functional, and his objectives before his fall properly keeping him moving forwards instead of lashing out at everything." My beautiful mind healer analyzed as she laid her head on my lap and picked up a book.

"A possibility to be sure. That's why I'm quite curious over what this meeting will entail. Jen hasn't reported anything drastic enough to warrant my involvement and Dumbledore knows what does require me and what doesn't, so what would Tom tell Snape but not Jen?" I pondered as I automatically ran my hand through Tory's smooth hair.

"Can I come with to find out? Kinda curious about it and I've got nothing else to do since I'm still on vacation." She asked as she enjoyed me playing with her hair.

"Don't think anyone would mind. Not like I wouldn't be telling you everything anyway." I acquiesced with a small shrug.

"I guess we should wash up before supper then. Even if the Order members aren't the most proper, it's no excuse to do the same." She said as she put her book back down.

"Do you want to go in first?" I asked as I looked into her emerald eyes.

"Who said we are doing this one at a time?" She replied with a smirk and a seductive look right before getting up a pulling me by the hand towards the bathroom.

"Dobby, please have supper ready in an hour and a half." I hurriedly shouted out without waiting for a response.

"Make that two." Tory countered as she sped up.

'I love this woman.' I thought with a smile, closing the door behind us.

-One very pleasant shower and meal later, at Grimmauld place. (Haha, you thought you would get a lemon, but no! It was me! the spongebob timeskip!)

"Thank you all for gathering so quickly. It does me good to see all of you safe and sound, even as Voldemort and his death eaters have been brought into the light." Dumbledore said as he warmly looked at each order member.

Those present tonight were the most trusted and skilled members of the order. We had Moody, Shacklebolt, the Longbottom couple, the Weasley mother and father, Sirius and Remus, and flanking the headmaster were McGonagall and Snape.

The rest were either too young, too easily influenced or fooled , too inexperienced or simply a bit too unreliable for this particular meeting apparently. This being one of the reasons why I couldn't see any of the younger generation like Harry and his friends, the younger Weasleys, Neville, Hagrid, members like Mundungus and Tonks.

"Thank you Albus, but I think I speak for all of us when I ask: why did you ask for us and why are Mr. Bones and Miss Travers here?" The deputy head mistress responded as most order members nodded in support.

"Aedan and Victoria have come at my request, to discuss an important turning point in this conflict against Voldemort. One Severus has informed me of, and the plan going forward." The old man calmly answered with a look in his eyes which differed from his usual one of a caring chest player with a hint of sadness depending on who he gazed upon, one more… certain than I've seen him with.

"Oh? And what did Sniv- I mean Snape learn that could change the advantage we have right now?" A curious Sirius asked as Snape scoffed at the man.

"A few revelations before I answer your questions Sirius.

Voldemort has been dealt a critical blow thanks to the efforts of those in and outside this room. As a result, most of his most trusted followers are either in custody or indisposed, leaving him with two individuals to rely on to accomplish his plans. These two being one Geri Greyback and Severus himself." Dumbledore said as most listened quite seriously, while myself and Tory already knew this and more.

"What happened to Bellatrix?" Sirius seriously asked as the Longbottoms grasped each other's hands in support.

"I took care of her. She won't be a problem." I answered coldly, causing the man to turn his gaze towards me and nodding.

"That is actually something I wish to discuss with you this evening Aedan. The Magic you used on Bellatrix, is it a curse or volatile?" Dumbledore asked which surprised me a bit since he hadn't ask about it before.

"The opposite actually. It's just that she's so taken by dark Magic that it acts in a painful manner. The more she used, the worst it feels. Why?" I answered with a slight amount of apprehension.

"The dark lord has decided to impregnate Bellatrix and transfer the curse onto the child using a certain ritual he has found. He requested my assistance in acquiring the materials, but asking the source of the 'curse' would be… helpful." Answered Snape this time as my eyes widened and my mind began to contemplate and calculate the possible results, tuning out the minor chaos the announcement caused.

'Depending on the ritual it is feasible to transfer the target of the magic, especially if it's to something so close to Bellatrix like her own child growing in her womb. The fire wouldn't actually harm the fetus but actually help it tremendously, but it might also make it part Phoenix due to the properties of the flame and give it some form of familial bond with myself.

On the other hand it might cause an explosion if the ritual is too dark in nature, killing Bellatrix, the fetus and whoever might be near if the fire reacts badly.

Shit. I can't believe Delphine Riddle might actually happen.

Can't have an innocent take my punishment for its mother.' I rapidly thought as Dumbledore calmed the order members and Tory broke me out of my contemplation with a concerned look and squeeze of my hand.

"Well Aedan?" Albus simply asked as he himself didn't know what I did to the witch.

"It could be done. The fetus would actually be helped if you succeed since it is a Magic of purity and life, but it could also end explosively depending on what ritual is used." I answered before looking at Snape firmly, "Il'l send you rituals you could subtly reference to him which would work. Shouldn't be hard if you say I boasted about it and how the Dark Lord was stupid for not figuring it out."

The man only nodded in acceptance due to the both of us knowing how Tom viewed me, as well as both of us knowing that the other knew.

"Why bother? Bellatrix is insane and cruel, and any spawn of that bastard doesn't deserve the trouble." Muttered Sirius as he voiced the dark thought many present actually had, mostly because of the impact of Regulus' true fate still affecting the man.

"I simply do not wish to doom an innocent life because of its parents. Should it come to it, I shall take responsibility for the child." I declared as some still had uncomfortable expressions but others seemed to support my decision.

"You mean we will take responsibility. Shouldn't you include your dear wife in these decisions husband?" Tory suddenly said with a raised eyebrow.

"Sorry about that love. But yes, WE will take responsibility for the child spared." I quickly corrected as Tory gave a satisfied nod.

"That is very mature of you Aedan and it eases this old man's worries." Dumbledore said as his expression became very soft for a moment before getting back on track with the meeting, "But now I must present the true reasons for this meeting.

Both Severus and Aedan have confirmed that Voldemort has been using this time to remove the unhappy vampires and giants from the playing field while looking for different allies abroad, with two avenues he is currently pursuing.

The first would be his ordering of Geri Greyback to gather more werewolves to his cause. While the second seems to be the old houses of Eastern Europe and Russia. He has decided to personally move in order to gain their support in conquering the isles, before moving towards the world at large."

Now that caused a lot of people get very serious.

"Geri Greyback will fail to add any significant number to their cause." Remus suddenly declared with confidence surprising pretty much everyone at the table.

"I believe so as well Remus." Dumbledore said with a slight smile.

"Why's that Mooney?" Questioned Sirius as he looked at his closest friend.

"Because, as far as I am aware, most werewolves in Europe, and even some numbers from outside of it, are already here." Lupin said as he Informed the more forgetful members present.

And it does come to surprise a good number due to most people actually forgetting about BonesWork having a couple thousands werewolves in the country, working and living quietly.

"Yeah, we're only waiting on this war to be over to officially have the village become a magical settlement like Hogsmeade." I informed others as Remus wore a proud look on his face.

"I am assuming you will be ensuring some form of aid from them during this time to help push this through the ministry." Dumbledore said as he went through a few possibilities to make such a thing happen.

"Already on it actually. I've had some of the security forces I've trained help mother hunt down the vampires, non-combatants are currently helping make defensive equipment my company is selling to the ministry and they've set up a medical system to ease the burden of St. Mungo's should it become necessary." I replied with some pride over how far they've come, "and just like what Snape is to you Headmaster, Geri is mine."

Now that last one was fun to reveal has even Moody and Dumbledore looked at me in shock.

"Dear, I do believe you could have told them this in another manner." Tory calmly said as I knew she saved the image of a shocked Snape in her mind.

"But this way got the best reaction." I mirthfully replied with a satisfied smirk.

"*cough* Is what you said true Aedan?" Albus asked as he got everyone to reboot.

"Yes. She's been my left hand for quite a few years now. I needed someone I knew the Dark Lord would want so I had her be ready for it." I simply answered since no one knew about her and Scott or could link my alter ego to myself.

'Thinking about 'Micheal Folster', I should decide if I'm just going to retire him or reveal that he is me. Hmmm, I'll procrastinate for now.' I thought as I distracted myself for a moment.

"So you're telling that the Dark Lord's most useful free followers are both spies?" Awkwardly asked Frank Longbottom in disbelief.

"Hahaha! That's my nephew!" An ecstatic Sirius said as he broke out in a hearty laugh.

"*chuckle* Always keeping your cards close to your chest aren't you Aedan." Dumbledore said in amusement at the situation as Remus tried to calm his friend.

"Just didn't want anyone to try to kill her for doing what I asked of her. She's under enough danger as it is. I've already told mother about it as well." I said to everyone present.

"Why didn't she tell me then?" Questioned Sirius as he heard his wife being mentioned.

"Because I didn't want you to blabber and I promised to give her the memory of your face when I revealed it." I answered with a smug smile on my face.

"Well, at least she'll be in a good mood later." He said rather understandingly.

"This makes me feel that my decision regarding the next piece of information Severus has brought to us is even more correct." Dumbledore said as he gathered everyone's attention towards himself.

"What is it Albus?" McGonagall asked with some apprehension.

"Voldemort has ordered Severus to assassinate me due to not having any student he could command to do so within Hogwarts… and I have decided to let him do so." The Headmaster calmly revealed as even I felt shocked by the revelation.

I couldn't even hear the other scrambling to talk.

Admittedly I never actually believed Dumbledore would be dying during this war. We have a near overwhelming advantage with two wizards capable of taking Tom on and more than half of the Horcruxes destroyed. There just wasn't any thought in my mind that Dumbledore would die after I made sure he wasn't cursed by the Gaunt ring.

But once I processed his revelation I began to think in Dumbledore's way, like a chess player. And then it came to me.

"You want to expose him for checkmate. Letting him take the Queen thinking it was the King." I stated as I looked directly into Dumbledore's eyes.

"Yes. Without an amount of support which would throw all European magical communities into a war, Voldemort's only chance to turn his situation around resolves around taking Hogwarts and by extension gaining the younger generation as hostages." Explained Dumbledore to the others as they grew solemn.

"That doesn't explain why you would actually let him kill you Albus." Moody gruffly said as many still hoped Dumbledore wasn't truly going to let himself be killed.

"It is the best option Alastor. And I am ready to begin my next journey now that the next generation already has someone to take my place." Dumbledore replied as he looked at me meaningfully, making the order members turn their attention towards me as well.

"The kid?" Moody doubtfully questioned.

"Albus, I know Mr. Bones is far above his peers, but this?" MacGonagall added carefully.

I don't blame either. Some present have seen a glimpse of my strength down in the Chamber of Death, but only Dumbledore knows where my true strength lies and even then not its limits.

"Aedan has been my equal for some time and has surpassed me before he officially became a professor. We agreed that his plans to remain in my own shadow were for the greater good, allowing Voldemort to believe his main threats were myself and Harry while he prepares for his return. Seeing the results, I do believe it has been the correct decision." The Headmaster explained while some were still skeptical, they decided to trust the man.

"But let yourself be killed Albus? You might have explained why you believe everything would be fine afterwards, but do you have to truly die at all?" McGonagall asked in one of the most emotional tones I've ever heard from here.

"There are many reasons for my decision, most of which I cannot tell, but suffice to say i am simply tired and wish to give my end meaning as it would finally enable the resolution of some of my biggest regrets in life." Admitted the old man as I saw the weariness in him flash through for a few moments.

The atmosphere in the room was brought to an all time low as they all digested the fact that the man they idolized for most of their lives, is ready to die.

"I assume this won't be immediate and many affairs are to be set in order before you begin your next journey Headmaster." I said as I broke the somber silence hanging over everyone.

"Of course. We must first handle all the Horcruxes we can and then prepare properly for what is to come. I shall not simply die tomorrow." The man said in an almost jovial manner.

"Are you sure Albus?" Professor MacGonagall softly asked one last time.

"Yes Minerva. My time is coming soon and I wish to go by my own making." Resolutely answered Dumbledore.

"Then what do want us to do?" Asked Sirius this time as he put on his game face.

"The children must be kept safe above all else. I would not have them put in harms away needlessly. As such we will organize and ambush using information Severus, and now Miss Greyback, will give us regarding Voldemort's assault after my passing.

Sirius, you and Aedan can organize everything through Amelia, while she and Aedan can properly bring in Fortress Protection for the faithful day.

Frank, Alice, Molly and Arthur, I would like for the four of you and the rest of the order to be ready at anytime to come after the holidays. You four will help the staff protect the children should things become dire or Death Eaters find their way into the castle.

Meanwhile Alastor and Kingsley, I would like you two support Rufus and Amelia's people. I am sorry for forcing out of retirement like this again Alastor.

Minerva, you and Severus will continue with your current duties. I will talk to the rest of our colleagues to prepare them for what is to come.

And finally Remus, please keep an eye out for any extremists which might come to disturb the werewolf community." Dumbledore ordered as he lay down everyone's role in the coming conflict, beside mine and Tory's independent actions anyway.

"I'll begin to set up traps at the entry points of the school. Luckily the two major ones involve having to cross bridges, which will act as choke points thanks to Hogwarts' anti-apparition wards. We should take a look at the old defenses and wards to see how they'll old up. Money and connections will not be a problem for this." I added as plans began brewing in my mind now that we are choosing the battlefield.

"That is very much appreciated Aedan." The Headmaster gratefully said with a nod.

"Molly and I will be ready. We'll talk to the boys about anything they could do to help in the meantime. I'm sure Fred and George would have more than a few ideas." Arthur announced as he held his wife's hand.

"Thank you Arthur. I am sure the twins will have splendid ideas." Albus said a small smile appearing on his face.

"Frank and I will not back away either. We will help Augusta keep the uninvolved governors in the dark regarding the fortifications you shall be giving Hogwarts." Alice Longbottom declared with some fire in her eyes as her husband had a wry smile on his face.

"I cannot thank you two enough for doing so even after all you have already done." Dumbledore responded to the couple.

"Aye, I guess making all those pansies they're recruiting into proper Aurors will be better than retirement anyway. I'll just have Amelia give my paperwork to Tonks again." Moody said with smirk on his scarred face.

"I am certain she will come up with rather creative insults for that." Replied the old man with a chuckle.

"I will go back as well and make sure to be ready at anytime." Shaklebolt simply said in a stoic manner.

"Thank you Kingsley. I hope nothing untoward happens until then." Dumbledore politely said in response.

"I'll look in the Black vault to see if anything nasty can be used against those bastards. I may not like my family, but you can't deny that they have always been dangerous." Sirius resolutely announced.

"Be careful in your handling of such magical artifacts. Do not be afraid to contact myself or Aedan should you encounter anything." Albus counseled as he too knew that the Black family could hold incredibly dangerous artifacts in their vault.

"And I will keep an eye out for anything suspicious, not that I believe Mr. Bones doesn't already have plenty of people doing that. But one more couldn't hurt." Remus added as he knew, or at least guessed, I kept a very close eye on the largest gathering of magical werewolves on the world.

"One more eye can certainly not hurt." Agreed the man as he looked at the men and women ready to fight for the good of all before him warmly, mostly likely going through many memories of others who had stood before us for the same reasons.

And just like that the meeting was over as the participants went home and began to prepare for the final battle.

So yeah, I know it’s sudden but I do actually think Dumbledore would use his own death for the greater good should he find himself in such a situation.

Also additional point on to why Voldy would attack Hogwarts: it’s because of his unstable mind and his obsession towards it.

The Delphine Riddle thing won’t actually be important, I just thought it would be an interesting thing to make happen with a pretty dark reason for a 70 year dark lord to suddenly think of securing his legacy.


Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts
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