
Ch. 169 Fallout of Azkaban

-Ministry of Magic, Fudge POV, morning after the Azkaban raid.

'This can't be happening. Not now of all times.' I thought as my mind failed to grasp what my secretary just told me.

"We need to lock down all information about this! We can't let the people know Azkaban has fallen and that we lost control over the Dementors." I ordered the blonde woman in front of me as soon as I could think properly.

"But sir, the news is already spreading throughout all the departments. It's impossible to stop it at this point." The visibly nervous woman informed me.

"Damn. What exactly are they saying?" I asked in frustration, needing something to use in order to not lose my office.

"The biggest version is that, according to the inmates, Death Eaters raided Azkaban to take out all their convicted members and supporters." She answered as she looked at her notes.

'Not good. Not good at all. If people start thinking the Death Eaters are active again, then that means they'll link this to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, and then they'll start thinking Dumbledore was right about him being back.

I can't let that happen! Not when I only need some more time for Dolores to remove him from Hogwarts. We just need one slip up and I'll finally be rid of him. I can't let him gain support or I'm finished.' I thought in a panic as I ran my hands through my thinning hair.

But then a sudden event came back to me as I was trying to figure out a way through this mess.

"Emily, what is the status on the investigation of my assassination attempt and Peter Pettigrew?" I suddenly asked the blonde secretary.

"Umm, I haven't heard anything new sir. It seems like the Aurors haven't been able to find much on either of them. But the last mention of Pettigrew was when The-Boy-Who-Lived reported to have seen him with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named at the end of the Triwizard tournament." She informed me after looking through some documents on her clipboard.

"Then here's what I want the Prophet to write: Peter Pettigrew and his unknown accomplices have assaulted Azkaban. They've freed his master's former servants to take revenge on Harry Potter. There is to be no mentions of the Ministry losing control of the Dementors, is that clear?" I ordered sternly, making sure to impart the seriousness of the situation.

"Yes sir!" She immediately responded.

"Good, now go inform the Prophet. This needs to be down as soon as possible." I said as I sent the woman away.

'I just need some more time to remove Dumbledore's influence. Six months at most and then I can properly deal with everything after he is no longer undermining me. His supporters are being rooted out one by one, Dolores will be capable of taking away his last source of influence, and then I can start suppressing the Bones boy. He is becoming far too influential, just like his father was.' I thought as I took out a bottle of fire whiskey and poured myself a glass.

"All I need is a bit more time." I said aloud as I took a drink.

-Emily Doreen, Minister for Magic Secretary, POV

'The fool is acting almost exactly like Miss Holmes said the lord predicted. What comes next will be grand.' I thought as I left the Minister's office and went ahead to execute the order which will seal his fate.

-Finally back to the MC POV


That was the Prophet's headline a day after I received a notice from Sherry Holmes regarding this development.

'He took all this time and effort just to put himself into check. I guess it's time for me to put him out of his misery and checkmate him.' I thought with a smile as I read the days paper.

"Going by that smile I'd say you're scheming again." I then heard Victoria say as she decided to sit on my lap.

Her loose hair flowing down her back, wearing one of my white shirts with a little knot to make it more appealing and a pair of comfortable grey pyjama shorts to show off her nice legs.

"Read for yourself." I simply replied as I pass the paper to her, wrap my arms around her waist and start giving her some soft kisses on her tender neck.

"Hm? Oh wow. He really did exactly like you said. *moan* So you're going to start the counter narrative? *moan*" She asked in between arousing little moans from me kissing one of her soft spots.

"Yeah. Like I said before, he's going to be out of office by the end of the year." I answered as I softly spoke next to her ear and then gave her neck another kiss resulting in her shaking her nice toned ass on my own sensitive bits.

"*moan* you need to stop that or we are both going to be late for work mister." Tory lightly chastised, her voice almost making me want to continue just to hear it more.

"Tempting. Especially with such a beauty on my lap." I whispered heatedly in her ear again as I make her squirm a bit.

"Down boy. Today's the day I can finally bring mother out and I don't want to get teased to oblivion because she could tell we did something." She replied with a small slap to my chest as her face went red from both embarrassment and some excitement.

"Right, going to be living with the in-law for a while. How could I forget?" I said with fake sadness, acting like the typical man dreading the visit.

"Yes, yes and she will be ordering around just for fun." She said as she played along.

"My poor peace and tranquility." I said as I made it look like I was crying in my arm.

"Poor hubby. How about a nice reward for your suffering after mother and I finish breaking my big bad dad? Would that make it better?" She the asked in a cooing voice.

"And what would that reward be?" I asked in response with some curiosity.

"Well, after we finish dealing with dear old dad, we can finally have our wedding." She answered with a sly smile.

"Not that I don't really want to marry you, but that doesn't sound like a reward just for me." I replied as I acted a bit dumb.

"Maybe not, but I'm pretty sure your looking forward to putting this nice big pole in my tight warm place." She seductively said a she wiggled her ass again on my rapidly hardening member.

"Now that sounds more like a fun time." I responded with an almost animalistic smile.

"Good. So be a good boy for a little longer while me and mother ruin him." She cheekily said to my with some mischief in her eyes.

"Alright, alright. If it helps, I know for a fact that the uncle your father wants to hand the family down to escaped last night as well. That gives you gals an even better reason to stop that." I informed her with a sigh at her teasing because I know she wants it just as badly as I do, maybe even more.

"Oooh, thanks for the type hubby~." Victoria replied with a quick kiss on the lips.

But to her surprise, before she could escape I pulled her in once again and decided it was time to get some payback as I began dominating her mouth with a deep kiss of my own. I felt melt in my arms as my tongue tangled with hers and I did every little thing I knew made her weak in the knees, resulting in her blushing like crazy, panting sexily and her eyes losing focus as I stopped.

"Huh?" Was all that came out of the still confused beauty.

"That's for teasing me so much." I say with a cocky smile as I gave her nice ass a spank.

"Eep! Aedan!" The woman said as she sent me a cute glare.

"Hehe. You know you like a nice spanking Tory. But I had to wake you up since we don't want to be late right?" I said with a teasing tone and smile at her reaction.

"*sigh* fine you win this round. But I will get my revenge." She responded with as determination and mischief flashed through her eyes.

"I look forward to it love." I answered with a bright smile.

"Hmph. Let's go get ready. You have a lot of students to deal with and I'll probably have to placate a bunch of sheep during my shift with this latest stupidity." Victoria said as she turned around and let me see her lower body in action as she sent some hip sways at me as she went to our bedroom.

"I love that girl." I said to myself with a smile as I got up to dress myself as well.

-Small time skip to later that day.

I gotta say that Tory was right about having to deal with a lot of kids because of today's paper. All the professors were being questioned about the event and its ramifications, but my classes were even more difficult to get through because of its relation to the event. Dark creatures, Dark Witches and Wizards, and a lot of curses and deaths. So that was fun.

At least I was able to inspire some drive into the kids so they can feel safe due to their skill instead of the place they hide in. The best source of courage is when you have confidence in yourself and those around you after all. Besides love anyway. But that can make a person do a lot of crazy things, not just brave ones, so I'm holding off on mentioning it at the moment.

I decided to have a talk with the group I was currently teaching so that they would be in the loop about what's really happening in the world. This being one of the things I always found weird in the canon, how no adult would ever straight up the the golden trio anything straight and then they just run into everything blind. So even if I don't reveal everything, I will still talk about what's happening.

So as a result, the trio, the twins, Suz, Neville, Ced, Luna and my three other dueling club successors were gathered. All students who I had a close relationship with one way or another and I had trust in.

"I assume all of you have heard of or read today's Prophet article." I start off so they know what's going to be discussed.

"Yeah, but it's complete rubbish innit?" Ron replied with a scoff due to knowing precisely what kind of person Pettigrew is.

"How can the Prophet just run such an article? The Minister clearly knows about Peter Pettigrew, but he still forced them to print this." A huffy Hermione added.

"That is the problem isn't it? This is all politics. The Minister is desperate to have people forget this as quickly as possible. My father even said he's been cracking down on this hard within the Ministry." Daphne Greengrass answered with her usual neutral expression.

"Yeah, my father said the same when I asked about it earlier. He said the articles complete nonsense and that this was a bad move on the minister's part." Cedric followed with a thoughtful expression.

"Everyone is being affected by Wrackspurts, all fuzzy and unable to think properly." Luna then said in her usual dreamy tone as most just have wry smiles at her comment.

"So what really happened then Professor? You wouldn't have called us here to just have us guess." Harry finally asked as the question made everyone focus on me.

"Very correct of you Harry. I have found that some of those present in this room, tend to be particularly involved when interesting events are occurring and tend to run into things rather blindly, while the rest are trustworthy, intelligent and loyal individuals. Hence I thought it best to inform you all of what has happened and you may do what you think is best with this information." I happily said with a bright smile.

"Alright then,

Spill it Professor" The twins said in their twinspeak.

"Ok so hears the deal. Last night it was confirmed that a group of skilled and deadly witches and wizards broke into Azkaban. They killed every guard on duty and broke out all convicted Death Eaters and their sympathizers from the prison. They were said to all be dressed as Death Eaters themselves by the inmates still in the prison. The worst part, which the ministry is desperate to keep quiet about, is that they've lost complete control over the Dementors. They did not defend the prison and are no longer there." I said as I the group had almost horrified faces at the revelation of uncontrolled dementors on the loose.

"Did aunty tell you all this bro?" Susan then asked with some emotions in her voice.

"Yeah I confirmed it with her and my own sources. Azkaban has fallen." I gravely confirmed.

"So what can we do?" Harry then asked with a fire in his eyes.

"You keep training and growing stronger. The lot of you are getting better every lesson and most adult wizards would regret trying to do anything to you. But this time they freed their best and most loyal from that he'll hole, so I'm going to up the regiment a bit. Also, if you guys still want me to train that group of yours, I'll have to teach them the Patronus charm first and foremost to those who don't know it due to the dementors. Aside from that, it just isn't the right time to shine yet so try to have some patience, your times will come." I answered seriously as I looked at all of them.

Although the information was shocking, I was proud to see all these people unwilling to step away from this. I mean even Luna who's 14 is showing her own determination. And Neville is demonstrating pure will to improve at the news of Bellatrix's escape.

"I like the looks in all your eyes. It'll be tough, but this is how you close the gap between those with more experience and power, by training your ass off. I'll hold a few more training sessions before the winter break and then we can really start the hardcore training. But for today it'll be about the same as usual since I need some time to figure out each of your training schedules." I proudly said to the gathering of teens in front of me, momentarily forgetting that I'm not that much older.

What followed was an intense session where every member put in 120% compared to the usual. Even Luna left with some sweat coming off of her.

But before they could all leave, I asked Harry to stay behind for a minute.

"What's up Aedan? Did I do something wrong during training?" My pseudo little bro asked.

"Not at all. I just want to ask if you have that book I gave you for Christmas back in your second year." I answered simply.

"Yeah, I always make sure it's safe in my trunk. Why?" Harry asked curiously.

"Because I think it's time for you to learn how to cast Magic using parseltongue. You already know my spells, now it's time to give them an even bigger boost by turning them into parselmagic." I answered again but with an excited grin this time.

"Really?! You think I'm actually ready?" A surprised Harry responded.

"Yeah, I do. You know the spells and can even cast pretty much all of them silently and with fewer wand movements. All your missing is raw power and experience. So I believe it's time." I responded with a reassuring look and encouraging tone.

"Great! I'll start reading through it again to get ready! I won't let you down!" A now really excited Harry said as he ran out of the room.

"Guess that book meant a lot more than I thought if he's that excited and already read through it a few times." I say to myself as I look to the open door. "Time to go home and get use to living with the in-law then."

This chapter was kinda tedious to write after the last one in all honesty. I’m gonna see what I can do about that.

But anyway, here’s some fallout from a Fudge POV, hope I did it right.

Wanted some fluff because it made me feel happy to write. And yes Mama Travers is being released into Tory’s care since it does make sense.

And finally Aedan is continuing to tell Harry and his friends what’s going on, while showing a path to getting stronger and more confident in himself.


Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts
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