
Ch. 100 Back to School

The article itself doesn't make any direct issues for Tory and I in all honesty. For her the risks and annoyances come from her father, which I am handling by having complete control over his communications, easily done since he doesn't have a Box. I know how nobles are and they will try to get an engagement arranged between their inbred nitwits and my girl, like hell I'm letting that happen. So I managed the meager amount of mail he would receive and just sent him a bunch of money for the proper engagement between me and her, on the condition it be kept secret until we have both graduated from Hogwarts. He would then receive the other half of what i paid. Although I am a half-blood, I still am a noble heir, with a vast fortune, the best wizard of my generation by far, with connections, and a growing business, making me a very attractive candidate.

My annoyances are coming from increasingly fanatical mail. As more people read my books, more of them are ravenously asking for explanations and clarifications about how I was able to figure all this stuff out. Academic studies of my ideas and results are already underway. And worst of all, someone somehow got a picture of me and sent it Witch Weekly Magazine. You have no idea of the fan mail I'm getting out of this. And I'm not sure if this is good or not, but Christian and James are also involved in this. There was even a vote held for what type readers preferred. Christian was the wild passionate type lover, James was the gentle and caring type, and apparently i was determined to be the protective and dominating type. Didn't help when Victoria just kinda agreed to what they said. It really didn't help that my two friends were turning into attractive men as well.

What can you do? Tilly was apparently more than happy to go through these letters instead of trying to find things to do. Made her sing a little tune while sorting the mountain of letters. Gotta admit that sometimes their mad desire for work does come in handy.

But this did give me the opportunity to start communicating with a variety of experts and masters in the fields of potions, Herbology, Arithmancy and Runes. I was building a wide array of academic relationships. You never know what might come in useful in the future and who will come up with the next great idea. It also helped establish my name as an expert much quicker as well.

So all in all, not a total loss.

The holidays ended on an odd, but ok note because of all the attention I was getting, but it was soon time to return to Hogwarts.

We got to the platform even earlier than usual to avoid any issues, Aunty even went as far as putting notice-me-not charms on everyone. It was for good reasons too since I spotted 8 journalists, 15 prowling witches, and many others were simply on the lookout for any signs of their recently famous schoolmates. So with a quick goodbye, we all went inside the train.

Sometime later, as Tory and I were enjoying our last bit of time together as a couple for a while, a commotion was brewing outside the train as people rushed towards the platforms entrance. I could here loud voices, some cameras going off, yelling and lots of movement. That's when we could notice our two friends popping in together, trying to fight their way through the horde of people.

"Should we go and help them?" I asked Tory feeling a bit bad for the guys.

"I didn't see anything except my man, what about you?" She replied with a mischievous look in her eyes as she lay in my arms.

"You know what? You're right. I guess I was seeing things outside and should be paying attention to my girl." I said with a grin as I pulled her even closer.

So we got a few more minutes of time to ourselves before I could sense our two friends approaching our cabin and we separated.

"Bloody hell! What is wrong with those people?" Complained Christian as he came in a bit disheveled.

"That is rather unpleasant. Are they going to act like this all the time though?" Questioned a relieved James, now that he doesn't have to worry so much.

"Haha! Yeah, you two are either going to have to get used to it, learn how to be stealthy, be so rude or cold they have no choice but to leave you alone, or wait for the buzz to cool down." I answer with a wide grin.

"Christian I can see acting like a brute, but James is way too nice to even try it. I bet he'd just give the autographs to everyone who asks." Add Victoria with a chuckle.

"You two could have stopped being in your own little world and helped you know?" Irritably replied Christian with a light glare.

"You think it's bad when they see you two? Imagine what's going to happen if they see me. The only way it doesn't get 3 times worst is if I cow them into silence and that's not a good option. That option makes people feel inferior, then they get huffy, then annoyed, and then they slander." I answered back to my friend.

"Fair enough, but how did you avoid the commotion? Especially with you two coming together. That should have made those people go crazy." Asked James, getting Christian to look at us wondering the same thing.

"We got here really early and Amelia cast a few concealment spells to avoid getting any attention." Answered Tory as-matter-a-factly.

"Amelia?" James questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"We decided to tell my aunt and Suz about us during the break. It went well, plus it's not like they weren't familiar with each other." I answered for her.

"That's great Tory. First step is getting the in-laws on your side. After that your golden even when it's his fault." Exclaimed a chuckling Christian.

"I am happy for the two of you. But are you going to be OK Tory? Your father will most likely see the article about all of us as well." Worriedly asked James.

"Aedan said he would take care of it and we promised each other to find our own place during the summer." She said tenderly looking at me.

"Yeah it's all fine, plus I'm pretty sure we're going to be engaged soon." I answered with a bright smile.

"""What?!?""" Came their very surprised responses.

"Aedan, what do you mean by that?" Softly asked Tory.

"Well, I was worried that with Tory's excellence being exposed, being a pureblood, your father being how he is and other supremacists being how they are, that I should stop any possible troubles. So I'm currently controlling the mail and floo of the Travers family and I sent him a very nice offer for your hand. And just so I don't get in trouble, this is to stop others from trying to take you from me in some bullshit legal manner, and I will propose to you properly once we can properly live together." I explain seriously.

The two guys look at me in an almost impressed manner.

"And you didn't think to tell me?" Asked Victoria in a low voice.

"I didn't want to get engaged with a contract, so I wanted to keep it a secret until I could do it properly and have a ring ready." I answered honestly.

It was like being in front of a real lioness as she looked at me with narrowed eyes, not speaking a word. Which in her case, it's not far from the truth.

But then she wrapped her arms around me in what was almost an attempt to crush my bones through a hug.

"Thank you Aedan. You always do these things for me, even giving money to that man." She said as she had her face buried in my chest.

"I told you that you were mine. I'll do anything to keep it that way." I softly replied as i stroked he silky smooth hair.

So the atmosphere of the cabin was turning pink, while the two guys were there being a bit awkward at basically being forgotten.


"I know you two are usually well behaved, but this is a bit too much in front of two bachelors." Said James as he broke us out of our moment, while Christian was just shaking his head.

"Well, I can't say anything for you James, but I'm pretty sure Christian has some interest in that little 2nd year. Maybe in a few years when she grows up it'll be you two." Replied Victoria with a knowing smile on her face.

"Wait! What? No! Luna is like a little sister. Yeah. I just can't leave such a cute and interesting girl alone so I protect her. Like a bunny even." He defended himself in a fluster.

We all just look at his reaction and grin widely.

"It's not like thaaaaaaat!" He exclaimed in near despair.

So we got into chatting about our holidays after that little bit of fun. Enjoyed some lighthearted time together. Made some simple but good memories.

The the train finally started moving and it was time to fulfill our duties and maintain some level of order in the compartments. It was different this time due to the sheer looks of awe amongst the students that had read the articles about us, or the blushing girls averting their gazes, and some people fidgeting in their seats while they were trying to decide whether to approach us or not. This was all pretty standard for me, but a new experience for my friends. Aside from our new fans, nothing troublesome happened on our trip back. No second Dementor attack either. I'm guessing they are busy looking around Hogsmeade by now. And Harry isn't here either.

Anyway, Hogwarts soon became lively again with the hundreds of students returning to its halls.

I even got a visit from a huffy Harry, complaining about how Hermione got his new Firebolt taken by McGonagall to make sure it isn't cursed. My only response was very simple.

"Harry, i know you love Quidditch and have been dreaming about that broom, but are you sure how you are acting right now is fair? You received a very expensive gift, from an unknown person, just when your broom has been broken. It is already suspicious enough, without adding to the fact that Black is on the loose. So tell me, is it fair to treat your friend who doesn't want you to get hurt or die, like you are now, simply because you will not be able to play with that broom for maybe one game this year?" I asked the kid.

This makes Harry look down in some shame for his actions. It's simply because I'm right and he knows it. Hermione just doesn't want her friend to be hurt. So although Ron is mad at her for the conflicts between his 'beloved rat' and her cat, Harry should not treat the poor girl like this.

"You're right Aedan. I was too happy about getting the broom and hurt my friend who was trying to protect me. I think I'll go apologize now." He answered in a low voice as he was ashamed of himself.

"Although it never feels good to admit your faults, it is also right to do so. It will let you grow as an understanding and broadminded person. I am happy if you can sincerely make up with her, you are her best friend after all and it must be hurting her a lot. I can't help with the cat chasing after a rat though, it's simply natural." I say to the growing boy.

He nods at me with determination and heads off to find his friend.

I can’t believe this is the 100th chapter I wrote. In a month. I wrote all this in 1 month, with only my cellphone. I kind of feel weird and proud that my little fan-fic I felt like writing has gotten this far. Thanks for reading so far everyone.

I think I’ll take the rest of the day off to recharge a bit and enjoy other people’s works, then jump back into it.


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