
Ch. 49 Hogwarts Abuzz

I got the golden trio back to their dorm without anyone seeing me, but before I headed back I saw they wanted to say something.

"What's up firsties?" I ask with a grin.

"Thank you so much for saving me Aedan!" Said Hermione with her face being back to red when looking at me.

"Haha! No problem at all Hermione!" I responded as I ruffle her bushy hair. "Like i said, you're like a little sister and I would know cause I basically raised one. If you could be friends with her that'd be great too, but no need to force things."

"You were wicked! I didn't know anyone could take on a troll like that!" Then exclaimed a star struck Ron.

"Well, that's because people can't." I answer and get a confused look.

"I'm different from most people and I'm kind of perversely gifted in magic. Every spell I used was one modified through Arithmancy to be stronger in various ways. My studies in magizoology allowed me to thoroughly understand the troll and my in-depth combat training helped me put the two together to earn such a victory. I don't want you three getting the wrong idea about fighting trolls alright." I explained and warned. This made Ron quiet down as he couldn't even imagine how much studying and training it would take to do what I did.

Hermione though understood what I said and had both stars and fire in her eyes.

"But still, thanks for taking care of the professors for us. I don't even want to think about Snape would've have done. But are you going to be ok? You kind of questioned The Dumbledore." Asked a worried Harry.

"If the man couldn't handle being questioned then he would have left his posts a long time ago Harry, don't you worry about that." I answer with a smile.

"Now! You three head into your houses, but do be warned that you'll probably get a lot of questions. You can tell them what happened, but keep quiet about the talk with the professors or at least keep it to the bear minimum. Also, be prepared for many to doubt you since a 4th year destroying a troll is not something many wizards will accept, but there's no need to care or defend me. I've been dealing with people since I got to Hogwarts due to my looks and grades. Oh and if you ever need some help with homework or spells, my Exchange will always welcome anyone. Hermione knows where and when, so you can ask her." I say in a reassuring and calm manner as I gives each of them a hair rub.

"Alright then. Goodnight to the three of you and Hermione, you are safe. That beast can not harm you. Do not fear it, make it a source of determination to grow and be better next time." I advise the hard working girl as I leave.

-in an office filled with paintings of old men and women sleeping.

"We have to talk about this Albus! Everything Mr. Bones said was true! The worst possible choices were made when we handled the situation. If any of this reaches the parents or if Mr. Bones just sends word of this to his aunt, we could find ourselves under a lot of scrutiny." Said McGonagall in a slight panic.

"I know Minerva, I know. But the past cannot be changed, so what can we do about this?Harry, Mr. Weasley and Ms. Granger have all seen and heard everything and knowing their house, they are certainly being interrogated about their whereabouts. It will have to depend on what they say." Answered Dumbledore with a sigh at the debacle his scheme has led him into.

"There might be another issue Headmaster." Carefully said Snape.

"What is it Severus?" Asked Dumbledore curiously.

"The Bones boy is very skilled in the mind arts, both offensive and defensive, and unfortunately I may have tried to influence his mind when he was being disrespectful." He answered trying to phrase things ambiguously.

"By Merlin's beard Severus. You used Legilimency on the heir of a noble house! If he knows he could have you arrested! He is the nephew of Amelia Bones for Merlin's sake! How could you do this!" Shooter an outraged McGonagall.

"Calm yourself Minerva." Interrupted the Headmaster.

"But Albus, this is a serious issue!" She responded trying to get a solution out of the man.

"Minerva. It will be alright." He said with a now weary sigh, but then looked at Snape.

"Does he know?" He simply asked the man.

"Yes" was the simple answer that came out of a very unwilling man.

"Very well then. It seems I must meet the boy sooner rather than later." The old man finally declared. "But we will have to see the effects of events during the next few days before we do anything."

"Severus, Minerva, please make sure everything is secure and no such incidents happen in the immediate future. I will take care of Mr. Bones." Finally instructed the Headmaster.

-Back to our regularly scheduled POV

I snuck back into my house dorms to find most students went to their rooms since there was nothing they could do. So they did the only thing Ravenclaws ever do, study. Except for Christian who was waiting for me.

"So, hows was your adventure?" He asked with a bit of sass in his voice.

"Oh don't be like that mate. I only snuck out to go and get Hermione. She was crying in a bathroom from getting bullied and I wanted to make sure the girl got to her dorm safe." I explained to my friend, and since he knows me, he understands that is a very likely reason for me disappearing.

"So why'd it take so long?" He then asked.

"Well, it seems the troll had a similar idea." I answer awkwardly.

"Morgana's Tits! Is the girl alright?!" He exclaimed in shock.

"Oh she's all ok. She had a few scratches and a good scare but she's ok. But how come you don't ask your best friend if he's ok after encountering a troll." I say with fake sadness.

"Like a troll could beat you! You could probably beat it up bare-handed! You think I'll be worried when you could use your magic?" He replied with a snort.

"You make me sound like a monster." I then answer in 'despair'.

"That's cause you aren't far from it." He teased.

"Nooooo!" ToT (this explains it all)

"But seriously. What are you going to do? The whole school is going to know about by tomorrow." He asked worrying about me for real right now.

"Honestly speaking, in the long run it's either going to mark me as a powerful and deadly wizard, the prophets probably gonna run a Skeeter article on how I'm the next dark lord or whatever and when have I ever given a shit about what people think of me? Honestly speaking, if people in Hogwarts who've ever interacted with me suddenly think I'm the next dark lord because of one stupid article, then good riddance. Second long term effect would be that it's just going to be taken as an over-embellished story people will forget about within the year. Short term will be a lot of debate of the validity of the story, some people believing because of my previous demonstrations of knowledge and ability, and others trying to smear dirt all over my name as they take whatever chance they can to soil my image." I systematically answer my good friend.

"Sometimes it's really reassuring how you can just break down possible results like that. Makes me feel like I overreacted and lets me see some stuff clearly. But the article might be an issue." Says my relieved, but still slightly worried friend.

"I've got an answer for that already, don't you worry." I say while patting his shoulder. "Now let's get some sleep."

After a good nights rest, it was time to see the result of my actions. I had already sent a message explaining what happened to Tory and James before going to bed, so they would be kept in the loop and learn about it from me. It also stops me from getting into trouble with them.

No one in my dorm knew yet because no one noticed my absence and the our house ghost, the Grey Lady, doesn't talk to anyone. So I headed to the Great Hall with Christian after our morning run, him for Quidditch and me for fitness, to grab some breakfast. When we came in everyone turned to look at us, making Christian have a wry smile and i just keep smiling calmly as we head to our table. I notice Victoria and James have the same expressions as Christian, while the golden trio look guilty, to which I just give them a warm smile to reassure them it was ok. But like I said to Christian last night, I'm really used to being stared at.

The professors were also looking at me with curiosity, except for Snape who was almost giving me open hostility. I think I'll make that 4 times the homework for him and 8 times for Quirrell~.

So for the next two weeks, the story of me obliterating a troll while protecting the boy-who-lived circled around Hogwarts. The professors tried to contain the story, but like that's going to work.

The responses were pretty much within my expectations. With those either jealous or hateful towards me trying to smear my name and reputation as some sort of lying, power hungry and violent man. But the overwhelming response by the female student body was crushing anyone who dared attack the not only ethereally handsome, intelligent and kind guy, but he was now also incredibly strong and protective too. There was apparently a few, shall we say, female friendly books being distributed amongst the girls at Hogwarts, and Victoria got her hands on one and couldn't look at me straight for the rest of the day.

The Exchange was doing even better now that I had proven my magical skill and strength in such an overwhelming manner. More people wanted to get practical advice and help in understanding their classes, which also ended up creating an influx of people to help the younger kids and for peers to help each other. It was a great bit of publicity.

So far, the story hasn't been caught by the Prophet. This is most likely due to Dumbledore messing with the owl deliveries to ensure the news wasn't leaked out and put the school in trouble. But I'm honestly surprised I haven't been called to the old man's office. I've shown tremendous intelligence, drive and ambition, with a now clear display of power and some issues with how things are handled. Thought I'd finally wrung enough alarm bells in the mans head. I've even interacted with Harry and left a very favorable impression, the biggest alarm for Dumbledore in all likelihood.

'But I guess he's waiting for things to cool down a bit and until he has a firm grasp on the situation and an understanding of whatever plans he thinks I have.' I thought to myself about the Headmaster.

'Oh well, not my problem wether or not he's paranoid. Time to work on that broom.' I then think to myself as I pump myself up.

Fairly simple chapter. With reactions from friends, teachers and school in general.

Wanted to add a little joke in there too, just cause he’s supposed to be that good looking.


Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts
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