
Ch. 40 Respect is earned

As the school year ends and everyone heads to the Hogwarts Express, me and my friends are walking together and chatting about summer plans. Christian's parents usually just kidnap the guy for the summer and go wherever unusual plants and creatures may be found, he says they're going to Australia this year, but from what I know, normal Australian creatures dangerous enough, can't imagine the magical ones. James will be spending his time at home mostly, but his family will also be taking a trip abroad, apparently to America. But Victoria is nervous about her summer as she will be stuck in her abusive home. So as we found an empty cabin, I lock and conceal it.

"Alright, Victoria I have a few things to give you and say before you head home." I turn towards my friend.

"I know the situation sucks so I will leave you with a goody bag." I say as I pull out a pouch from my pouch.

"This contains various subtle tools which can help you during your stay. The first is for when your father drinks. It's a set of candles designed to lull to sleep person or calm a person an enraged one, with its pair to be used in your own room in order for you not to succumb to its effects. You can light the sleep inducing one anywhere and the sent will spread throughout the house, hence stopping any acts before they can even happen. This necklace is a personal ward stone I've been working on. This side is made to send healing pulses when magic is consciously supplied and simply saying 'comfort' to it, while the other side serves to give a very sneaky protective layer on your body to protect you from harm, so if you fake it he won't know you aren't hurting. The third is that we've temporarily given you the authority to call for Tilly when you need food or supplies. Fourth is this, a modified book to store what you need to hide. And lastly, I've gotten permission from my aunt that if anything too drastic occurs or you feel something very bad is about to happen, you can use this letter to escape to my place." I explain very seriously.

"Thank you Aedan." She says as she wipes her moist eyes. "Thank you for worrying so much, it means a lot."

"Oh c'mon, you're making us look bad for not helping her out too." Lamented Christian.

"I do feel bad, but I can't give you a letter to visit. I'm from a muggle family and it could make things worse. But if you need to escape and have nowhere to go, here's my address. We'll be gone for the last two weeks of July, but I'll be home all summer after." Said James, ignoring our wild friends lament.

"You traitor!" Exclaimed as a result.

"Thanks you guys. It means a lot. And I know you won't be able to help because of your parents Christian, don't worry." She answered with a giggle at Christian's actions. "I'll just hold it against you for a year or so." She added with a deadpanned expression, to which he immediately over reacted.

But this lifted the heavy air in the cabin and we could talk and laugh until we reached Kings Cross.

We said our goodbyes and separated. I went home with a happy Susan and a lightly smiling Amelia. When we got home, there was the over excited Tilly and a wonderful meal to celebrate my vacation and outstanding results. Aunty couldn't be prouder that I've been an O+ student since I got there.

After a well deserved night of catching up and rest, it was time for my summer to begin. I have a lot of management to oversee and projects to begin.

My official projects, regarding the opening of BonesWorks and it's current products, are well underway. Everything has been done to the book and through ministry approval. My two original products have been certified by the ministry's testers, and my personal wards are being reviewed later this summer due to its recent development. I mean, I know it's good, but this is under the Bones family name, so I will follow the law and respect my aunts authority in this area. I do feel guilty keeping her in the dark about the Micheal Folster stuff, especially since I'm bribing people to certify my products without alerting some wealthy and important supremacists. The cedar forest is now functioning extremely well, a second and third have been started to meet expected demands for the vanishing box. The werewolf communities were incredibly thankful for this opportunity, where they can get respectable jobs, under an honorable family, with proper pay, care and respect from their employers. Word quickly got out and many wished to lend their skills which are ignored because of their conditions. This lead me to hiring many for the production of my quills and the procurement of materials. Because of all this, Geri was crying tears of joy and gratitude while repeatedly thanking me the last time we met up.

I was told that her name was also getting some more value since this has happened. It hurt her prestige when she swore to follow me, but with the results of her decision being so overwhelmingly positive in trend, her name is becoming respected again.

For my other personas projects, I decided to summon the original twelve people who have been in charge of the various businesses and have a luncheon at 'my' house. With a letter to Mr. Scott Cross everything has been arranged. It was organized to be a simple meal, where people in charge could discuss various bits of information, brag to each other, get to know one another more. Everyone showed up to it, i mean why wouldn't they? I'm their boss, benefactor, supplier and founder, it would mean something very happened if they didn't.

"It is good to see you all again after a very productive year from everyone. I want to thank you all again for agreeing to create so many projects with me and not dismissing me due to my age and lack of true experience. And I must also thank you for managing the parts all of you have been assigned to magnificently." I opened after everyone had finished with the excellently cooked food.

"Please Mr. Folster, it should be us thanking you. Thanks to you, me and my wife can work in every journalists dream; a newspaper they can publish the truth in, not just try to sell copies. Although we cannot compete with the Prophet at the moment, I have no doubt we can achieve it in the future." Replied Mr. Cromwell, the man I had put in charge of the Herald.

"Julian is right. It's been refreshing not having to do those crap stories to fool people into thinking everything was alright." Agreed his wife.

"Yes, I hope it can continue be so. I've actually had an idea to employ the ghosts residing across England to gain interesting bit of lost history, haunted areas, gossip unknown to any but them. It could prove to be an interesting addition to the paper. If you think the idea has merit I hope it can be adopted." I say pitching my idea.

"That's brilliant Mr. Folster! We could get the ghosts and tempt them by giving them something to distract them in their stagnent lives or deaths." Exclaimed the usually quiet Mr. Stone.

"Yes, I will certainly try to implement it." Murmured Mr. Cromwell as his gears were turning.

"I would also like to extend my deepest gratitude Mr. Folster. You have allowed me to finally achieve my dream of becoming a master potions maker. Thank you." Interjected Mr. Mathews.

"It was my pleasure Master Mathews. Your ideas were perfectly in line with my ideals to help push forward our stagnating community and as a bonus, It was through the work of a brilliant Muggle-born. Helping get the recognition you deserve was basically my duty. Oh before I forget, I have new notes for the shop. Some for potions and the others for your machines as they gave me some inspiration. You are free to do as you wish with the information. Ignore it, use it, or even improve on it. I await to see you climb further." I replied with a smile.

"Please. I cannot let you call me Master in Good conscience. You are without a doubt an equal in the field, as such please call me Timothy or Tim Mr. Folster." He said in a rush.

"Then it would seem you must call me Micheal then Tim." I replied with a calm smile.

"Thank you Sir. Micheal." He answered with tears in his eyes. I decided to let the man address me as he did. I've earned his respect and will not insult his pride in stopping him.

"Although Mr. Mathews is more emotional than me, I must still express my deepest gratitude Mr. Folster. You have given me my title back and let me be at the forefront of new Herbology, unseen in the world yet. The farms you've given me to manage are soon to be running at peek production and we will begin to sell our harvests into the market. And If you would permit it, I would like to call you Sir. Micheal as well. Although young, you are certainly a genius without match and have earned my respect." Said the matronly Madam Chambers.

"I would be honored to be called such by you Madam Chambers. You are a woman I admire greatly. I've also gotten a new set of notes for some rare plants. I'm sure you'll enjoy them and possibly use them to reach new heights." I say to the woman. And I do genuinely admire her. She has been through a lot in her life and still, she is here, moving forward.

"Oh, I adore your notes! And please I cannot let you call me Madam. Melody will do." She said with stars in her eyes at the thought of new notes.

"You are certainly impressive sir. Micheal. The facilities you've built for me are beyond top-notch. You're also supplying top of the line equipment to every employee to ensure maximum efficiency. With your help and Miss Geri's, we now have almost fifty men trained properly. Although the minister is continually cutting the Auror department, with the help of Miss Summers, we've been able to get 19 people into the enforcement divisions. And they are reporting that they have been greatly productive." Added Mr. Gunn. He was actually the first to call me sir. It has to do with the fact that he knows what I'm trying to prepare, for when V-dog comes back and the fact that I was able to best him in combat, not duel. He was impressed and I earned his respect.

"That is very good Mr. Gunn. I wished we could get more people into other departments, but it has been hard. I will also be setting up a second training ground, in a more public manner for you to use with less secrecy. It should help you recruit more members and you can simply bring those you believe are trustworthy to the secure site for in-depth training." I say to the man, which gets a nod to show he understands.

"Actually, Mr. Micheal. There have been a few people from other departments who have shown some interest in the things advocated by the center. I think I could convince them to help with that." Said the playful hit-wizard Elaine.

"That is brilliant Elaine. Thank you for that information." I say to the woman.

"My pleasure. Gotta do something to earn my keep after you got me training, equipment, information, promotions and got that fucking creep off my back." Said the girl nonchalantly, but I know she is very thankful.

"Your time will come Elaine." I say seriously.

"Ms. Holmes. I believe Mr. Wall will be more than enough to handle the FIRM center now that more staff has been hired and more administrators are present. I will want you to be in charge of being the contact point for these employees and hope you can help more Muggle-borns get jobs in the ministry through them." I say turning to the very well endowed woman.

"Ufufu. It will be my pleasure sir. Micheal. I will see if any of my old friends in the department of transportation will be willing to hire anyone." She answered with a small smile.

"Thank you for taking this job." I say with a slight bow.

"I guess it's finally my turn then?" Said Mr. Wall. "The center is doing well. We have a steady flow of people who know they can look for proper jobs. Some businesses in the alley have actually put some adds that they are looking to hire as well and I'm currently holding talks with some out of country industries to see if they could participate as well. I believe that the center will be too crowded if we continue to sell the paper and add in the gadgets you and Mr. Norm will be providing." He said while indicating to Arthur Norm, the skilled enchanter and runes expert who has recently joined.

"I agree with you Mr. Wall, that is why a venue has already been prepared for the Herald on it's own. A place for it to grow properly. I will repurpose the space it is currently occupying to host classes. These will be for people trying to improve themselves, gain skills to get jobs, and in the summer it will mostly serve to allow children from muggle houses to be able to practice and learn magic legally. I will also try to get experts in various fields to hold seminars, but that is for the future." I say already two step ahead of the issue.

"Then it seems I truly have nothing to worry about sir. Micheal." He answered with a grin.

"Now then. Mr. Norm there is no need to be worried or nervous, I wish to know if anything will be required or if anything can be improved regarding the production of the enchanted muggle tools." I say facing the final and newest member who should have something to report.

"Yes sir. Thank you for your time everyone and it is a pleasure to know sir. Micheal has so many other competent members in his circle. I hope I can help in whatever form I can and for those who don't know me, I am Arthur Norm and I will be in charge of the Muggle Toy Box. It will be a company with the goal of introducing small but useful pieces of the mundane side to wizards." He said with a slight bow to everyone. "There have been no issues with the supply chain and facilities you have provided Sir. Micheal, and the employee training is going quite well. Everything is on the schedule we have established with Mr. Cross." He reported as if I was a general.

"That is very good. But please let me know if there are any issues. I will not be upset. I would be more upset if a problem was hidden and bigger problems emerged later. I want to produce the best we can give. No need rush it either, if delays happen they happen." I said to the man who nods with a thoughtful expression.

"Now. I have two announcements. First is that I want to know if anyone finds a suitable candidate for my next venture, which involves the introduction of apartments to wizards. It has already been employed in France and I think it would help the many homeless in our society, create more jobs, help muggle-Borns settle themselves in the wizarding world better and possibly help create more wizard communities in Britain. Secondly, I've received an interesting invention from a like-minded person. They are called vanishing boxes, a tool which shall be introduced to the public before next year. It serves to instantaneously send messages to others holding one. This person has crafted these to be used as a means for either important or urgent news within your charges to reach me or Mr. Cross wherever we might be. These will only be able to communicate with each other so that no one can intercept or tamper with them." I say having Scott hand them out to everyone.

"I believe that is all. I think I will make this kind of meeting a yearly event. Until then I hope you all great success and progress in your goals. Thank you for your time everyone." I announce to conclude the luncheon, allowing everyone to leave.

I know some people will say it’s like Muggle conspiracy, but I’m still trying to make it my own thing. There’s only so many paths when your trying to reach the same goal T-T.

But anyway, enjoy Aedan’s growing authority and influence.

Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts
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