
Ch. 32 Why is it always Slytherin?

For the next few months things were going great.

My student exchange room was starting to pick up some steam as Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs from Third year and below started to frequent the place. No one from the snakes or lions had come yet. The snakes being less of a surprise than the lions since I do have a bit of a relationship with the red headed twins. No older students have come either, I think it's their pride stopping them since asking someone from a lower year for help, since it would lead to some mocking. I even decided to hold a little pre-Halloween feast party with those who came for a little fun.

A really big surprise was when Christian decided to try out for the Quidditch team. An even bigger surprise came when he became one of the chasers for the team. Me and James were really supportive of him and wondered if we could do anything to help our friend, but couldn't really come up with anything. I think I'll be able to come to see his matches and support him if I convince Madam Pomfrey that I can act as an on site medic when they play. She was actually on board with the idea, saying it would test my skills and judgment to see which I could heal properly and which I couldn't and get help for.

The first actually troublesome event was when some older Slytherins actually tried to break into the room and were simply repelled. This caused for them to accuse me of banning them as they got Professor Snape on their side.

"Hello Professor, what can I do for you?" I asked politely.

"It seems you do not welcome students of my house Mr. Bones, something which you explicitly said you would and even put traps to harm them as they entered." Said Snape as was trying to intimidate me into admitting fault.

"Did I now? That's something I am wholly unaware of as there are no defenses at all when the room is scheduled to be opened. Aside from that I had Professor Flitwick's permission and supervision when I installed a simple ward to stop those with ill intent from opening the door when it is not time for the exchange." I explained, covering all my bases perfectly. "Can I ask why several older students where trying to enter the room when it was clearly not an operational day?"

Although Snape is kind of a git and would take away a lot of points and give punishment liberally to other houses, he also knows that he cannot justify anything of the accusations, especially such easily proven facts and with everything I've done being permitted.

"What is going on here Mr. Bones? Why have called me and are being interrogated by Professor Snape?" Squeaked my own head of house from behind me.

"Oh, thank you for coming so quickly Professor. It seems that some older students tried to get in the room with ill intent today and are accusing me of refusing to allow Slytherin students to participate after they were repulsed." I answered the Professor.

"Is this true Severus?" Then asked Flitwick.

"You've given permission for the boy to set up wards in the castle Filius?" Then asked Snape in response.

"Of course! With the permission of the Headmaster I was allowed to setup the ward, but Mr.Bones wished to try his hand at it after studying the subject and succeeded perfectly. I was very proud of him when he did so." Answered Flitwick with obvious pride in his voice.

"Hmph." Simply responded Snape as he figured out that he can't do anything and that his students are entirely in the wrong. And so he left in a huff as the older kids glare at me like it's my fault I wasn't punished for something stupid they tried to do. I think one of them might have been that really ugly quidditch captain of their team. Can't remember the name of that guy, but he certainly didn't help the 'purebloods are superior' image that's certain.

That little event ended for a bit anyway, but a few days later some of them tried to corner me as I was walking to the exchange room with Christian and James.

"You're gonna regret making fools out of us pretty boy." Said the ugly guy, I finally remembered that his name was Marcus Flint. Typical bully, believes himself better than others and clever, but is simply a cheating idiot. He repeated a year and simply did not have any redeeming traits aside apparently being a good enough flyer to be a chaser.

"How? Gonna make me look like you troll face? Honestly how pathetic are you? You can't make it through a simple ill-intent Ward. You whine to your head of house after you completely fail to do bad deeds with no proof or evidence to support any of your claims. And now here you are, with some fifth and sixth years to try and bully three third years like it'll somehow not make you look even worse than you already do in the eyes of everyone else." I reply with stinging jabs and enough venom in my words to even make an idiot like him realize how pathetic he his.

"You're going to be the pathetic one as soon as we're done with you!" He yelled out in rage.

"Wow. Great response troll face. Are those the most words you've ever been able to say?" Replied Christian with his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"You little half-blood shits. You and your mudblood think you're so tough? Well fine! Kick their asses!" Yelled Marcus.

That one word made both me and Christian stop laughing.

"Chris, James, you two go get a professor aside from Snape and then go tell Madam Pomfrey that some idiots are going to visit. You know how strong I am so no arguing on this one." I said, leaving no rooms for questions on this.

Christian smiles thinking about how strong his friend is physically and James still worries but knows he can't help here. So they both nod and run.

"Where are you going you little mud-" One of the sixth years tried to yell as my foot kicked him right in the face, making him do an over the top flip after fainting directly and ending on his ass.

Not believing what just happened to their housemate the rest of them freeze as my leg comes down slowly and I set myself in a proper karate stance.

"One down, five to go. Which of you inbred idiots wants the next one?" I then asked with a cold voice.

I wait a few seconds but no ones moving. Even with how strong I am it's still not a good idea to let them surround me with bigger numbers, so I decide to make the first move. Keeping myself light on my feet I suddenly burst into action and arrive in front of a fifth year with brown hair.

"Shit!" Was all he could get out before my jab hit him straight in the face, with a reverse punch to the solar plexus to knock the air out of him and a quick hammer fist to his chin to knock him out. The three hit combo took 2 seconds and I was away from the group again as they stood there not knowing what just happened and their second man goes down. The third target was a shorter fifth year with a rat like face, against whom I used a beautiful roundhouse kick to the head to immediately making him lose consciousness, leaving only three. As they finally realized this wasn't going well the two remaining sixth years charged at me, hoping to pin me down, but I simply dodge the first and trip him as he passes, then I grab the seconds arm, use his own momentum against him to throw him to the floor and strike his head with my fist to stop him from getting up. Marcus just stood there, paralyzed as i knocked out his last guy with a clean hook as he got up.

I take a breath to stabilize my breathing and then walk towards the idiot. He steps back in fear as he sees me approaching.

"Now troll face. It's just you and me." I say to him with a warm smile which would seem like the devils to him. "Let's see if we can make you less ugly with a few bruises. Who knows, with how you look I might actually fix some of those things you call teeth too."

A few minutes later James and Christian came back with Professor McGonagall who was shocked at the sight of six older students laying around the hallway, with me just sitting in the middle of them all and a bunch of students looking at the scene.

"What in merlins name happened here Mr.Bones?" Questioned the Professor with a very serious look on her face.

"Well, a few days ago these six tried to break into the new student exchange room to either mess with it or completely destroy it for some unknown reason. When that didn't work due to a ward on the room permitted by the Headmaster and overseen by Professor Flitwick, they tried to get me in trouble saying I was excluding Slytherin from the exchange. That didn't end well either as all evidence was against them. So today they ambushed me and my friends when we were heading over to open the room for the day with intention of beating us up physically, even using the term mudblood to insult my friend James. So I told them to get a teacher and warn Madam Pomfrey while I took care of things since everything is on my side. I've completely avoided any actual injuries that will require more than a night in the infirmary since I only knocked them out with minimal force." I explained everything to the Professor.

"And Mr.Flint here?" She asked, pointing to the guys face since it had turned purple from a lot of punches.

"He was that ugly when I found him." I answered with a straight face.

All of the students burst out laughing at that sentence. A lot of people had been bullied by the ugly troll and they felt great when they saw him and his crew completely demolished by me. And so they laugh at the situation, the joke and in relief as someone had finally stood up to the bully.

"Sigh. Understood Mr.Bones. If everything is how you say then you are certainly not in the wrong. You may go if there is no need for you to see Poppy as well." Said McGonagall.

I left in a hurry with James and Christian because I could almost feel the angry Snape arriving and I think the professor could too because as I left I could hear her say one phrase.

"Why is it always Slytherin?"

Wanted the guy who looks beyond human to at least experience some bullying attempts in a school with a house full of over inflated heads and tiny brains.

Also he was very good at karate before he died and has been training it and his body since he was reborn. That’s on top of him being physically beyond human.

So just enjoy some asskicking.

Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts
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