
Ch. 12 Lets Shop Properly


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr Bones,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress'

On the second page in the envelope.



First-year students will require:

1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)

2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear

3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

4. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.


All students should have a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore

Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble


1 wand

1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set glass or crystal phials

1 telescope

1 set brass scales

Students may also bring, if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad.



Yours sincerely,

Lucinda Thomsonicle-Pocus

Chief Attendant of Witchcraft Provisions'

'It really came. My Hogwarts letter. The thing that every child who saw the movies or read the books dreamed about when they reach the age of eleven.' I thought after reading over the letters twice.

"Hehehehe!" I excitedly laughed to myself.

"I can finally do it! I can finally start to learn real magic! I can finally get my wand! Haha!" I exclaimed loud enough to get Sol's attention.

She looked at me from her perch and let out a melodious chirp as if to mimic the happiness she could feel from our bond.

It took me a few minutes for my excitement to die down, letting me think properly.

'I'll ask aunt Amelia to let me go get supplies on my own so she won't know about my other vault. I love her, I do, but this needs to be kept secret until I can defend both myself and my family. Too much money can also be a curse.' I thought to myself.

I ran upstairs to her home office and knocked. I took the moment to make myself more presentable before being permitted to come in. I love the woman, but she is a real stickler for rules and etiquette.

"Come in." She simply said

"Hey aunt Amelia, my Hogwarts letter just came in. I sent my reply confirming it already, so all that's left is to go and get my supplies." I informed her with a straight and to the point explanation.

"Good, I'll trust you to get your things with Tilly as your chaperone. You've shown enough maturity to handle that on your own, but I want you to hold off on getting your wand until the weekend. It'll be better to get it after your birthday and i wish to be there for it. I also think it's about time we make you the official heir to the family. You have met and far exceeded my expectations during your studies." She replied, surprising me.

I was all ready to fight to be able to go on my own, but she's going to let me anyway. I mean Tilly is coming with but that's not an issue at all.

"Thank you for your trust aunty, I will do my best to maintain it." I answered with a determined look on my face.

"Alright, now go off to bed Aedan. You will be going out in the morning." She said with a small smile on her face.

"Good night aunt Amelia." I answered as I was leaving the room.

The next morning was pretty exciting for me. I had a quick breakfast, bath and I was ready to go.

We got to the Leaky Cauldron through the floo network. It was apparently a little bit of tradition to go through it when buying your school supplies. I headed off to Gringotts first, because I'm going to need more money than what aunty is allowing Tilly to use.

We walk into the bank and reach Ragnok in his usual spot.

"Hello there Ragnok. May your vaults be full and your enemies pray to never encounter you." I said with the proper respectful greetings of goblins. It usually just involves them having lots of money and people they fight against dying, so it's pretty fun to try different combinations and there's never any harm to making more friends.

"And may your gold keep pilling up at your feet like your enemies young master Bones." He replied with a nod and toothy-smile, which I've kinda gotten used to by this point.

"Now what can Gringotts do for you?" He said getting down to business.

"I wish to buy a bottomless pouch connecting to my private account and to inquire if my previous order has arrived yet." I answered.

"We shall simply take the 10 galleons required for the pouch with your permission and your order certainly has arrived. I am sure you will find it to be exactly as you required." He stated with another smile as he waved his hand, sending another goblin to fetch my order.

A few minutes later I receive the pouch and a small package, which I immediately put into my storage pouch.

"You know how the pouch works. You can only take out the money in your vault and only you and those permitted can do so." He said off-handedly

"Thank you Ragnok. May you find gold wherever you go and your ennemies broken bones form your path." I said before taking my leave.

The first store I visited after leaving was the trunk shop, since I want to make a custom order.

You should have seen the look on the store owners face when I listed my requirements: Dragon hide on the outside, with my initials A.M.B engraved, feather weight charm, unbreakable charm, anti-muggle charm, blood bonded so that only I can access and summon it, shrinking charm with a chain attachment to were it as a necklace, vastly expanded book compartment, ingredient and potions compartments, and a lot of additional space to use as I please. The whole thing cost around 9000 galleons, but money is not an issue and this will be a piece of equipment I'll use for the foreseeable future so it is well spent. Unfortunately it won't be ready until August, but the finished product will speak for itself.

Next was Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, a place where I'll also get a custom job because if I'm going to be wearing something for an entire year I'll make damn sure it's the best I can buy. What's the point of making money if you don't spend it?

I make my way over with Tilly and enter the store, seeing a squat, smiling witch who was dressed in mauve clothing and grey hair styled in an interesting upwards fashion.

"Hogwarts, dear? Well come in and set yourself up in the room on the right. I have to finish up with these two girls first." She said quickly after seeing my nod.

So I walked over to the fitting room and wait for a few minutes.

The short witch comes in and wastes no time getting started measuring with gusto. I order the three sets needed made of Acromantula silk, because of it minor spell resistance and comfortable feel, self ironing and repair charms, as well as a minor self adjusting charm to keep up with my growth during the year. I also asked if it's possible to mix a bit of dragon hide into the robe, but unfortunately not. The total still ended being about 450 galleons after everything was said and done, and the order would be ready in a few days. Although I do need to say that she tried to throw in a discount if I would be a model for her designs, and it was really hard to keep turning her down due to her persistance.

Next was Scribbulus Writing Instruments. I entered the shop filled with display cabinets with beautiful quills of every color and feather I could think of, with finely engraved tips to complete them. I stepped towards the counter and found an elderly wizard in brown ink splattered robes waiting there. I placed two custom orders; one is to turn three of Sol's feathers into properly made quills, and let me tell you he was ecstatic to be able to work with Phoenix feathers, to the point that he swore it would be some of his best work, and I also ordered two self writing quills with enchantments letting me input the information I wish to write on it to free myself from the constantly looming wave of homework written about in the books. He said it should be done by the end of the day and that he would send the quills to my home.

Slug & Jiggers Apothecary was quick. I ordered two of the standard pewter cauldrons required, i mean it's really unlikely in mess up any potion taught at Hogwarts but better safe than sorry. I got two sets of ingredients, some not required in class, but I didn't over do it cause I can always order more through the mail. And finally a set of custom potions equipment, with a reinforced cauldron and goblin made vials and tools, stuff that would give even Snape a hard on.

Now, I've been to Flourish and Blotts before, but it's always been as a reward for doing well during my tutoring. But this time I had no reason to hold back. I bought every book that caught my attention. Standard Hogwarts material years 1-7 for every class, books on more mundane spells, party spells, lesser known potions, magical theory, care for magical creatures books and I even found some dueling books hidden in the shelves. I may have also headed to Borgin and Burkes quickly to buy some older and more, shall we say, difficult to obtain books.

And my final stop of the day was Eeylops Owl Emporium because although I had Sol, she was my friend and partner, so I'm not using her as a delivery service. Plus if she can get friendly with the new owl, she'll have a friend to fly around together with and be able to have fun even when I'm busy. And so I purchased a wonderful white and beige female barn owl, which I named Artemis.

With everything I was permitted to buy ordered or obtained, i stopped and got Susan a treat because we left her home alone and headed back.

On a side note, Sol was not just a little peeved at the sight of Artemis and it took a lot of convincing to make her understand why I got her. It took a few days and a good amount of bribes, but she finally got around to agreeing.

I just wanted him to go on a shopping spree. Is that so bad?

Wand is coming up next chapter.

Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts
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