
June Stuff ... Talk Show and Sh*t (1) (SKIPPABLE FILLER)

((AUTHOR's NOTE: Don't take Tayaw's opinions on women seriously.)

June 6, 2013 - Friday 5 PM - Studio 29, Beverly Blvd. LA, CA. 

Yarag has urged Tayaw again to appear in Aiden's show for promotion. Tayaw, liking Aiden's style of hosting and the freedom it allows him to have, agreed immediately which resulted to him appearing on tonight's episode. 

"Isaac Yawat everyone!" Aiden introduces Tayaw to the studio audience.

*APPLAUSE* *CHEER* The studio audience are also pleased with the guest.

Da Bellum Burning folks meanwhile play one of Tayaw's songs in their own instrumental version. 

Tayaw then enters the studio and just like his previous appearance in the show, does not immediately join Aiden by the stage but instead gives high fives to some of the audience, especially to Payew who is in the front seats.

The show's crew and producers are also not as anxious as during Tayaw's first guest appearance.

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