
Nova vs Topaz, End of Volume 1

"Laaaaadies and gentlemeeen! Weeeelcome to the finals of the Vytal Festival Tournament!" The announcer exclaimed.

The crowd cheered extremely loud.

"These two competitors have fought tooth and nail to get here today! Without further a due, let's introduce these two fighters for the last time!"

The inside of the arena was pitch black until a spot light shot out, illuminating a figure.

"On the left side, we have the girl with power equal to her fiery passsion, Nooooova Gaaaarnet!"

Nova appeared the same as she has through all of the fights except that the ribbon on her waist was tied even more around her, leaving only a small amount hanging behind her.

Suddenly, another spotlight shown another figure on the opposite side.

"On the right side, we have the man with the power of a titan, Toooooopaz Tiiiiiitan!"

Topaz looked different, was the thought that went through most people's mind first.

Gone was his red cloak, leaving him with his skin-tight black shirt, grey gauntlets that covered his hands, red pants, and his black shoes.

Which showed off...


"Topaz is a faunus?" Sola asked, surprised.

"Did you guys know?" Kali asked.

"Yeah." Qrow muttered.

"But he didn't want people to know about it." Raven continued.

"So, why did he decide to show it?" Dawn asked, curious.

"Maybe he decided that he would go all out against her and the cloak might slow him down?" Teal suggested.

"No, he's worn it all this time and managed to keep up with the guy with the electrical semblance." Willow pointed out.

"You mean Rey?" Sola asked.

Summer, though, was thinking two separate things.

'Why would you expose yourself to the Bloodied Tails? Not to mention, how do you only have one tail now?'


True to Summer's thoughts, instead of five tails, Topaz had one big tail that covered the back of both of his legs down to his knees.

Topaz had wrapped his tails as much as he could around each other to give the illusion of him having only one tail.

"I'm slightly hurt. To think you hid something like that from us." Nova commented with a slight frown.

"Good thing you can take it out through your fists." Topaz commented before shifting into his stance and drawing Fang out and settling it into his right hand.

The frown shifted slightly as she also settled into her stance.

"Don't tempt me too much. There's more riding on this match than a simple sparring match."

'Same for me as well.' He thought.

"Leeet the finalllllllllssss...BEGIN!" The announcer exclaimed.

The arena this time was a flat area to allow all cameras an angle to record to allow for a maximum amount of coverage of the fight.

The two of them charged at each other.

Nova shot a quick jab forward, shooting an explosive shell outward that exploded almost immediately, covering them both in smoke.

The crowd could see nothing for a moment before another explosion occurred that sent a figure flying upwards and out of the smoke. As the smoke left the person, they could see that the figure was Topaz.

As he fell to the ground, another red flash shot out from the smoke.

Topaz spun and threw Fang into the arena's floor before rolling on the ground behind it.

The red flash struck the bottom of Fang, sending it flying back into the air and towards Topaz, who already was in the motion of catching it back in his hand.

With it in his hand, he resumed his stance, just as Nova charged out of the now settling smoke.

As she slung another fist forward, instead of trying to block it, Topaz charged forward until her fist met his left shoulder.

A smaller, more concentrated explosion occurred that backfired as soon as nova recognized what he was trying to do.

The explosion forced his left side backwards, causing him to start to spin from right to left, causing his, now noticed, slash to come at her even faster before it struck her in the side. This caused her dark red aura to appear, taking most of the attack before she was sent flying to the side from the hit.

Topaz stabbed Fang into the ground before holding his shoulder. He looked at it and found that the black shirt over his shoulder was singed and revealed part of his shoulder while his silver aura showed up every few seconds before stopping.

'While that was a good way to land a quick, strong strike, I won't get the opportunity again.' He thought. 'If she's this good at martial arts, she likely won't put herself in that situation again.'

He looked over at her as she slowly pushed herself off of the ground.

'Not to mention, that hurt my aura amount more than I thought it would. Measuring on other students so far, my aura is about 3-5x the amount that a normal Huntsman would have. That strike alone cost me about 12% along with the three strikes she landed on me in the smoke dropped me to 80%.'

He then risked a glance down to see hers and saw that the strike managed to drop her down to 82%, pretty good hit considering that it was his first attack that landed.

'She knows that I can react quickly, but isn't sure if it is based solely on my vision or other senses as well. Luckily for her, she largely uses explosives, which create smoke to blind my vision, a shockwave that causes me to 'feel' my entire body, and the shockwave can also disrupt my hearing slightly, and the smoke can also interfere with my ability to smell as well. Her attacks have the ability to affect 4 out of 5 of the main senses.' He analyzed.

He looked back up, just in time to see a fist coming at him.

He barely tilted his head out of the way.

Which she planned.

By tilting his head out of the way, it allowed her to follow up with a strong knee to his head.

"Gah!" He groaned out.

Nova's hair had turned a slight reddish version, indicating that she was using her semblance.

As he was moved backwards from the strike, her other hand was pointed at the ground.

Another explosion went off, sending him rolling again before Nova dashed at him, her hair changing from black-reddish to dark red-bright red.

She kicked a leg forward, only to be blocked by Topaz's blade. Topaz pushed the blade towards her, trying to throw her off balance.

She backed up slightly, only to notice that Topaz was preparing to throw a punch. She moved her left arm to try to block it, only to feel something hit the back of her foot, throwing her off balance.

She quickly looked down and saw that he had spun one of his legs where it would hit just above her ankle, explaining why her foot fell slightly out from under her.

Topaz shot his fist forward, slamming it into her cheek, knocking her head to the side.

Taking the moment of reprieve, he quickly inserted a clip of dust into his sword, causing the blade to gain a yellow color as sparks sparked off of it every now and then.

He held it with both hands and dashed at her with the blade down at his side.

Nova, seeing him approach quickly, slammed her hands together, causing an explosion that quickly made her hair even more red.

Topaz slashed her across the chest, causing her to get slightly electrocuted.

She winced from the strike before Topaz landed another blow, this time across her waist, followed up by a strong downward slash that went from her shoulder to her hip, causing her to released a loud sound from the blow.

"And in a three strong hit combo, Topaz knocked her aura into the yellow! [Roughly 50%]" The announcer exclaimed.

Nova growled before slamming a hand into the ground, causing massive cracks to appear and shake the arena slightly.

Enough to throw Topaz off balance this time.

She dashed forward and threw several jabs. One struck his shoulder, another the left side of his chest, in the gut, in the face, before finishing off with a strong kick to the chest, making him almost fold over the kick.

'Damn, that had to take at least 15%. While true I have the sniper mode, it's a sniper. It doesn't have a high fire rate.' Topaz thought.

She moved to throw a punch down on him, only for him to quickly stab the blade against her gut, being stopped by her aura from piercing her.

"Gah!" She exclaimed as the electricity coursed through her.

He spun around, taking the blade away, before slashing against her head.

After getting some distance, he shot the empty clip out of the sword before replacing it that changed the blade's color, giving it a slightly black/dark purple appearance.

He gathered as much as his strength as he could, intending to finish it off by using all of the Gravity Dust in the sword to increase the striking power of the sword.

Nova seemed to understand that as her hair turned back to black, only for a very red aura to appear over one of her fist.

He could tell it must be extremely hot as he could see some of her weapon seemed to be slightly melting. Impressive, considering most weapons today require over 1500 degrees Celsius [2800 Fahrenheit].

"Let's finish this Nova." Topaz spoke, his sword giving off a low purple light.

"No complaints here."

They dashed at each other and struck.

Topaz's blade striking against her fiery fist.

A massive explosion of energy occurred that sent both of them flying backwards, slamming into the ground hard enough to cause a long mark through the floor.

A buzzer went off, signaling to everybody that the match is officially over.

They watched as a figure slowly got up.

"The winner of the Vytal Festival Finals is-huh?" The announcer started before stopping.

The same could be said for everyone watching the fight.

They were too busy watching the Faunus get back up.

The Faunus with 5 long tails.

"T-The winner is Topaz Titan! Meaning the winners of the 28th Vytal Festival are Team Stark!"


"Sir." A womanly voice announced.

A face turned, showing them wearing a Kitsune Mask with a nine seen underneath the mask.

"Yes, Chia?" The now discovered male asked.

Chia, still surrounded by darkness held out a Scroll with a picture on it.

"We found one of them."

The picture got larger before revealing it was of Topaz at the end of the match.

"Specifically, the Chosen."

The male froze for a second before looking at her more intensely.



That's that. I figured this was a good point to end the first volume at and begin focusing on different things, since most of this volume was fights, the next one will likely be used to develop the characters instead of simply making them fight each other.

Also, I likely won't be updating this until after the first week of January to allow me more time to figure how I want to add onto these characters.

But hey, now some people will be being introduced.

Also, it may seem like some points from earlier chapters have been forgotten, but they haven't.

See ya!

Next chapter