
Sunlight vs Darkness

"And for the last fight of the day, we have Team Sunlight against Team Darkness!"

In the arena, it shifted to a large forest area.

On the left were team SNLT with their weapons drawn and opposite of them were Team DRNS.

"On Team Darkness, we have the leader Dark Clowd!"

The screen showed a male black haired cat faunus with black and blue eyes, black jacket with light blue outlining, white shirt and pants, grey boots, and a black-bladed katana.

"Following him is a ray of lightning, Rey!"

It showed a man with dark red, spiky hair that covered one of his eyes, bright red eye, pale skin, black cloak that sticks up around his neck, armored gauntlets that extend to his shoulders and over his chest. The cloak stayed over his skin tight black pants with armor over his knees and into his black boots. On his back, he had a Zanbato with the blade being about the length of his arm.

"Next is his partner, Nyx!"

Nyx had long black hair, pale skin, black military-like outfit with a cape that turned from black to teal the further down it went. She wore a green sash around her waist. She wore black military boots and held a bladed rapier. On her hip, she held an automatic pistol.

"Last up is Sky Shine!"

He had black hair that turned to dark blue near the ends, a dark blue scarf around his neck, a white shirt underneath that had no sleeves, black pants that met with his light blue and black boots. On his arms, he wore black, fingerless gloves. In his hands, he held two daggers with circles in the handle for dust. On his hip though, he had a katana in a black sheath with blue marks where the blade would be.

"And on Team Sunlight, We have their leader Sola Beem! While sweet and innocent looking, she will fight like a goliath in battle! Next, we have Nyte Beem! She is practically the opposite of Sola in a fight! She may not have all the strength she does, she has the ability to be precise! Third, is Lava Cool! While his weapon may not be able to get you at range, it will hurt as if you feel in a volcano! And lastly, we have Teal Bleu! While she may look elegant, do not take her as not a threat. If you do, she'll hit you all the way to Atlas!"

"With that out of the way, may the last fight of the day, begin!"


"Lava, Sky. Nyte, Nyx. Teal, Dark." Sola proposed.

"On it." Nyte told, running into a section of trees to find Nyx.

"I'll have some slight trouble." Lava told before heading to his target.

"Same here. You better hurry. In a fight, a hammer is harder to use than a sword." Teal told her partner.

"Get over your head, retreat and try to find one of us. If you can't, use your semblance to give us a sign."

With that, the two split off from one another.


Nyte slashed at Nyx as she parried it to the side before lunging forward.

Nyte parried as well before they both entered an attack-counter routine.

They would attack one another before the other parried it before shooting a counter attack that the other either dodged, parried, or missed.

This continued for a few moments before Nyte's feet glowed black before she shot forward and swung, hitting Nyx across the shoulder, knocking her back.

Nyte swung her foot to her side before she gained a burst of speed again and her foot slammed into Nyx's back, sending her tumbling.

Nyte landed back on the ground before swinging the rapier back into place.

Nyx got back up but her eyes were narrowed likely trying to figure out her semblance.

She didn't get the chance.

Nyte's back gained the black glow before she was shot forward incredibly fast before thrusting the rapier forward and hitting her in the chest, causing the aura to appear.

Nyte's unarmed hand glowed black on the back of her arm before that shot forward and landed a nasty punch across her face.

Nyx rolled out from underneath the shadows of the trees.

"Burst of Kinetic energy." She groaned, slowly getting up.

"Correct. I can channel it to any part of my body." Nyte told, approaching her.

Nyte's feet and back glowed black.

"Now, I need to go help my allies."

She shot into the air before shooting forward as the back of her right arm glowed black before disappearing as her arm shot forward at a large speed, slamming the rapier tip into Nyx's chest once more, sending her flying and out of the arena.

"Nyx has been eliminated by ring out!"


Lava blocked both of Sky's daggers before pushing towards Sky, pushing him back and forcing him to back up and release the struggle.

Lava aimed his revolver at Sky before shooting a few shots, each hitting him.

Sky placed his daggers into their straps before drawing his sword, revealing the blade to be dark blue.

Sky's left hand however, stretched out at Lava suddenly.

Before Lava couldn't see anything.


From Sky's left hand, a very bright light appeared.

Sky dashed forward before slashing Lava across the chest, a knee to the chest, another flash of light, before hitting him like a baseball and sending him flying back and just over the edge before Lava managed to grab it, his eyes still closed.

Sky walked over before slamming his foot into Lava's head, causing him to let go from shock and fall off.

"Lava Cool has been eliminated by ring out!"


Teal slammed her hammer into the ground, creating an explosion that knocked Dark back.

"Your explosion Semblance is really a pain to work around." Dark commented.

"You say that but haven't been hit by it yet." Teal's eyes narrowed.

Dark shrugged. "A pain to work around, if it wasn't me."

Teal jumped towards him where the spiral mark on the face of the hammer glowed blue.

She slammed it down over her head as he jumped back, avoiding another explosion.

He held his sword in front of him.

"Come on, right here." He pointed to his chest. "I'll give you a free shot."

Teal snarled. "Alright you cocky prick!"

She dashed forward before using all her strength in the blow.

He smirked. "Sinker."

She slammed it into him where he blocked it with his sword before a massive explosion occurred.




"Teal Bleu has been eliminated by aura depletion!"


Sola practically glowed from her semblance: Solar Charge. It allows her to absorb sunlight to increase her strength.

She constantly attacked Rey, who kept blocking with his sword, with her new dual guns with dagger blades attached at the ends but missed a few, allowing them to strike against his aura every now and then.

Rey jumped backwards to gain some distance to avoid her attacks.

She raised her guns at him before firing from both, hitting him multiple times.

He grunted as his aura took the damage, knocking him down to 53%.

'Her semblance has something to do with strength. Those hits she landed did too much damage for it to be anything else.' Rey concluded. 'Unfortunately, her weapon is close and far ranged while I focus on close range.'

He grabbed a lightning Dust crystal before putting it into a slot on his right arm, causing his arm's armor to glow yellow. He gritted his teeth.

Sola followed up by jumping at him and slashed diagonally with both blades.

He moved quicker than before before blocking both blades as electricity danced around him before striking her against her chest, causing her yellow aura to appear. He then spun on his foot before slamming his other foot into her side, sending her sliding back.

He placed two more lightning dust crystals into slots on his legs before his legs glowed yellowed.

He shot forward as yellow lightning danced around him.

He reached Sola before slashing her across her shoulder, followed by a quick slash across the waist, and ending with a fast and hard kick into her gut, sending her flying and off the arena.

"And down goes Sola Beem! With three people left, it looks like team Darkness will be the winner!"

Suddenly, another buzzer went off.

"What's this? It seems Nyte has taken out Sky Shine!"

Rey looked at the aura meters before being shocked.

He sat at 48% and was slowly going down due to the dust and semblance and Dark's aura was down to 38%.

Nyte Beem sat at 72%.

Muttering a few curses, Rey took off, knowing that they likely wouldn't take her down alone.


Nyte blasted forward just before Dark rolled out of the way, breathing hard.

"What's the matter? You can't use that counter anymore?" Nyte asked.

Despite asking, she didn't give him a chance to answer as she continued blasting herself across the small area at high speed before thrusting the rapier into his back, causing some aura to appear.

"Gah!" He exclaimed, his aura dropping down to 30%.

"Your semblance is a counter. Based on how Teal's aura dropped from 78% to 16% in a moment, you likely baited her to attack you with all her power before countering. The thing is, it isn't free. I'm guessing the stronger the attack, the more aura you need to use to essentially reflect that damage back at the opponent, nearly half the amount you would have taken in exchange." Nyte spoke aloud.

She dashed forward again and thrusted.

"Counter!" He exclaimed.

His katana shined black before he blocked her rapier at the last second before Nyte was blown backward.

She used her semblance to regain her momentum and threw herself back towards him.

She blasted herself straight at him.


She blasted to the right at the last second before using a kinetic burst on the back of her right arm, shooting her arm to the left, smacking Dark in the back of the neck with her rapier, knocking him away.

The buzzer sounded.

"And down goes Dark Clowd! Nyte Beem has turned this battle around. What used to be a 3v1 has now become a 1v1!"

Nyte stopped and took some deep breaths.

'All that usage drained me down to 46%.'

Rey suddenly appeared across from her as yellow lightning went away.

"So, this becomes a battle of speed then?" Nyte asked.

"Speed and strength."

Rey took out the used dust crystals before replacing them and placing one more in his left arm slot.

His entire armor gleamed yellow and yellow lightning danced furiously around him.

Nyte prepared for when their speed fight would start.

A few seconds passed before Rey shot forward before appearing in front of her.

Nyte blasted her upper body down, just barely avoiding his zanbato that would have slashed across her chest. She forced her semblance through her arm, sending the rapier upwards, just barely being blocked by his other arm, choosing to stop her momentum then instead of being struck by the full speed.

A red aura appeared on his arm before he struck with his knee, hitting her against the chest, just before she blasted her left arm forward and slugged him across the face.

They both were knocked backward.

Nyte checked her aura. '31%. He can't be doing better than me either.'

Nyte prepared to blast herself forward as fast as she can while also preparing to strike as hard as she can, preparing to end it in the next attack.

Judging by how wild the lightning was around Rey while he crouched down, he planned on doing it as well.

A second passed before they both charged forward at each other.

"Haaaah!" They both yelled out and attacked.

Rey slammed his zanbato into her side while Nyte thrusted her rapier into his chest.

A buzzer sounded as they were both flung backwards and crashed on the ground.

"Both combatants were eliminated by aura depletion! Luckily, we have instant replay to tell who reached that moment first!"

The screens showed them landing their attacks with their aura gauges next to them.

Before they struck, Rey had 27% that went down to 21%. Nyte's aura dropped from 31% to 22%.

The moment occurred.

"And due to timing, the winner is…




Team Darkness!"

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