
That Feeling of Jealousy, part 2

✨✨Third person POV✨✨

Sasha is eager. She just hung up with Sebastian and has great news for Danny and Felix. If she can get them both to have lunch with Sebastian, she can try and flirt her way into this deal. After All, no man has ever been able to resist her charm. She's sure Daniel is only trying to act hard to get, but he'll soon fall for her too.

Soon as he sees her flirting with Sebastian, Danny will fall right to her feet and ask her out.

She makes her way out and sees Felix; she smiles, glances at the glass door, and fixes her hair in the reflection. "Time to act, Sasha. It's time we get Danny back." after all; they did date a year ago. I mean, technically, it was just a few dates, but they were the best dates of her life. She wanted more, so much more, but one day he just ended things. No explanation, just the words; it's over, and that was it.

She was upset at first, but the more time passed, and the fact he wasn't dating anyone just told her maybe he just felt too much pressure. His grandpa had just passed away, so he needed time to reflect. But Sasha is done waiting; she wants him back, and she's determined to do so one way or another.

After she tells Felix the good news, they walk together to Danny's office, which is not there. He's in the office next door, fixing some things and placing a black ribbon on a red rose and placing it on the desk. She has seen him do this a few times, but she never knew why.

The idea of a black ribbon on a rose made her feel unease, morbid actually, but Danny was a mysterious man after all.

"Here he is; come on in, sweety," Felix says, opening the door and allowing Sasha to enter. "Danny, great news," she says enthusiastically.

"Sebastian has this afternoon available for us. He wants to see us for lunch." her eyes gleam, and she can't stop smiling as she looks between the two men.

Danny looks at his watch; it's only eleven, but traffic is unpredictable here. Depending on where he wants to meet them, it depends on the time they have to leave. "Great. Did he mention where?"

"Yes, he wants to meet us at Mes Amis at noon." he purses his lips, noting and taking out his phone. "That's on Wilcox Ave. I would have preferred Lavo's. It's a bit quieter, but I guess it's okay."

"Hey, by the way, this office was empty. Can I work here for the upcoming project? Downstairs with Hugo is a bit noisy." Sasha asks, looking between the two. She knows Felix always tries to accommodate everyone; he'll unquestionably advocate for her. "Uhhmm..." Felix says, making her part her lips and look at Danny.

"No. This office is already occupied. She'll be in as soon as she's done talking to her friend and meets Hugo."

"Friend? What friend?" Felix asks, knowing the office is Layla's. Sasha is left dumbfounded; who the hell is staying in this office, and why aren't they favoring her? She has always been Felix's favorite muse, whether it's for modeling or projects. Sasha has always been the best AT EVERYTHING.

"Her friend Stacy. She came by to talk to."

"What? What the hell is that girl doing here? Why I should kick her out for what she did to our ladybug!" he says, clenching his jaw and fisting his hands. "Felix, this is her decision. She needs to deal with this. Just give her time." the whole conversation had gone south, and Sasha was left clueless.

"Well, I guess we should be on our way. We don't want to be late, after all," she suggests, smiling and hoping to forget this stupid embarrassment.

Danny looks at his watch; it's eleven fifteen, but she's right; it's better to be early than late. "Ok, let's go," he says, making her smile. They walk to the elevator and tell the secretaries they will be out for a few hours on a business luncheon.

Sasha is eager; she knows there are high chances this will work. Besides, Sebastian is a handsome-looking man. Danny will not like having competition one bit. The elevator opened, and she pressed the bottom floor, but he pushed one floor down, making her look puzzled. When the doors open, she looks at him, concerned. "I'll meet you guys downstairs. I won't be long," he says as the doors close.

"Where is he going?" she asks Felix, who smiles, putting his hands in his pocket, smiling and sighing. "My guess?" He says, looking at her, "To get his wife," making Sasha feel the blood being drained from her body. Did she hear correctly? His wife? Danny refused the idea of getting married when his grandpa pitched it to him, and he had refused to date anyone for the last year.

How can he suddenly be married? And only after a week of her being gone. There had to be a mistake, a bad-sick joke.



"Oh, look who's here! Couldn't stay away for more than an hour, could you?" Karla says, making me turn. Danny smiled as he took his hands out of his pockets. He looks so cute with his signature smile; it makes his greys look more full of life. Happier.

"I came to steal Layla away," he says, making me look dumbfounded as I glance at everyone. "What? Now? But I was barely going to go upstairs and start working!" I say as he holds my hand and pulls me close, kissing my jaw.

"It's close to lunch. We need to meet with a client, but I told you I would take you to lunch, so you're coming with me."

"Uhm, ok. I guess... I'll see you later, guys." I say as they all begin to smile and whisper. "Make sure to use protection. And stop making her hickeys on her neck, Danny. I can still see them through the makeup!" Ingrid adds, making me close my eyes in embarrassment. Danny flips her off, making them chuckle as we enter the elevator.

We make our way to his car, and my heart skips when I see Dad and Sasha waiting by his car. Her smile turns into an angered look when she sees me holding hands with Danny. Yes, that's right bitch, he's mine. I stop, pulling him toward me, and kissing his lips. He can't help but smile, holding my waist as he kisses me back.

"Are you trying to turn me on before lunch? Because I might just make your dad go by himself, and we can go home instead? But then you won't eat until dinner." he says, holding me tightly in an embrace. I smile, biting my lip. "Tempting, but I'm hungry. Let's go." I say, making him chuckle as I walk away.

He sprints, catching up to me, and holds my hand. "Ready, guys?"

"She's going?" Sasha asks, pointing at me. "Well, yes. I can't have lunch with my wife without my wife, now can I?" he says, unlocking the car. "Come on; we don't want to be late." dad says, smiling and winking at me. "So, where are we going?" I ask Danny as I buckle my seat belt.

"Mes Amis. It's a French cuisine restaurant with an American flair. Very high rank; you guys will love it there." I look at Danny, smiling. He hates that place for business meetings; it's too busy during lunch hours. If it had been for dinner, it would be perfect. "Mes Amis? You should have suggested Lavo's." I say, making him chuckle.

"Or your place in Venice," I say as he drives away. I mean, his place is much farther, but it has private rooms for meetings.

We make our way into the restaurant and get seated; the waiters are friendly and polite. "Can I start you off with an appetizer and drinks?" the young waiter asks, looking between us. "We're still waiting on one more, but why don't you start us off with a bottle of your best red wine and bread," Sasha orders the waiter. He smiles, nodding his head. Great, I guess I'm stuck drinking water.

I'm not fond of wine, and I drank far too much in Vegas. I'm done drinking for a long while.

"Actually, can you also bring a bottle of rose, chilled? Thanks." Danny says, looking at me, making me smile. "Thank you." I mouth out, making him squeeze my hand and smile.

"So, it's true. You two got married?" she asks but can't help not being able to hide her anger. "We did," Danny says, unwilling to look away from me. "But, why? You said you would never get married, that there was no way you would get married,     EVER!"

"Well, I guess when the right girl comes around, you don't question it," he says, making me blush. Technically, we were stupid, got drunk, and woke up married, but still. She doesn't need to know that. I am just having a thrill seeing her jealous.

"But you don't even know her. You haven't dated anyone in over a year, Danny. How do you know she's not in it for the money?"

Dad lifts his finger, looking at her with pity, "Actually, sweety, Layla is my daughter. She and Danny have known each other for a long time." The more we sat, the more awkward things felt. If looks could kill, she'd have killed me already.

The waiter came and sat the bottles down with glasses for all of us, pouring red wine for dad and Sasha, and rose for Danny and me. "Right this way, sir." the waiter says as he leads the guy we have been waiting for.

"Thank you. Hello everyone, Sasha; good to see you again," he says politely, facing my back. Sasha smiles, giving him a flirty look. "Sebastian, good to see you again. Thank you for meeting with us." Danny is already eyeing him from head to toe, making me chuckle. I turn as he makes his way to his seat, and I almost choke on my drink.

"Bastian? Oh, my God!" my eyes widen as I see my ex and friend from high school. "Layla? Holy shit, look at you? You look gorgeous! What are you doing here?" he pulls me up and hugs me tightly, making Danny give him daggers with his eyes.

"Bastian?" dad whispers, lost in thought. He snaps his fingers and looks at us, chuckling as I ask him how he's been doing. "Sebastian Lombardi, from Lombardi, incorporated, right?" dad says, smiling. "That's me, sir," he says, sitting next to Sasha and Daniel.

"So, how do you know my daughter?" he asks, and I can't help but notice Danny looks pissed off. "From high school. We dated for a few months before I had to leave for Italy again," he says as he smiles at me. "I see." dad smiles, nodding his head.

"Sir, are we ready to order?" the waiter asks politely. "Would you give us a few more minutes? Thank you." Sebastian asks, making the waiter nod and leave quietly. We talked for a few minutes from business to when we were still in school. Sasha continued to flirt with him, but it didn't bother me. I was just glad to see this knucklehead safe and healthy. We finally ordered, and this time, since I had ordered the steak, I poured a glass of red wine for myself.

"Will you excuse me for a minute? I'm going to the lady's room." I say, excusing myself. That's the bad thing about drinking; it makes me go a lot.

I did my business and walked out of the restroom, jumping as I saw Danny standing by the entrance. "Shit! Danny, you scared me." I say, smacking his shoulder. He pulls me by my waist, kissing my lips vigorously. We part, gasping for air.

"Am I detecting a bit of jealousy from my husband?" I say, chuckling as he places his forehead against mine. "Did you and he sleep together? I mean, when you dated," he asks, making me laugh. "What?"

"Layla?" he asks a bit of pain in his eyes. "Wh- no," I reply, pushing on his chest. "Are you sure?" he says, making me irritated. "Are you fucking kidding? Did you forget us five years ago? When you felt my virginity break and when you made me bleed? Did you forget?" I spat angrily, pushing his chest with my finger.

"I...fuck. I'm sorry, baby. It's just. That fucker has done nothing but look at you." he says, making me roll my eyes.

"Danny!" I say, a bit irritated. "Layla, I'm... I'm sorry. I just. I don't want to lose you again." he says, making me feel bad. I can't help but wrap my arms around him, pressing my head against his chest. What am I doing?

We have only been together for a few days, yet, I already feel I can never let go. How will I manage when the year is over?


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