
Staying Beyond the Border

Wei Liuying replied and returned back to her soup. "There's never any other option in the first place. There's no way time can return back, only the future can change. I only hope the best for them."

Yang Xian opened his mouth, yet he didn't speak for a long time. It was only when Wei Liuying had finished eating did he speak, "Do you regret it, Miss?"

"Regret?" Wei Liuying repeated the word. She laughed faintly. "If only I know that things will develop like this, I might not want them to proceed with it and just continue with how it was before. But since there's no way to change it, I don't even want to think about it."

Standing up, Wei Liuying turned around to face the door. "All I could do is to think about the lives of those who end up living because of this delay."

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