
Assassins Guild

Jack awoke to the soft shaking on his shoulder from the girl. Opening his eyes he was greeted by her face being 2 inches from his startling, him. Nearly headbutting the girl he sat up and rubbed his eyes before jumping off the bed.

"Aww if you didn't wake up as fast I would've of kissed ya."

Jack turned to the girl with a calm face, "I have a girlfriend"

Giggling the girl sauntered up to Jack so that she was near him, putting her arms around his neck she leaned forward and whispered sensually into his ear.

"There's nothing wrong with a little polygamy."

Moving out of her grasp Jack turned quickly, "Thanks but no thanks I have some murderers to catch."

Jack then left the room and teleported outside the gentleman's club. Clutching his heart he leaned against the wall and calmed himself down.

(Maybe I shouldn't ask for her again, she's dangerous!)

Shuddering Jack left and headed toward the park again. Upon arriving he strolled leisurely as if he was just catching some fresh air before returning to is house to sleep. Walking deeper into the park he suddenly stopped as his face turned serious.

"Jack of Spades is here to make a request."

"Well, well, well if it isn't the thief that had Forgemire in an uproar. What could the almighty Jack of Spades want from us humble killers?"

Jack ignored the mans mocking tone as he kept his response short, "Look for anyone that could produce death clouds, and research the Brotherhood of the Labyrinth."

"... Can we torture for information?"

"If they are guilty then yes."

Jack waited a few more moments before he felt the assassin leave. Exhaling Jack made his way over to the church, knocking on the door seeing as it was now after hours. The slot on the massive door slid open as a pair of black eyes looked through.


The slit closed as shuffling and clicking could be heard from behind the door. Swinging the door open wide a smiling Gabe approached Jack.

"About time you got back, we all thought that you had died because of those killers out and about. But I'm glad to see that you're okay, but god you look like crap come on lets get you to your dorm."

Jack put up his hand and smiled weakly shaking his head.

"Thanks but I have to report something to Gregor first, but I promise I'll go to bed right after. Say hi to Iris for me."

Gabe looked Jack up and down worriedly, but seeing the glint in Jacks eye he relented and let him walk towards Gregor's office.

"Be careful Jack" He mumbled out of Jack hearing range.

Entering Gregor's office Gregor nearly spit out the coffee that he was drinking seeing Jack. Jack had deep bags under his eyes and his cheeks were slightly sunken in plus his usual suave hair was now greasy and disheveled. But his eyes were very alive and seemed to be constantly working over time as there was slight signs of bloodshot starting to creep in.

"What the hell happened to you Jack?"

Jack didn't answer directly but instead asked a question.

"Is this room sound proofed? I don't want anyone but you to hear what I'm about to say."

Seeing the serious look in Jack's eyes Gregor turned very serious before getting out of his chair and saying solemnly, "Follow me."

Walking down the hall Gregor suddenly stopped when they were about 2/3rd's of the way to the stairwell at the end of it. Pressing a stone on the wall a passage opened up, Gregor cast a light orb to allow them to see and then closed the passage door behind them.

Walking for several minutes they arrived at a room that contained an altar with various herbs growing around it.

"This is the most secure place in the temple save the greater artifact vault, speak."

Jack did not hesitate as he spoke in a serious tone.

"The reason for all those people's death after witnessing the crime scenes was Death Clouds, I was barely able to save Reginald in time. It took him nearly 6 days to recover, and I took 3 days to recover from treating him."

Gregor's face darkened even more, as a cardinal of the Temple of Mayaht he knew of Death Clouds, as all advanced healers knew about the famous illnesses, poisons, hexes, curses, and parasites.

"After he recovered he said that a voice spoke to him before he fell victim and repeated these words, Brotherhood of the Labyrinth."

Gregor paused putting his hand up to his temple and rubbing it.

"Are you sure the voice wasn't a hallucination?"

"It's highly unlikely, illusions caused by Death Clouds are usually hazy and can only use voices that the victim had heard before. But Reginald heard it clearly, and it was not a voice he recognized."

Gregor stayed silent for a while seemingly contemplating, " I understand, I'll look into this and alert the higher ups. They will know more than me about this issue; is there anything else I should know?"

Jack paused thinking for a second before deciding to speak up.

"Jack of Spades is most likely uninvolved with the killings, I have been researching about both cases and have learned that Jack of Spades is a rogue vigilante who has recently arrived. He has no accomplices that I can find, so it's unlikely that he was able to kill all those people and administer the Death Clouds so quickly."

Gregor nodded before placing his hand on Jack's shoulder.

"Thank you, I can tell you've been stressed lately, take tomorrow off and I'll keep you updated on our findings, seeing as you have given us a good start."

Jack simply nodded weakly, "Thank you"

Turning around and walking back out the passage both men were silent. Approaching the cross halls the stopped as Gregor spoke up fairly loud.

"Alright Jack good talking too you, get some rest now I don't want to have you collapsing from overworking. As servants of the goddess of healing we already have enough patients, HAHAHA."

And with that the men parted as they both went to their rooms. Jack closed his dorms door behind him and flopped gratefully onto his bed not even bothering to disrobe. Within a few seconds he was already sound asleep.


Reginald stood up out of his bed and stretched cracking his fingers, opening the door to the hall Reginald walked down towards the dinning room for breakfast. Ignoring the stares from the house servant doing their jobs the yawned and entered the room.

Seeing that he was the first one there, he took a chair and collected his thoughts. Over the past few days he had been reflecting over his actions prior to being infected by the Death Clouds. Thanks to Jack's and his families efforts he was able to find the strength to fight back and ultimately survive.

It was the first time he really stood up for himself, and it felt great. After he thought about it for a couple days he had vowed to not be as much of as a coward anymore. He didn't want his family to be constantly worrying about him. He also knew that they would love him even if he made mistakes.

So now with a new determined glint in his eyes Reginald looked up and saw Regina entering the room. Seeing her son out of his room for the first time in a little over a week she smiled.

"It's good to see that you are getting better. Take another week to stay at home for now dear, I don't want you going out until your completely better."

"I'm fine now mom really I was thinking on going back out in 2 days or so."

"Reginald, this is not for me but for your health, I don't want you going out."

Reginald much to Regina's surprise kept pushing, "No, I'm fine now I already stayed din bed for too long, if anything going outside will help me recover. I want to get back to work, we were on the cusp of completing the expansion in area 4 of the middle districts. And now with the decreased revenue it's more important than ever to get partnerships."

"Reginald, no means no,"

"You can send Theresa, Olivia, of Felicia out with me to make sure I'm safe."

Regina paused, she was slightly bewildered by Reginald's determination but seeing that he wasn't backing down she sighed and accepted the compromise."

The next to arrive at the table was Theresa, who was assigned Reginald watching duty once she arrived. As soon as Regina finished telling Theresa Felicia arrived wiht Lizzie in tow, and they were ready to have breakfast.

With Olivia and Killsman getting home that afternoon the table was much livelier than usual as chatter accompanied the clattering of silverware. A couple of the older servants smiled seeing the site, because of the tense business dealings the Cast's go through on a constant basis it was rare to see them acting like a normal family.

And much to the surprise of many Reginald spent a lot of his time working, helping his sisters and mother with their work.

When Olivia and Killsman arrived they were greeted by cheerful servants and energetic family members, stunning them. They had expected a gloom was going to be spread across the house as Reginald had nearly died and the killings were decreasing business. But they were greeted with the exact opposite.

Olivia ran to find Reginald to talk to him about his experience leaving Killsman alone in the main hall. Killsman slightly frowned absent mindedly itched the his side. Hidden beneath his close was a tattoo of a three headed serpent.

Hey 30 Chapters! I've been typing this for a month now, it kind of seems sureal. When I started this story I hadn't really expected me to keep typing consistanly for this long. But here I am, making several revision to the plot line, along with doing research on things to make it more immersive.

I hope you all are enjoying Tricksters Reign so far, make sure to leave a review and give me any suggestions on my writing as I am still a green horn.

Thanks for reading! -Lanzxz

Lanzxzcreators' thoughts
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