
Mana Users

For the umpteenth time Jacks mind short wired, (Celine's the daughter of miss Sharlet? that would explain a lot of things... Wait, that means that she can use magic, so she could tell which artifacts where which the entire time?)

As Jack was slowly getting upset inside his head, Celine continued.

"You see me and my mother are both 'unregistered' mana users, as you've probably figured out by now I didn't actually need you're help identifying artifacts. But instead it was to test you, we're trying to expand out group to further learn about Mana, and the more people practicing it the better chances are of new discovery. With your intellect alone you were able to find the 4 actual artifacts within that room. With such talents you will be able to adapt to using magic easily"

"I'm assuming it would not be wise to say no?"

Jack didn't trust that since he had just found out that they were 'unregistered' magic users that they would simply let him walk free without some kind of insurance. Otherwise he could simply just report them to the public and earn himself some serious gold.

Celine frowned before saying, "Naturally if you say no we will have to take some... measures."

Jack weakly smiled and said "I see we'll I am going to say no but for a different reason then you're probably thinking"

Jack then summoned mana from the room before casting out of his finger lighting the tip of it aflame like a candle.

Celine opened her eyes wide in surprise. "You're an 'registered' to Young Mr. Cast?"

Celine when she had first met Jack had assumed that he was a Mana user and just used his Mana to see that the amulet was fake from afar. But after spending the entire day with him and not sense him using any Mana but still getting all 4 artifacts she planted had slowly transitioned to thinking that he was a modern genius.

"No he doesn't know, I am 'unregistered', well for now. But as you know though us 'unregistered' need to stick together, so I am willing to set up an alliance."

Celine pursed her lips slightly before looking Jack in the eyes.

"We can still teach you many things if you become an assistant to us, what could you offer us anyway?"

Jack smiled outwardly. (Shit, what can I offer them, uhh... I didn't think this through.)

"Celine you are thinking on too small of a scale. As you said the more people studying magic the better, and maybe I can't give you important research and tips of magic casting that you haven't learned before. But what if I run into someone who does, and in turn invite them to the alliance"

"So in other words you're saying that we should setup an underground communication network between 'unregistered'?"

"Precisely, plus I enjoy my freedom and forcing me to become an assistant would only make me want to rebel and hinder both our progress. While making a communication network would give you information and spread you desire for apprentices, plus I keep my freedom it's a win win win"

Celine leaned back in her chair stroking her chin in thought. Jack in the meanwhile was racking his brains on how he was going to find other 'unregistered' mages. Because of such a cold silence fell upon the dining room. Only breaking to the occasional scrape from Jack's dessert spoon, he couldn't wait any longer and decided to try it.

"I will have to consider this further and bring it up to my mother"

"Of course take your time, if you need anything from me in the future I will either be within the temple of Mayaht or this location." Jack quickly wrote down the address of the inn he was staying at.

Celine took the paper and nodded cordially, she then decided to enjoy the dessert placed before her similarly to Jack. As the night continued Jack the two talked politely, but Jack seeing a chance to act more like himself started to crack jokes and steered the conversation to informal.

Before either of them knew it the sky had become dark and the street lamps outside became lit. The food on the table had been long eaten but they didn't seem to care. It wasn't until the head maid announced that it was time for Celine to take her evening bath before bed that they realized what time it was.

"Well it has been nice Jack, I hope you find your stay comfortable, we will reach out and contact you our answers regarding the alliance."

"Like wise, good night Celine."

Jack went into his room and closed the door behind him, he then sat down on the floor in the middle of the room in a meditative position. He then started to practice his Mana, reaching out to the the world energy and taking into himself cycling it slowly.

Jack had found something unusual while meditating as of lately, and decided that this was a good opportunity. As he cycled the world energy through his body he felt that the energy was starting to flow through throw him without his 'guidance'. So jack summoned more world energy to cycle, surprisingly as he added more world energy it continued following naturally with the rest of it.

As he kept absorbing more and more world energy he his body started heating up. Soon steam started to come off of him, and his hair stood on end. Jack opened his eyes and stood up and placed his hand out in front of him he slowly clutched his hand into a finger gun postion.

Focusing his Mana into the tip of his finger he pointed it out the window toward a pear about 40m (131 ft) hanging off a tree in the garden below. As he released his mana a silent 'Air Bullet' flew out and upon making contact with the pear it burst forcefully.

Jack started slack jawed at the pear from the window before shuddering.

"Okay that was very dangerous, if I shot that at someone..."

Jack shuddered once more before deciding to call it a night and promptly went to sleep.


Waking up the next morning Jack felt refreshed and quickly got dressed, before heading down to the front foyer.

"Leaving so soon?" Celine had just gotten out of her room as well and was standing at the top of the stair case.

"Unfortunately yes" Jack relied before properly bidding Celine goodbye and exiting the Villa.

As Jack arrived back at the inn he checked that everything was unchanged within his room, before heading out to find Shark to request information about Reginald Cast. Jack currently had trained his Aura and Mana enough to make someone believe he was an experienced caster.

Unless someone decided to send a 'registered' after him he would be fine. So without needing to gain anymore power he was ready to convince Reginald to be his sponsor to get into the temple of Mayaht.

Since it was still morning the Jovial Joint was relatively empty except for a waiter the bar keep and a handful of patrons who had nothing better to do with their retirement. This included Shark of course, the grumpy old man was sitting in his usual spot at the bar drinking a cup of cold water listening to any conversations slyly.

"I need information on Reginald Casts regularly traveled paths and hobbies." Jack sneakily passed Shark one of the coin purses he had obtained from the wealthier induvial a few days back.

Shark merely nodded in response before going back to his water. Jack sat down beside him and had a usual conversation that he would have with Shark, before ordering breakfast. It left him largely disappointed after the sumptuous meal he had had the night prior.

When Jack returned to his room in the inn he opened his journal and started writing within it.

-Last night I made further discoveries in the realm of Mana. I learned that not only does it have further range than Aura, it has more than quadruple the power. I was able to condense world energy into a small destructive ball of air that exploded on impact. Not only that I was able to control it at distances farther than 30 meters!

Of course this comes with its set backs, first is that it takes to long. It took me nearly 15 minutes to gather up enough energy to fire the 'Air Bullet' as I've decided to call it. Second it is too flashy, any Mana user searching for me will instantly be able to tell where the massive amounts of world energy are consolidating. Not to mention the steam that comes off my body is a dead give away.

I will continue to try and make a stealthier 'Air Bullet' that doesn't require as much power but still have significant damaging power. Hopefully this will be easier to gather power for as I continue to train in Mana.-

Jack closed the journal before glancing at the 3 coin purses laid out on the desk in front of him.

"*Sigh* I guess it's time to get a refill on my funding"

Jack stood up pushing the chair back as he did so and put gloves before walking out the door.

Next chapter