
Back then

There was so much energy flowing through Hao Xuan that every cell in his body was on the verge of imploding but to the Emperor it meant nothing.

Hao Xuan was moving back and forth through time with such excessive speed that nearly of it could not even be reflected within the chamber anymore. It was just a blur of slow beginnings and dreadful ends one loop after another.

Jin Wang could see Hao Xuan's body physically shrink and his muscles melt under the immense pressure, leaving him no choice but to intervene.

But just as he was about to strike the Emperor's apathetic voice floated through.

[His mind will shatter if you force it from the outside. Only he can stop it, do not be foolish]

Jin Wang had no choice but to believe him, it was too big of a risk to take. So he stepped back and allowed it to play out but his suspicions were already proven correct.

He looked over at Mr. Hyde, his voice echoing in his mind.

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