

It looked like Henrik was already expecting it because his expression did not change whatsoever. But his eyes, they were a different story.

Hao Xuan could see it vanish, that last scrap of hope that had been holding him down.

'I see...then it is done...it's all over.'

"No, far from it," Hao Xuan got down on his knee to look him in the eye. He held his cold, motionless hand and whispered, "There is always a way. I will find it and fix everything, I swear it. He...will have left one because he needs my cooperation."

Henrik did not question it, not because he believed Hao Xuan but because he knew that it wasn't possible, and if Hao Xuan needed to believe that to keep going then he would not be the one to take it away from him.

'Alright,' was all Henrik could say in response.

Hao Xuan let out a deep breath and stood up, knowing full well what was going through Henrik's mind.

Claudia walked up behind him, "Master-"

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