
Subtle Blade

"Patience. Breathing. Focus."

"Why does everything look different? How long was I out?"


Even though the Hao Xuan was talking to himself Baracus jumped in at the right time.

"You were unconscious for approximately 287 hours."

Hao Xuan's eyes swiveled left and right, between the battle going on at the city gates and his surroundings which were filled with the dark figures of his past.

"Almost 12 days. It felt longer, way longer. But now that I'm up, there is a lot that needs to be done."

"Do you require my assistance?"

"Yeah. I need you to keep track of things for me and record everything from now onwards, every word that I say, every move that I make has to be documented."


"Can you access my memories? Some things are a bit hazy and I can't remember all of the lives that I experienced but the ones that I can need to be recorded along with everything else."

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