
Why not?

"I have made it so."

'Its' words shook the man to his very core.

"Are you sure?" he asked skeptically, still not believing the dual voices.

"You will see for yourself very soon," they replied.

The man didn't know what to think. He wanted to believe it but the odds of that happening were abysmally low. Even though in his mind he knew that his son was no longer in this world, his heart did not let him rest.

There was no rational reason for this other than the terrible dreams he had. He saw things that should never come to pass, and his deceased son was often at the forefront of all that evil.

The man slowly raised his hands and pulled back the hood, finally revealing his face. It belonged to a middle-aged man at first glance but the longer one looked at him, the older he seemed because of the excessive wrinkles and patches of white hair all over his head.

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