

A total of six other silhouettes ran out of the hole created by Hao Xuan.

Other than Jarek, Isak, and Burak, the remaining three fell to their knees, kissing the ground and even shedding a tear or two in jubilation. And who could blame them? After spending so many months stranded in another world, it was nothing less than a miracle that they were now back.

Hao Xuan walked up to the hole and listened for the sound of any incoming footsteps. He found them without much effort.

"One or two more minutes before they reach us," he told the others.

"Alright. We go back, recover and come back with more people to finish the job and close this place for good," Burak decided.

He seemed to be in a world of his own but Hao Xuan did not really have time to think about that anymore because right now he was hearing a plethora of different voices directly inside his head.

Quite a wide range of voices albeit almost all female.

'I think I broke a rib, damn this place.'

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