


A muffled roar sounded somewhere in the distance, alerting both Hao Xuan and Jin Wang.


"That can't be good..." Jin Wang mumbled while propping himself up using the wall behind.

"The hell are you doing?? Just wait here, I'll go check it out!" Hao Xuan quickly interjected. Jin Wang really wasn't in a position to move around too much, he was low on both stamina and Qi, not to mention wounded.

Jin Wang shook his head with a determined expression while grabbing Hao Xuan's arm for dear life.

"Hell no! You're not leaving me behind f*ckface!"

"Wha- I'm not leaving you behind, I'll be back you idiot," Hao Xuan tried to free himself but Jin Wang's death grip would not loosen. He looked at Hao Xuan in the eyes.

"Either we both go, or no one does, b*tch!"

Hao Xuan stared back at him in silence and knew there was another reason for his strange behavior, so he agreed.

Next chapter