

By the time Hao Xuan exited the dungeon, the fight above had reached a boiling point. The Mei cultivators were at the losing side and the Jia had pushed deep into their territory with the help of the Guardians and the Elder Mammoth.

His brows scrunched up upon seeing the dire situation of his comrades. Half the ground was covered with blood and corpses of cultivators and beasts alike, yet not a single one of them chose to halt for even a second.

They stepped over their brothers and comrades, or whatever was left of them, and moved back.

Hao Xuan couldn't help but turn away from the savageness of the battle.

"Stop, tell them to stop already. There is no reason to fight, I already have the chest. The beast has been beaten and Mei has won this fight," he said to Luke who came running up to him as soon as he came out.

Luke gave a quick military salute and sent a priority voice message to every Mei cultivator. It read: "The dungeon has been cleared, we have won. Retreat now!"

Next chapter