
Searching for a spell

Emily and Shadow finished their lunch before the two of them headed towards the library on the third floor.

"Are you sure that the library is a good place for this? What if we ended up ruining the books, or the shelves, or maybe those historical paintings? Domenic will kill both of us." Emily tried to remind Shadow of the consequences that they would be facing if anything went wrong in the library.

"I think your brother should be more worried about the two of us instead of his library just in case something went wrong. As for your first question, the library is just perfect for this situation," answered Shadow as he unlocked the library door and waited for her to enter before following behind her.

The two of them made their way to the other side of the huge room where couches were sitting around a small glass table next to a huge window locating under the stairs that led to the upper compartment of the library.

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