
Info Chapter: Abilities

Hi! It's Sera here!

Sorry about the recent decrease in chapters. For those of you who don't know, I was at the end of the quarter in school so things got pretty busy.

I don't have a new chapter for you guys today since I'm still working on stockpiling but I will be releasing info chapters within the next days of the release of this one. (Don't worry too much since they're just basic info and not relevant to the story with providing spoilers or anything.)

Final side note before I dive right into the info chapter is that it will be updated over time and that an edit log will be included at the bottom of the chapter. Come back and refer to this chapter whenever you need!

Happy reading!



-Ability = A power of a specific element possessed by an enlightened

-(Ability) Type = The different variants in purpose among an ability, the four main ones being offence, defence, buffs/debuffs, healing

-(Ability) Quirk = Rare-occurring additive usages in an enlightened's abilities. Not many enlighteneds have a quirk.

-(Ability) Characteristic = Different forms the element of an ability can take on

Basic Heritage Of Abilities:

-How does one get abilities?

As long as both parents are enlighteneds, their offspring are guaranteed to be enlightened as well. If the parents share the same element of ability, their offspring will get that element. If the parents share different elements, their offspring will have a 50/50 chance of getting either. The Grant Abiose of a specific element can also grant a person of their choosing with the elemental abilities they have. Enlighteneds given their powers and not born with them are called Stragglings.

-Hereditary quirks in abilities

Special quirks within enlightened abilities such as being a purifier (A type of ability under the water element that enables the user to create potions without needing external resources/equipment), summoner (A type of ability in which the user can create elemental beings to fight on their behalf), grant abiose (A type of extremely rare ability that occurs only once every generation within a large clan. Users of this ability can give abilities of their own element to people of their choosing. The enlighteneds who hold this element are naturally high ranking within their clans because of this), and many others are for the main part, random genetic mutations. However, if one of their ancestors possessed the quirk, the descendants are far more likely to have that same quirk as opposed to a lineage that hasn't.

Monoelemental quirks are quirks only belonging to one element while polyelemental quirks can be found in any element.

(List of all polyelemental quirks mentioned so far in story + info chapter):


-Grant Abiose

Abilities In Each Clan:

For each clan, we'll dive into the characteristics of each clan, what they specialize in, and different forms of their element. Aquinnium (Water)

-Main Ability Type: Buffs/debuffs

-Example Of Ability Quirk Unique To Element: Purifier (enables the user to create potions without needing external resources/equipment)

-Ability Characteristics: Water vapour, Ice (Enlighteneds with the water ability usually can only control one form. Occasionally, they can control two or more) Ignus (Fire)

-Main Ability Type: Offence

-Example Of Ability Quirk Unique to Element: Liquidity (allows the user to inflict burning on their surroundings, melting it and turning it into lava. The user can then utilize the lava as if it was fire. Enlighteneds without the liquidity quirk cannot create or manipulate lava)

-Ability Characteristics: White flame, blue flame, yellow flame, orange flame, red flame (order from strongest colour to weakest. White flames are the most powerful flame but take up a lot of stamina, meaning that the flame can only be focused on one point and used as a small projectile. Red flames are the weakest but can be spread with little to no regard for stamina. Increasing your stamina means larger usages of a more powerful flame) Flores (Plant)

-Main Ability Type: Healing

-Example Of Ability Quirks Unique To Element: Infesting (Instead of having to spawn new plants to use, corruptings can control pre-existing plants), Whisperer (Can communicate with plants)

-Ability Characteristics: Vegetation, flowers, shrubbery (The characteristic of their element dictates which plants they spawn and the usages of the plant) Sombra (Dark)

-Main Ability Type: Buffs/Debuffs

-Example Of Ability Quirk Unique To Element: Possessioner (with this quirk, the enlightened can enter people's nightmares)

-Ability Characteristics: Corruption, Shadows (The characteristics more cover whether it's the mental figurative darkness or the literal physical darkness the enlightened controls) Typhlee (Wind)

-Main Ability Type: Defence (+Buffs)

-Example Of Ability Quirk Unique To Element: Tempest (allows user to dictate wind patterns, as well as stir up natural disasters such as tornados, gales, hurricanes, etc.)

-Ability Characteristics: Movement (Does the enlightened use their ability to defend and attack or increase their mobility?) [BONUS] Voltaik (Electric)

-Main Ability Type: Offence

-Example Of Ability Quirk Unique To Element: Current Sighter (enables user to see and feel electric currents and usage of electricity around them. Radius of sensation depends on the power level of user)

-Ability Characteristics: Current, Static (There isn't much of a difference other than how they draw their electricity to use)

Next chapter