

I purse my lips and slowly close my notebook, letting my vision focus on Jun and Seoyun, all while subconsciously letting my hands fumble amongst each other.

I can't exactly tell if they know that I've caught on since they're having a stare fest right in front of me. Either they don't care or think they're being slick about, which they clearly aren't. They're constantly bugging each other and sending glares in the other's direction all the time. Some part of me even questions that if the teacher hasn't noticed, why hasn't anyone else?

Having no interest in being caught in the crossfire, I push my chair back so I can see more people around me. It doesn't do much but it's better than nothing.

I don't know how much of rambling teacher, stupid students and generation-old war I can handle before my head starts spinning.

Someone please get me out.


It honestly felt so much like class was never going to end that once I heard the bell go off, I was taken by shock.

I stand up a bit too abruptly from my chair before I'm promptly called down Seoyun. She motions for me to head in her direction and I comply. I watch her messily gather her items as she stands straight to face me.

Jun still stood in the room, collecting his items. The rest of the students have long since exited which leaves only Jun, Seoyun and I.

"Can you get my folder from my locker? I need to turn something in to the teacher but she wants me to talk to her right now."

Did the teacher end up catching them then?

"Sure. Will do."

With those words, I bolt out of the classroom and make a beeline for Seoyun's locker. If anything, I'm somewhat glad she asked me to get something since it gives me an excuse to step on the gas without seeming weird.

I maneuver my way down the halls as I spot Seoyun's locker, approaching it with a not-so-subtle jog. I eye the lock for a bit before grabbing onto it and punching in the passcode. I let my hands slip the lock off and slam open the door. My eyes scan the locker for a bit before they land on a purple plastic folder. I grab the folder, making sure not to do so too violently.


With the purple folder in hand, I'm about to enter back into the classroom until I hear talking inside. I don't think much of it but I decide to put my ear up to the door anyway, after all, I expect it to be Seoyun and the teacher talking. Because of that very expectation, I was surprised and slightly concerned to hear Jun and Seoyun bickering with each other.

They weren't yelling at each other, though you could tell that they were both done with each other. Their tones reflected an air similar to criminal investigations but only the part with the police. I can sense they both expect answers out of the other but aren't willing to give the other answers.

I press my ear further onto the door so I could listen to every word being said.

"So you're telling me that you know who Flores' saviour is?"

I can hear Seoyun sneer from outside of the room and it rings throughout me. I've never heard this sort of attitude from her so it was alarming to say the least. The topic, however, was nothing new to me. For some reason, I'm glad that they're talking about this whole concept of saviour's. By listening in on more of their conversation, maybe I could learn more.

"Of course. It's one of your friends, isn't it? That's the only reason you're friends with them, right?"

"Shut up. You don't know me. If you even think of doing anything to them, I swear to God you're not gonna see the next day."

"Don't tell me you've actually gotten attached to them."

Jun responds with a taunting undertone. Seoyun sighs heavily, so much so that I can hear it from where I am.

If I had to be honest, I'm not sure how to react with the first bits I heard. Seoyun approached Dahyeong and I because she thought one of us was the saviour but she ended up getting attached to us in the end?

"So what if I did? It's none of your business. Look, I'm going to make it very clear for you. You'll have to either take it or leave it at that. You will regret even trying to sabotage Flores. If you do, we won't hesitate to declare full-on war with you. Get it through your thick skull. We both know who'll win in the end anyways."

Jun only responds with a maniacal laugh that rings through the room and to the hallways, making me shift uncomfortably in my spot.

"Don't be ridiculous. I'll do what I need to. Do you actually think that I'll listen? About both knowing who'll win, we do know. But I believe that I have a different clan in mind than you."

I hear the sound of footsteps, which I only assume to be Jun's approach towards the door. I mentally freak out for a bit before my rushing thoughts are abruptly cut off by a piercing voice.

"HEY. Get your ass back here. Don't even think of running away like a little girl."

"Pipe down Lotus girl, you're the little one here. Unlike you, I have class and know when bickering won't get me anywhere."

The sound of the door handle being turned sends me into even more panic as I scramble a few steps back to make it look like I've just returned with the purple folder. I quickly readjust myself and pace forward and give a smile to Jun, pretending as if I never heard their conversation.

"Is Seoyun still in there?" I try to maintain the smile on my face.


Jun turns away immediately, mumbling the words to a barely audible volume. I decide not to think much of it and carry on with getting Seoyun's folder to her.

"Seoyun?" I call out as I make my way through the door.

"Oh you're here!"

Seoyun dashes right up to me and grabs her folder from my hands.

"The teacher told me that I could get it to her later today since she had a meeting she needed to attend to right away. Thanks anyway."

"Yeah no problem. We're hanging out together after school with Dahyeong right?"

"Yep! You can wait for her and I outside of the school. I have some things to put away into my locker."


I think I made the conversation ten times more awkward than it needs to be but I honestly couldn't help it. I was still somewhat stunned from the conversation that just about any thought couldn't get through my head no matter how hard I tried.

I pull out my phone to talk to Dahyeong. As of right now, she's the only friend I have that I know for a fact is normal. Why else would Jun have referred to her as a possible saviour of Flores? Besides, I know that I'm the saviour of both of their clans, as told by Yuna. The possibility of Dahyeong not being Dahyeong is just not there.

Minji: Ayo are you done class? Seoyun's still at her locker.

Dahyeong: I just got my stuff from my locker and I'm ready to go. You're gonna have to show me the ice cream t-money card btw.

Minji: Don't worry, I didn't forget. We'll talk more about plans with Seoyun.

Dahyeong: Gotcha.

A grin appears on my face as I read over the screen. It might be too early to say this but I think I'm adjusting in better than I thought I would have. Ever since Minjeong put this huge responsibility on me, I haven't been able to think clearly. But now, I think I've shown through to the other side.

Who knew?

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