
In The Fields

What about school is so interesting to some people? I honestly can't even stand the thought of being stuck to a run-down chair for over an hour, trying to taking notes while listening to the teacher blab. The fact that I'm even able to make it through multiple classes a day shocks me.

I usually would put up with classes since I'm with either Seoyun, Dahyeong or both, but this time, Seoyun isn't here. I guess she still hasn't come to school yet but I can't exactly tell why I'm still so concerned, even if it's only been 15 minutes since the beginning of class. Dahyeong doesn't have Science with Seoyun and I so I can't rely on her to live for this block either. It's rather unfortunate because I'm feeling more sluggish than usual.

"Class, I'm going to assign pages 134 to 148. They're due for next week."

The teacher's words ring through the class as a collective wave of rustles of paper ensues. A few discreet groans can be heard as students scan over the pages due in the workbook. I look around, eyeing everyone's expressions before curiosity gets the best of me as I open to the pages as well. My face twists as I examine the unit on DNA.

Science never makes sense to me and probably never will. They just use so many fancy words when they could simplify the entire thing altogether. Then again, it would be far easier to learn and perhaps, they just want kids to struggle in school.

"Don't forget to check our online class group as I will be sending the slide presented from today through there. Other than that, you are free to clean up after yourself and go. You are dismissed."

On the teacher's exact words of 'dismissed' the entire class stands up, pulling their books and pencils together in record time. No one exactly wants to stay any longer and same goes for me. The feeling is even more amplified when you sit through an entire hour lecture on DNA. For such a small thing about a subject that won't be used in most jobs, it proves to be too much of an inconvenience in daily life. I mean, an hour, really?

I frown to myself as I stuff the last pen into my pencil case, bringing the case along on top of the stacks of books in my hands. I proceed to take the entire pile and dump them into my bag before tossing my bag over my shoulder. Spotting the beeline of students heading out the door, I hasten my steps to the exit, feeling a sense of freedom as I let the non-classroom air fill my lungs.

The sense of liberation was even more strong when I took into consideration that it was finally lunch. About time too, which reminds me. I'm supposed to meet up with Yuna to uh, decompose on the grass - become one with nature. I bring my hands to my temples and rub while closing my eyes. The stress definitely did not dissipate after class. If anything, I think it became worse. I take a deep breath to maintain my composure as I continue making my way to my locker.

The hallways were crowded with students racing about. A few would collide shoulders or run into each other but neither would bat an eye at it. I manage to squeeze my way into the general flow of traffic without accidentally hitting anyone, walking in the direction of said flow. A few people would zip by me but in general, everyone was walking in the same direction at the same speed, more or less.

I turn in on my locker's hallway and start to speed up my walking. I let my bag fall from my shoulder as I pull open my locker in front of me. Yuna still isn't here yet so I assume she's coming soon after me. I grab my bag, zipping it open to reveal all my books inside. My hand reaches in and grabs as many books as it can hold before shelving it away to the top portion of the locker. I'm about to stow away the final book and pencil case until I hear my name called.


I whip my head to the direction of the voice and see Yuna barreling towards me. She was carrying a canvas bag in one hand along with a lunch container in the other.

"Yep, that's me." I reply, unsure of what else to say.

"Just let me put away my stuff, then we can go to the field."

Yuna gives me a smile before opening her locker door. Her locker door was covered with a teal blue shard pattern wallpaper with photos of her friends held up by matching magnets. An add-in shelf of the same teal blue colour sat at the bottom of her locker and on top of it was a few textbooks along with stray miscellaneous school supplies. Her locker is much more personalized than mine's. As much as I wish that my locker looked like that, I also don't want to exert energy into getting it to become that.

The final item on Yuna is put away into her locker. She turns to me after closing her locker.

"I'm done now! Let's go."

Yuna skids off and I hastily chase after her, not wanting to be left behind in the sea of people. I catch up to her and I walk at her side. She turns to me, slowing down her pace.

"The field is out in the back of the school. It should be empty unless a class is using the space."


The halls become more winding as we reach the back entrance of the school. I spot a glint of light coming from the outside which I can only assume is coming from the door. Yuna dashes a small ways ahead of me then turning back, signalling for me to pick up the pace. I reluctantly do a small jog for the remaining distance between us.

"Here we are!" Yuna pushes the door open, my eyes greeted by the bright light of the outside. "I like to lie down over there."

Yuna points out a semi-shaded area under the school's fruit trees. I only nod in response as we both begin to make our way there. I jump over a bush of tall grass with Yuna following close after me. We pick up a small jog the rest of the way to the patch of fruit trees.

"Do I just... lie down here?" I ask feeling somewhat stupid doing it.

"Pretty much."

I look over to Yuna to see that her already lying on the ground. Her legs were propped up while her arms rested on her chest. I copy after her and lie down on the ground as well. The sky covered my entire vision, allowing me to watching the clouds as they went by in their obscure formations. The feeling of grass on me and occasional breezes was coaxing me into relaxation.

Only a few minutes go by before I hear Yuna break the silence.

"I'm sure you've got a lot on your mind. Do you wanna talk about it?"

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