
Deep In Thought

"Time's already up."

"Wait, there's still so much I don't know yet-" I try calling out to Minjeong, but to no avail. She disappears back on her podium and turns to stone, leaving me by myself.

What am I supposed to do now? Luckily, I didn't need to ask much as pellets of water started to gun me down right on the head. I snap my head to the direction of them to notice that they're coming from the fountain. I open my mouth to protest, but the water bullets beat me to it. The first feels like a hardened paintball as it comes into contact with me. I can't even regain my train of thought as more head my direction. The last thing I feel is my vision getting hazy before turning completely dark.


I wake up in a cold sweat and spring from my bed. I take a glance at my clock from bed, only to realize that it had just become midnight. I shouldn't have been in shock, and yet I still was. Tearing my covers off of me, I race to my clock just to double-check. It was indeed midnight. I slump down on the side of my bed, remaining wide-eyed.

So do I apparently have powers now that I'm sixteen? I wouldn't know how to use them or even start up a spell.

In things like TV shows, they go off about how you're meant to feel your power coursing through you and transferring it to your surface. In more cheesy scenarios, they make you 'become one with your power'. Would that still apply to real life? I mean, this doesn't seem like real life so I'd only get a headache from trying to make sense of it. It's still worth a shot, since I might have use for it once I wake up. Just think of all the chaos and confusion I could stir, though I obviously still have to be careful. Just a tad.

I get up from my spot beside the nightstand leaning against my bed. I start with assuming a steady stance, letting my arms droop at my side. I can see why it could be hard to be taught how exactly to activate your ability, since it's not a very tangible feeling. Even still, I push through, working on sensing my power flowing through me.

For a while, nothing is exactly what happens as I just stand awkwardly like a doofus. I shake off feelings of frustration and I bring my hands closer towards my body, laying them out in front of and tilting my head back. I steady my breathing, feeling my eyes subconsciously close as I detect an unnatural sensation stemming from my hands.


I break concentration out of sheer shock, slowly loosing the feeling in my hands. I may not have been able to keep it there for very long, but I suppose it's better than not knowing anything.

I lift up my hands to my field of view, eyeing the beads of water dripping from them as I examined my hands further. Creating water, huh? So not only do I have the ability to manipulate the movement of water, but I can create more. The mere thought of this newfound power draws a grin to my face.

I guess I'll figure it out as I go along since there's no reason to rush it. For now, Minjeong said that I needed to keep an eye on Jun and Seoyun. What reason would there even be? Don't tell me they're involved within the realm of enlighteneds...

Yeah, of course Seoyun would never keep a secret like that from me. I glance back at the clock clutched in my hands, loosening my grip on it.

My mind wanders back to my supposed dream I had. If the power I inherited from my great-great-grandmother is truly water, it'd explain so much more than the mass amounts of sweating I experienced. Now that I'm thinking about it, I don't think I was technically sweating. Was my water ability surfacing from me?

Another crucial indicator I can't forget is the experience I had while showering. The best way I could describe the feeling is being charged. In that very moment, I felt better than I ever had in my entire life, like I had been awakened. When I stepped out of the shower, the spasms of energy still persisted. I suppose that from that I can deduce it's more like being refuelled, rather than a temporary high or pleasure.

A lot more questionable things took place in my dream, like Seoyun and Wonjun being the best of buds and-

My mouth gapes open as my expression drops.

In my dream, Dahyeong never even existed, or at least within my circle of friends. What possible explanation is there even for something like this? Whatever it is, it doesn't look good for Dahyeong. Then again, it is just a dream, right?

Someone please tell me I'm overthinking it.

I chuck my dinky clock across the floor and crawl back into bed, too tired to be dealing with prompts like these. After all, this isn't meant to be literary works we're examining here, though it sure feels like it.

I'm not sure why, but just becoming a part of this realm of enlightened is exhilarating. Usually, I dread the next day of school but this time, I have a purpose to be there. No, it's not for school, though I wish I could say it was.

I just have a creeping feeling that tomorrow will be one of importance.


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