
Something Odd

I pull my towel over me, huddling in it like a sardine with its sardine buddies in a can. I've been wrapped in the towel for a good 5 minutes now, trying to get my body to calm down from the shower. For some reason though, I don't want to go back to feeling normal, but I know that I wouldn't exactly be in a great state of mind if I didn't.

I put away my towel, neatly folding it and placing it on a rack, then heading for my dresser to change into clothes. I open a drawer, pulling out my standard jeans and grabbing another pink sweater. Halfway through putting the top on, I feel like I'm sweating all over again, and yet I don't feel hot or clammy. Nice, I just showered to get rid of my sweat - here we are again.

I never seemed to notice that before I took my shower. Even though I was sweating, I swear it didn't seem like I was until I felt the parts of me that were supposedly sweating. I guess I'm overthinking things, after all, I shouldn't jump to conclusions like medical conditions.

I slide on my jeans, pulling it up my legs then finishing off my outfit by tucking my sweater into my jeans. I steal one last glance at myself in the mirror - my newfound habit - before dashing for the stairs. I quickly take to the kitchen to see what's for breakfast.

"You hungry? Or do you just wanna get to school earlier today?" My mom calls out while she's preparing my favourite breakfast food, pancakes. As much as I'd never say no to pancakes, I'm a bit clutch on time since I showered. I don't reply with anything to my mom's prompt for a bit, mesmerized by the sizzling batter of the pancakes.

My brain proceeds to argue with my stomach back and forth before finally giving in as I catch another whiff of pancakes. On second thought...

"I'll pack some with me." I reply, hastily grabbing a plastic container.

I think it's too messy for pancakes with syrup on the go so I'll eat them plain. Honestly, it's okay because they're the bomb either way. As soon as my mom sets the pancakes down on the counter, I snag one, and two, and three until my container can't hold anymore. So much for trying to turn down breakfast for once.

"Thanks!" I run off to put the container in my school bag.

I think I'll eat it on the bus since it's a 10-minute ride after all. Some people might find it embarrassing to eat on the bus, but I that shouldn't matter as eating is a normal bodily function. I grab my bag and whip it around my shoulder, letting one strap dangle off a shoulder.

"You heading out now already?" My mom walks over towards me, taking her glasses off to rub off the condensation that built up while cooking.

"Yeah. Getting to school earlier is less stressful anyway." I put on a slight smile, nodding. My mom flashes a grin on her face before ruffling my hair.

"Alright, message me once you arrive at school."

With those words, I begin walking towards the front door. I look back and spot my mom going back upstairs, most likely to sleep. I snap my head forward and fumble with the lock to the door. Forcing my way through, I push the door open.

Whenever the front door opens, a shrill squeaking sound is made by it. Sometimes I can't help but wonder when our front door is gonna give up on us. Judging by the sound produced by it, it doesn't seem like it's going to last for much longer. I ignore the ear-piercing sound and skip out the door, dashing towards the bus stop.

For some reason, I'm excited to meet Seoyun and Dahyeong even though I see them every day. Close friends just do that to you, I guess.

A problem that I'm not that keen on gauging and know I'll encounter and is Jun. How am I supposed to even talk to him when yesterday was a thing?

I purse my lips, hastening my pace. Don't get me wrong, it's not like anything exceptionally weird happened between us, but then again, that's most of the reason why.

I cross an intersection in the road, speeding my way to the other side as a car was waiting to turn. I round a corner of the street and eye the bus stop, not seeing Seoyun nor Dahyeong there. That's weird since they're always here before me. I guess they decided to take the earlier bus. Did they not want to wait for me?

As it always is, the bus stop is dead silent, even though 8 people are here waiting. I never notice these kinds of things most of the time because I have Seoyun and Dahyeong with me to break the silence, making me the loud one at the bus stop. I think I'll ask them about it at school.


After a good few minutes of waiting awkwardly at the bus stop, I see my bus pull up to the curb. I reach into my bag and grab my t-money card, readying myself to pay. Everyone at the stop who wanted to take this bus got in a single file line; I stood third to the front.

I slowly march to the entrance as the people in front of me tapped their cards. I proceed to tap mine then walk to the usual spot I sit at with Seoyun and Dahyeong, the only difference being that they aren't here. I prepare myself for a dull bus ride until I realize something. Right! I have pancakes. Maybe this bus ride won't be as boring as I thought.

I dig into my bag and pull out my container with pancakes. Is it weird to see someone take out pancakes in a public bus? I think it is, but I don't care at this moment. I grab a fork and pierce a pancake, gobbling up a third of it in one large bite only to rinse and repeat the process 5 seconds later once I finish chewing the bite. I manage to down on one pancake in 30 seconds, which while it isn't record time for me, it's getting pretty close. I laugh under my breath for a bit, thinking of how ridiculous I must have looked. Let the public look as much as they want. It's a good thing I still have more.


"Next stop, Cheongju High."

My head perks up when I hear my stop being called. I take my bag off my lap and sling it around my shoulder. I stand up from my seat and make my way to the exit of the bus. My bag slightly falls from my shoulder, but I tug it back up. I finally step out of the bus, dashing to the school gates. I spot Nayun waving at me from the entrance.

"HEY!" She jumps up, waving some more. I feel myself break into a sprint until I reach her.

"HEY!" I greet back, mimicking her. We both break into laughter before calming ourselves down.

"Where were you at the bus stop?" I question.

"I rode with Jun to school. I was going to text you about it but my phone died." I nod, but on the inside, I felt so confused.

"...Jun?..." I mutter under my breath.

Seoyun doesn't hear, as she starts barreling over to Jun, greeting him in a bear hug. I would try to act surprised to see Jun, but I can't shake off the thought that Seoyun and Jun are now acting like best friends. I bite down on my lip, an uneasy feeling building up in the pits of my stomach. I can't tell what my facial expression is, though if I had to guess, I'd say it's a look of confusion mixed with some more confusion.

"Minji? You good?" Jun takes to my side, grabbing me by the hips and pulling me closer. I'd fight back, but I'm too shaken right now to even care.

"Yeah..." I reply, slowly nodding my head, not bothering to look back at Jun.

"Whatever you say." He says, turning his head back forward.

Seoyun, Jun and I start heading for our lockers in the school. I quicken my pace, eager to get out of the uncomfortable position. As soon as I see my locker, I free myself from Jun's grasp and run to it. He follows after me and goes to his locker.

"Hey, get back!" He calls out playfully. Seoyun smirks at the both of us while watching this scene unfold before dismissing herself to her locker. She performs an exaggerated exit as she bows to leave.

"Bye lovebirds, I'm out." Seoyun turns and starts her trek.

I open my locker and put away my bag, still wearing the aforementioned confused expression. My mouth completely gapes open when I realize that I didn't see Dahyeong today. It's weird since she always sticks to either Seoyun or me.

"Do you know where Dahyeong is today?" I turn to Jun putting his jacket away. He pauses for a bit before facing me and replying.

"Who's Dahyeong?"

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