
A Night In The Park

What's Jun even trying to pull off right now, inviting me to the park and all? I don't get anything, and honestly, I don't want to try and search my brain for an answer. If he told me to come over when we're not even friends, it's either something extremely important or nothing at all. There is no in-between, especially when it comes to Jun.

I calm my running to a brisk walk, keeping pace and pulling my skirt down after it rode up while sprinting. A right turn and a bit down the street sidewalk should lead me to the Cheongju community park. Reaching the intersection, I round the corner and start walking down the path.

I always have a bad habit of looking down whenever I walk. I look at things like the cracks on the ground and try not to step on them. I'm not superstitious, or anything, I just like doing it because it's fun. One foot in front of the other, the other in front of the foot you started with - then do it all over again! It's a continuous pattern that I find constant amusement in; I don't even know how it became a superstition.

After a little game of avoiding the cracks, I reach the park and spot Jun sitting at a bench by a rather large conifer tree. Slowly, I begin walking over towards him. He looks in my direction and catches my slow movement.

"You look constipated." Jun says in a clear voice for everyone to hear.

My eyes flash in bewilderment and I holler back at him from where I was standing, "Why would you even say something like that out loud, you monkey!?"

"Judging by your reaction, it only proves it to be true." He shrugs and pats the spot next to him on the bench. I only purse my lips and reluctantly sit.

"What did you even call me over for?" I ask.

Jun puts both of his hands on each of my cheeks and squishes them. If the cold wasn't enough to make my face turn red, this very action did more than enough.

"You're pretty chubby." He says, giggling to himself like a toddler. I pull his hands off, wiggling myself free from him.

"Ooookay, get into the real reason I'm here." I sigh, dismissive of what just transpired. He pouts, looking glum for a bit before whipping out what looks to be a folded paper box.

"I bought dinner, but I got too much. I figured I might as well share it with someone else." Jun starts to fold open the box, gazing back up at me and handing it to me to hold while he got the utensils.

In the box were fried noodles and chicken balls with white rice. The portion he got looks quite big, but I know I can down on anything, regardless of size. Jun takes out two forks, handing me one and keeping the other for himself.

"There was a sale for the meal I usually get, but only for the largest size. With the sale, this size costed the same as the smaller size, so I decided to get a larger one instead." He clarified. I nod. After all, it does make sense. Besides, he wouldn't do it for me if it wasn't the case, at least I'd imagine anyway.

"I also heard it was your 16th birthday tomorrow. This can be the first part of my gift to you." He grins.

"How do you even know that?" I mumble between mouthfuls of food. "I don't go around telling everyone that."

"I don't need you to tell me; I have your Kakao."

Jun smacks me on the head, making me gag out a chicken ball I just got in my mouth on him. He makes haste and grabs a napkin for me, holding it at my mouth until I place a hand to keep it there. Jun starts eyeing the ball of chicken rolling down his thigh slowly and picks it up, disposing of it. I start pretend-convulsing in disgust at the sight of him touching a piece of chicken that was in my mouth.

"You do know that was just in my mouth, right?" I inquire. He stops for a bit, staring at me blankly.

"Yep. It was in there for 2 seconds, and you didn't chew it yet. It's alright, as long as I'm willing to accept the fact that there's your saliva on it." I gawk at the fact Jun says it so nonchalantly.

"Alrighty, weirdo." I reply dumbfounded, scrunching my nose for a bit. He laughs it off and pawns off a chicken ball from his share of chicken balls to me.

"Here, it's compensation for one of your chicken balls."

I feel a smile tug at my face when he says that. I use my fork to impale the ball of chicken and pick it up, then gobbling it down in one bite.

"Do you always eat messily?" Jun teases.

"Always." I respond immediately, not even looking up from the food. He chuckled, most likely from my delight with food.

"You haven't even tried the fried noodles and rice. Eat them and tell me what you think." Jun adds once I reply. I vigorously bobble my head up and down, getting a mouthful of noodles on my chopsticks. I take a glimpse of Jun, who seems to be doing the same as I am. Securing the noodles on my chopsticks, I exchange glances with Jun. He stares right back at me and starts to eat the noodles on his utensil; I quickly follow after.

"How is it?" He says, cocking his head sideways to get a good view of my expression. I only give a thumbs up and can't even say anything before I continue stuffing my face. I peer from the corner of my eyes, seeing Jun having a hoot over my reaction. I look up from my food, staring directly into Jun's eyes. He brought his knuckle to my lips, wiping off some sauce left there. His hand drifted down to my neck, then rotating around to my back and down my spine.

We stayed in this position, staring at each other, not wanting to break the gaze. Midway through, my face went from warm to burning and Jun takes note, brushing the back of his hand against the heat pack called my cheek. Jun grabs my small waist, his large hands touching each other on my back.

"Thanks, I guess I should say." He whispers practically silent, pulling me in for a hug.

"All I did was eat with you two times today. That's something a decent human being should be able to do." I manage to squeak out.

"It means a lot to me, I suppose." He smiles, standing up. "Come on, I'll walk you home."

I motion back and get up from the bench as well, patting down my skirt. Jun reaches out to grab my hand, and I pull away. His expression crumples, and he practically grabs my hand by force, interlocking his fingers with mine.

"My house is nearby, so it should only be a 5-minute walk there." I interject into the silence that hit us after we held hands. Jun only nods silently with a slight smile.

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