
Chapter 12

I could not sleep all night for mainly two reasons.

One, I touched Ajax's family jewels.

Two, I could be leaving today.

I feel like the bachelor women when they say in their confessionals before the rose ceremony, I could be going home today... then they stare into the camera with wide-eyes.

I sigh and sit up, stretching. Flix will be popping in at any second telling me to get my ass up. I close my eyes and picture Ajax when I touched him, the man was large and very erect. The look on his face could make my cheeks permanently stain the color red.

I force his image out of my mind for a second. I practiced all night with my hand gestures, learning the complicated hand movements. Pierce sent to me late last night. It's like sign-language. I need more practice, but I am getting the hang of it. I disagree with Ajax, I did have a great break-through. I learned three hand gestures by heart. 1, Hello, greeting. 2, Danger, I need help. And, 3, protect me, forcefield.

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