

I DON'T MOVE A muscle. The intruder hasn't done anything yet but to press his knife on my neck without saying a single word. I gulp, trying to figure out who the person was, but the room was just too dark for me to register the face properly.

"Who are you?" I finally ask.

"What are you doing in this room?" The voice surprisingly answers. My eyes widen when I recognize who the owner of the voice was.

"T-Tobias? Master Tobias?" I ask, and it took him a second to finally pull the knife away from me.

I sigh in relief. Then I immediately lean at the side to turn on the lamp. The small yellow light was enough for me to finally see Tobias's face. He was expressionless, but I could see the anger in his eyes. He must have mastered covering his true feelings, but the eyes never lie. He's mad at me, and I could see it.

"I asked you a question." He says, making me remember that he actually did ask me a question.

I take a deep breath; thinking of an answer that won't make him cut my throat.

"Master Cyrus placed me here, so in case an intruder got inside and presume I was him, I would be able to catch him." I lie to him, which was surprisingly effective because Tobias was slowly putting the knife down. Only now have I realize that the knife he's holding has an ivory-gold handle. Why would a twenty-four-year-old boy have an expensive looking knife like that?

"But my brother doesn't stay here anymore." He tells me.

Of course, he knows that. Idiot.

"Well intruders from outside the mansion wouldn't know that, am I correct?" I ask him, and finally, Tobias puts his knife down and tucks it underneath his pants.

"Anyway, why are you here so late master Tobias?" I ask, immediately standing up from the bed, hoping he wouldn't question my stupid lie.

Tobias looks at me but quickly looks away; immediately reminding me that I was only wearing my boxers.


"I sincerely apologize. I wasn't expecting a...visitor." I say as I hurriedly grab the pants that I just threw on the floor when I stripped it off earlier.

Tobias raises his hand to stop me, so I did. Without even looking at me, he takes a deep breath and says, "It doesn't matter. I'll leave. I wasn't expecting anyone to be here, so I apologize for suddenly intruding."

I was surprised to hear his answer. I wasn't expecting that he'd actually apologize to me.

"No, this is your home. There is no reason for you to apologize. In fact, I'm more of an intruder than you are." I tell him, but Tobias looks at me and suddenly shows me a worried expression. An expression that I was not expecting to see from him, "I beg you, please do not tell this to my brother."

The tone of his voice automatically made me nod my head in agreement. I've always known that he was the youngest, but I realize that he's still practically a child compared to Cyrus and the others. And I know what a fake expression looks like. But that...that's fucking real. That's fear right there.

"As you wish master." I sincerely tell him.

Tobias nods his head back and walks away, but before he could leave, I call out for him, making him stop, "Why are you here if you know your brother doesn't stay here anymore?" I ask, hoping he would answer me even though I know that I was stepping out of my boundaries as a mere guard.

Tobias was silent for a second. And like how I hoped, he answers my question; "The view. When I can't sleep, I go here and look at the view."

When I heard his answer, I immediately look at the window that I was also captivated by just moments ago. Tobias looks over his shoulder and stares at me, "This was my father's room, did you know that?" He asks, surprising me. But before I could even answer him, he leaves the room.

The moment that he was gone, I exhale deeply. I didn't even realize that I was holding my breath while I was looking at the young one.

"When I can't sleep, I go here and look at the view," I remember him say.

I look at the window again. For a moment I thought Tobias was here to actually kill me, but the look on his face made me realize that the saint act that he has going on might not all be a lie after all.

If this was Adam's room, and Tobias is comfortable enough to go here whenever he couldn't sleep; does that mean he's close with his father? And does that mean that the reason why the announcement of the new CEO of the Delton Enterprise is right after Tobias's 25th birthday is because...Adam chose him?

Could that be it?


I couldn't sleep well last night after what happened with Tobias. I was too occupied that my brain didn't let me sleep. Things are starting to get complicated, and it's only just my second day at work.

I know it's still too early to conclude on anything, but after all the thinking last night, I think Tobias might not be the killer. I don't know why, but I have this gut feeling. And I know my guts sometimes disappoint me, but there's no reason for me to not trust it for now.

It's still too early in the morning, so I did a few pushups before taking a bath. And just when I got out of the bathroom, someone knocks on the door. I was only wearing a towel, but I decided to open it anyway.

Luis smiles brightly when he sees me.

"Good, you're awake." He says, pushing me aside and heading inside the room without asking for my permission.

Apparently I don't get any privacy in this room.

"The masters are already eating breakfast so you should hurry." He says as I follow behind him.

Luis is holding four garment bags. He opens the dresser and hangs it all in there. He must have known that I was looking at him confusingly so he explains for my behalf, "These are your uniforms." Luis then picks up the dirty clothes on the floor before looking back at me, "Wear them now."

I nod my head and take one out so I could wear them. As I was wearing the uniform, Luis was cleaning the room. It made me remember that Luis is Cyrus's maid too, so no maid is allowed to step foot inside this room other than him. I should keep this tidy for Luis's sake. I don't want the old man to clean my own mess all the time.

"I hope this time master Cyrus won't stab another bread knife on the table again." I joke, and Luis chuckles and hands me my shoes.

"Thank you," I say, wearing the socks first on both feet before wearing the shoes.

"I'm certain mistress Catalina and the other masters won't do anything that will make him do so after what happened last night," Luis assures me.

When I was done, Luis adjusts my necktie for me and hands me my gun, "Alright, head over to the dining room now while I put these at the laundry room. I'm sure you know where the dining room is."

"I do," I answer confidently since I did remember the way to the other dining room and not the cafeteria-like dining room.

I bow my head for Luis first, thinking I'm obliged to do it since he's a rank higher than me. Luis smiles and I walk out of the bedroom to head to the dining room where the others were.

The masters were already eating when I arrived, and their butlers and bodyguards were already waiting at the side like last night. When I got there, I immediately bow to greet the siblings before standing on the spot where Luis and I stood last night.

"What kind of work attitude is this? A bodyguard should be awake before his master. Cyrus could be murdered and you'd just be sleeping silently in your room." Catalina suddenly points out, making me gulp.

I was supposed to defend myself, but Cyrus puts down the newspaper that he was reading and says, "I told him to sleep in, but only for today. He had a stressful first day, so I gave him that privilege. Don't scold my guards and I won't scold yours."

The room immediately tenses up. Catalina glares at her brother but continues eating. She wasn't really wrong though so Cyrus didn't have to say those things. It's just that I don't know the customs here so I wasn't able to be here on time.

"Well, I'm just glad we get to see a new face in the morning. And a handsome face even." Chance comments. And by the looks of it, he and Cyrus might have reconciled now. He wouldn't be so happy if they haven't.

"Don't you think little Tobi?" Chance then asks, making Tobias flinch.

Tobias slowly looks up to look at me, which made me feel awkward for some reason. But Tobias looked natural as he looks back at his brother and sweetly smiles, "I suppose so."

Damn. What is wrong with this family?

"I talked to president Boris last night and he's willing to negotiate with us again. Now let me make this clear for everyone. Do not do anything that does not fit your skill, do you understand me?" Cyrus asks.

"Yes, brother." Everyone answers. Even Catalina looked obedient for a second.

Just in time, Luis arrives and stands beside me; the others bowing their heads to greet him. When Cyrus sees that Luis was already here, he wipes his mouth with a napkin and stands from his seat.

"I'll head to the company first. I was told that president Boris is on his way there now. I'll see you all later. Thank you for the wonderful breakfast." He says before putting the chair back and walking away.

Luis bows in front of the others and follows Cyrus out. I did the same and follow behind them. While we were walking down the hallway, Cyrus glances at me and suddenly informs me, "I wake up at five-thirty in the morning. I usually exercise for thirty to forty minutes, so you can wait outside the study room at seven. I don't usually have guards so I apologize if I wasn't able to give you any concrete instructions."

It surprised me that Cyrus apologized, but I pretend not to be surprised at all and just nod my head in understanding.

When we arrive outside, a car was already waiting at the front. Luis rushes first to open the door for Cyrus. Cyrus sits at the back, and then Luis closes the door for him too. I obviously didn't know where to sit, but Luis opens the door to the passenger's seat and gestures for me to get in.

"You seriously don't have to do that. Opening doors won't break my hand." I honestly tell him as I step inside the luxurious car. Luis closes the door and sits on the driver's seat before answering me, "Well it would break my ego as a gentleman, so let me be."

I smile and nod my head in understanding. Then Luis starts the engine and drives off.

When we got out of the gate, I glance at the rearview mirror to look at Cyrus. I almost flinched when I saw him directly looking back at me.

"So, how do you find your first day at the ever so wonderful Delton Mansion?" Cyrus asks, immediately making me look away from him.

I clear my throat first before answering his question, "I would be lying if I say it wasn't what I expected."

"Then what were you exactly not expecting?" He asks me, making me grin, "That you could actually pierce a bread knife in an expensive-looking table like that."

Luis clears his throat. I'm guessing he didn't like how I spoke. But Cyrus looked like he didn't mind it as I saw him smiling through the rearview mirror.

"I have my days." He simply answers.

After our very quick conversation, he and Luis started talking about business matters. I didn't understand a single word that they were saying so I decided to just stay quiet.

I didn't tell Cyrus about what happened with Tobias last night. Not because Tobias begged me not to, but because I need something from Tobias. He knows something about his father. I just know it. And if I can at least get a little trust from him, then I would be able to get some information about his father; information that might just help with my investigation.

"We're here. Vince, accompany our master as I park the car." Luis instructs as he parks the car in front of the building.

I head out of the car, surprised to see employees waiting at the entrance. They obviously didn't know me, but thanks to my uniform, they slightly bow their heads to greet me. It was strange, but I greet them back and immediately head to Cyrus's side to open the door for him.

When he steps out, everyone immediately greets him while they bow their heads and hold their right hand on their chest. I don't know why they have to do so, but it looked cool so who cares?

"Good morning," Cyrus says while walking towards the entrance of the building.

I follow behind him, and standing near the entrance was none other than the man I met when I first got here, Edison Clegane, also known as Cyrus's secretary. He smiles when he sees me, then he immediately shifts his attention towards Cyrus.

"Good morning master Cyrus. President Boris is already waiting at your office." Edison states as he follows beside Cyrus.

I continue to follow behind them. When we got to Cyrus's office, Edison stops me and tells me to stay outside, so I nod my head in understanding. Of course, I wouldn't just follow orders from anyone, but since Cyrus didn't oppose, I followed it.

I stood in silence for at least an hour. Thankfully my military training paid off so I could easily stand for five more hours without feeling my legs shake. But what would kill me would be the boredom. I know I signed up to be a guard, but I'm also here to investigate their father's death. How am I going to do that if I'm stuck here, and when we're at the mansion, I can't even roam around after that stupid bell rings? Do these people really want me to find the killer or what?

"Thank you, president Boris. I'll give you the documents tomorrow right away." I hear Cyrus say from inside the office door. He must have been really happy for him to say those words out loud.

After a few more minutes, the door opens, immediately making me stand straight.

A man who looked like Santa Clause walks out of the office. I immediately greet him, and it seems like he was in a good mood to greet me back.

"Is this your bodyguard president Cyrus?" Santa asks when Cyrus followed behind him.

Cyrus stands beside me and gently pats my shoulder, "Yes. I decided just recently that it's better to be safe than sorry."

"That's good to know. What happened to your father was just too sudden. It would be terrible if something happened to you too." Santa says, making Cyrus smile.

"I am honored for your deep concern president Boris," Cyrus says politely. He then looks at Edison, who just got out of the office, and tells him, "Ed, please accompany the president to his car."

"Will do," Edison says, walking towards San...Boris...and gesturing his hand for president Boris to follow him.

"I hope to hear from you soon Cyrus Delton." President Boris says before walking away with Edison.

Cyrus smiles and waits for President Boris to get inside the elevator. When they were finally out of our sights, the smile on. Cyrus's face immediately turns into an empty expression, almost making me shiver by how quick the mood change was. He doesn't say anything and heads back inside his office. He doesn't close the door so I assume that he wants me to follow him inside, so I did.

I close the door behind me and watch Cyrus take a seat; not on his desk, but on a sofa. I don't say a word as I stand near the door, watching as Cyrus takes a deep breath and just slumps himself on the sofa. It was almost like he wanted the sofa to just swallow him whole.

"I have not smiled and begged in front of someone as much as I did today. My cheeks ached so much I thought it would get stuck." Cyrus suddenly says without even looking at me. I don't know what to respond so I decided to just keep my mouth shut for now.

"If I have to kiss that old man's ass again, I'd rather let Catalina handle him. It doesn't even matter if she doesn't fit the role or not." Cyrus continues to say. I still don't understand why he was suddenly telling me these things, but I knew he just wanted to let it all out, and I knew that having someone there to simply listen is better compared to having no one at all.

"Seriously what is with those roles?" I finally ask him, and Cyrus looks at me and brushes his hair back with his fingers, messing his perfectly waxed hair a little.

"Did you not listen to me last night?" He asks back, and I sigh and walk closer to him.

"Yeah, I did. You said everyone has a significant role in the family. It's the reason why you survived for more than a century." I tell him. Cyrus opens his mouth to say something back, but I take a step closer and continue, "And Luis talked about ranks. Seriously, what is with that kind of system? It's not normal at all."

Cyrus smiles in amusement. He must have been surprised that I would bravely open up that topic to him.

"As I told you, we're not a normal family. So that also means the people at the mansion aren't normal either. Everyone isn't stupid. Everything inside the mansion is like a game that everyone has to play, which is why the players have to be smart in every move they make." Cyrus explains, and I knew that this meant more than just my question.

"So you're telling me that I shouldn't look down on them; that if I want to find the person who killed your father, I have to play this so-called 'game' too," I say, and Cyrus nods his head and stands from his seat so he could walk to where I was standing.

"I don't usually have a lot of servants, but the people under me follow my ways. I train them to be-" I quickly cut Cyrus mid-sentence and continue for him, "like a gentleman?"

Cyrus stares directly at my eyes and smirks, "That's right."

"So you're going to teach me your ways? Is that it?" I ask.

Cyrus nods his head, but then he suddenly stops, like he just had a brilliant idea.

"That wouldn't be enough." He says, but it wasn't a statement directed towards me. It was more like he said those words to himself.

After thinking by himself for at least a minute, Cyrus looks back at me and grabs me by the shoulder all of a sudden, "You have to know it all to trick them all. For you to win the game, you have to be the best player." He tells me, confusing me even more.

"What on earth are you even saying?" I ask, and Cyrus finally puts his hands down from me and says, "All the servants at the mansion have roles according to their masters. In order for you to understand and know their ways, you have to know them yourself." He explains, finally making me understand where this conversation is going.

"Are you telling me that you'll-"

Cyrus cuts me off and immediately says, "I will teach you all those roles. I'll teach you how to be like a Delton."

The sudden declaration made the hair on my skin stand. I thought he was joking, but Cyrus looks at me seriously and says with determination, "And the first thing you have to do Mr. Vincent Carter is to act like a saint. That's the first role that you have to master in order for you to become a Delton. And in order for you to master it, you have to be as fucking fake...as our little Tobi."

Next chapter