
Chapter 2 - uncaged

It had been a few weeks since her encounter with her sexy stranger, well she was aware he had a name; Dabi, but he was still a stranger, one she had sex with in public. 'oh god' she thought just thinking about him had her blushing and tingling in all the right places.

"Phoebe" a voice pulled her from her thoughts she looked up from her hands to her friends face.

"Ha you're blushing" he told phoebe, which only increased her blush.

"Shut it, Keigo" phoebe growled at him poking his chest with her claw, this only caused him to laugh harder.

"oh watch out, this kitty has claws" Keigo replied as his arms wrapped around his stomach as if this would contain his laughter phoebe couldn't reply whatever she wanted to say disappeared with his use of the word kitty 'fuck, why use that, why that nickname of all things' she thought, It only had her think of Dabi more, Keigo using sounded wrong from his mouth.

"don't call me that" phoebe shouted as she slammed her hands down on table, this action had Keigo grabbing his drink before it would spill and ruin his food, people that were walking passed had stopped to stare at her outburst, phoebe turned to look at the two girls that stood gapping at her, phoebe roared, she put her leopard behind and the girls screamed and ran.

"Sorry ladies she is just having a PMT moment" Keigo shouted after them, more people had gathered now, phoebe could practically feel her fur on edge, she could feel the need to shift, her ears twitched in annoyance and she grinded her teeth together. Phoebe could just about hear the sound of a chair scrapping backwards over the roaring in her ears. She felt herself being pulled from her chair and lifted off the ground, before she could even react to the situation, she felt the warm embrace as arms wrapped around her waist. Phoebe blinked clearing her vision and what she saw had her wishing she hadn't, she was no longer on the ground, or near the restaurant she was flying in the air, she tried to struggle against the arms that held her tight.

"Calm down Phoebe, if you carry on I will drop you, don't worry I will still catch you if you fall, but would be extra work for me, so just hold on" Keigo said as phoebe wrapped her arms around his neck she could hear him muttering to himself about leaving his chicken behind, phoebe couldn't help but smile. 'stupid bird' she thought.

"Where are we going?" Phoebe asked

"Forest, it looked like you need to run and I know the perfect stop for you and your leopard" Keigo replied she could tell that he sounded proud by this fact. Phoebe felt like she was being watched she turned her head to gaze up from Keigo's shoulder, but he was looking ahead. 'weird must just be my imagination then' she thought, phoebe turned her head to look down at the ground, the city had given to a beautiful green landscape, phoebe felt her breathe catch as she saw the leaves from the trees glistening from this mornings rain swaying gently within the breeze.

"hawks come in" the sound of static filled the headphones Keigo had around his neck, phoebe was slightly worried that he would loosen his grip to answer his comm's, phoebe was grateful that she trusted him, she reached her hands from his neck knowing he would still be holding on to her to lift his headphones so they fit over his ears and pressed the button on them that would allow him to be able to respond.

"Yeah" he simply replied, obviously hoping phoebe hadn't heard the call, this was just more work for him and he just wanted to chill and eat.

"there is a Nomu attacking we need backup" the voice frantically replied, phoebe smiled as she felt his heavy sigh.

"Alright I'm on my way" he muttered his response before phoebe clicked the comm link off and chuckled.

"So such for our date huh, this day is turning into too much hard work" Keigo muttered as he started his decent to the beginning of the forest.

"Gross Keigo we will never go on a date, you are so not my type" she stated we were 10 feet from the ground before she felt his hands let her go, her light grip on his shoulders gave way as she fell backwards.

"Bastard" phoebe shouted as she quickly turned around and braced her body as she landed on all fours, her hands and feet absorbed the impact from the fall. Phoebe could hear laughter from above her, chuffing she wiped her hands on her leggings and glared up at him.

"see cats really do land on their feet" he laughed so much he tipped himself forward doing a 360 flip before righting himself.

"This cat is going to fucking eat you" she screamed up at him flipping him the bird for good measure.

"Promises, promises phoebe" Keigo called as he began to fly away, phoebe watched him go until se could no longer see his crimson wings.

"there goes my ride" she muttered angrily to herself, she was now grateful she could shift and run off the pent up frustration she had. Phoebe walked towards the tree's edge before ducking through the bushes, she began to strip out of her clothes she folded them neatly in a pile and placed them at the foot of the tree, slipped her shoes off next to them, phoebe again felt like she was being watched, she looked around her, but she still didn't see anyone, shaking her head she choose to ignore it, blaming it on paranoia.

A breeze wrapped itself around phoebe, she felt her nipples contract with the sudden chill, a little shiver ran up her spine. The only downside to her quirk if she shifted into her leopard her clothes shredded with the change so naked was the only way to save herself the embarrassing walk back to her house in her birthday suit.

Phoebe activated her quirk and felt her leopard rush to the surface, now on all fours she shook out her fur, if you saw phoebe in this form she would seem imposing, a normal sized leopard was fierce enough but phoebe in this form was double the size, most people were scared of her and quickly ran away which from a predators point of view they just looked like prey an instinct she had to often rein in. Phoebe stretched out her feline body, she could feel her roped muscles itching to run, she chuffed and rubbed her scent against the trees that surrounded her clothes before she sprung away, despite her size phoebe still has she grace and ability of a leopard her paws barely made a sound as she ran weaving in and out of the trees, she stopped every few metres to mark her new territory with her scent, phoebe couldn't deny this basic instinct. Phoebe ran until the tension left her muscles she began to feel free; uncaged, she ran until her muscles protested their over use. Phoebe slowed her pace down as she reached a huge thick tree phoebe raked her claws down the truck, ripping bark away, she dug them in and she began to climb, until she reached a large limb of the tree canopy that looked sturdy enough to take her weight, she climbed out on it and laid her body down, her tail dangled off the edge. She could feel the warmth of the summer sun through leaves, the slight breeze ruffled her fur, she felt at peace, felt tired she began to close her eyes. 'Just for a little bit' she thought before she felt the sleep pull her under its spell.

Phoebe woke to the sound of an owl hooting nearby, she opened her eyes and lazily rose her head from her paws, the afternoon sunlight had long disappeared replaced with the silver moonlight. 'its night time' she thought as she stretched out her body, she felt her back legs coil as she pounced down from the tree, despite the height of the branch, phoebe made no noise as her paws found purchase on the ground. Phoebe's stomach contracted pain flared her body as she remembered she hadn't eaten all day again, she didn't it on purpose like her parents had thought so she could lose weight, she just simply forgot to eat a bad habit she never grew out of.

Phoebe rose her head and scented the air for prey large enough for her to satisfy her hunger 'there' she thought she ran forward following the scent as she neared phoebe dropped to her stomach and creep crawled towards her prey; a fully matured Sika deer. Phoebe waited patiently watching for the right moment to strike 'now' she thought and sprung forward, she dug in her claws and locked her jaw around its neck with a quick and painless death she broke its neck, Phoebe ate her prey, her ears twitched she could hear someone in the forest, but with some distance from her she ignored it, once phoebe had taken her fill she left to go back to where she left her clothes, as she approached the tree she shifted back to her human form, the forest floor still felt warm beneath her feet.

"what the actual fuck" phoebe muttered angrily, her clothes and shoes were gone. She knew she had left them here, where were they. She searched the bushes that surrounded the trees. 'nothing' her tail twitched in annoyance. How could her clothes just disappear, she was some distance from her house despite the fact that this forest surrounded this city, this part of the forest was unfamiliar to her.

"Great, thank you asshole" she shouted throwing her hands up in the air, she couldn't walk through the town like this she would have no choice but to walk through the forest which would take longer and she wouldn't be able to maintain her leopard form long enough to make it through the city, it was a good thing her eyes could see in the dark she had never been so grateful to her night vison. Phoebe sighed 'moaning and complaining isn't going to solve anything' she was about until move forward when she heard laughter.

"I swear if that's you Keigo I'm going to enjoy ripping each feather off those pretty wings of yours" phoebe shouted she knew full well he could remove them at will and control each and every one of them through telepathy, but despite this would try her best to maim him. She knew was this was the sort of stupid thing he would do to her, and yet it to her shame it wouldn't even have been the first time either. Keigo, Toya and herself had been friends since their childhood they were always playing pranks on each other, whether it taking Keigo feathers or them taking her clothes whenever they wanted to see her leopard, yet as the ringleader to their merry band Toya almost never got pranked.

Phoebe felt her anger melt away, the last time she saw Toya was when she was 15, no-one knows what happened to him; phoebe had heard rumours that he has been killed by his father, phoebe had always hated that particular rumour though, she wanted and hoped he just ran away however even that hurt that he would have run away with out telling Keigo or her. Phoebe had only ever seen them as friend nothing more, she had always blamed Keigo for the reason it had changed he wanted to play that stupid game of truth and dare one night when they were 14, phoebe being cocky when is was her turn and chosen dare. Dare why did she pick that, Keigo could have dared her to do anything and he goes with phoebe ' I dare is kiss Toya' phoebe couldn't have back down so she did it; she kissed Toya, but that one kiss that one stupid kiss changed everything for her, it didn't help that he was her first kiss.

Phoebe shook the memories away from her head, she never told Toya how she felt and yet she couldn't help but compare the guys she had dated to him, she even hated losing her virginity to someone other than him.

"Snap out of it phoebe" she said as she slapped her both her cheeks. She walked towards where she had heard the laughter, the forest became eerily quiet, Goosebumps rose over her flesh she rubbed her arms, lucky for phoebe the night time wasn't that too cold and added benefit that her temperature always ran higher than the average person.

"I'm so not in the mood Keigo, despite being nocturnal doesn't mean I want to strolling through the forest all bloody night" she shouted into the darkness, still no reply from the feathered little shit, she was going to enjoy hurting him, smiling to herself about all the ways she could inflict pain to him she trolled on, she heard a twig snap near by, her ears twitched to the sound, she began to run towards the noise and did the only thing that could happen to her, she tripped over a moss covered log arms stretched out she fell flat on her face, she winced as she felt something enter her side.

Phoebe carefully rose to her knees, she never understood how being a cat she could jump from a height and land perfectly but she could just has easily trip over her own shadow.

"shit that hurt" phoebe muttered to herself, she sat down on the forest floor and carefully removed the stick that was currently embedded within her side, the tell tale smell of copper filled her nose, she wasn't bleeding to much and a small injury like that would heal fast thanks to her quick healing ability.

"I wish you were here Toya, you were the only one this lunatic would listen to" she said to the forest her voice echoed as if they would carry the message to him. Phoebe pushed herself up and stood, she looked around the forest hoping to see him 'there to the right' she thought as her eyes caught the movement she ran towards him just as she neared where she had seen, the sound of leaves rustling from behind had her quickly turning around, she lost her balance fell back against a tree.

" I know you always wanted me naked beneath you, but you damn well know that I would fuck Toya over you any day of the week" phoebe shouted at him before continuing "sorry bird brain you will always be friend zoned" she sniggered.

" phee" a voice called out, phoebe stopped dead in her tracks, that nickname, that was what Toya used to call her.

"oh you didn't, you know what Keigo I'm going to find Toya and when I do I'm going to fuck him and record it just to send to you" phoebe shouted at him, even as phoebe thought about it she knew Keigo was bi and would most likely just add to his spank bank.

Phoebe heard footsteps approach before she could see him her vison was blinded by a bright light, fire she knew it was she could feel the heat from where she stood, she closed her eyes rubbing them before she reopened them.

"you never did record us having sex phee" the voice said smugly, phoebe blinked her vision, Phoebe walked slowly closer to the flames. "Toya" she whispered.

"looking for these kitty" the voice answered, in his hands were her clothes he held them out to her before she could reach them they erupted and were quickly disintegrated by the blue flames.

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