
Chapter 8: Vision

The alarm clock rang on Hime's bedside. She have turn off to get up. She let her pets go to the balcony for a bit to get fresh air. She does her regular morning routine, set ups, squats, yoga, and mediation. She brush her hair to place it on a pony tail. She clip her bangs with her bobbypin. Hime went to her bathroom to wash her face. She look at the bottle of her special made vitamins. She hold the pill in her hand but look at herself in the mirror. She can hear Adam knocking on her door. Hime look at the pill one more time, she set the sink running to throw her pill down.

The sun have raise up enough to set it's scorching ray down on the morning class who were outside wearing thier hero outfits. Today, they were going to the USJ building along with class 2-B.

"Uuuugh, the sun is way too hot!" Mina complain.

"Heh, your telling me." Hime grab her fan to get air on her face.

"Must be hard with all that fur, huh?" Mina ask.

"It gets worse in spring time." Hime complain. "There were times I have the urge to go migrate in the south."

Hime felt clam for a bit till she felt her fur stick up. She slap the hand right away from her. She growl lowly at Jasper who was ready to grab her.

"What do you want?" She hiss.

"Just want to say morning. Is that so bad?" Jasper smirk at her.

"You should stay with your class." Hime glare at him. Jasper smirk at her again. He walk past her but he lowly spoke to her.

"How's Dr. William doing? Hope she haven't forgotten me too."

Hime step away from him. Her eyes glow bright gold. That question that he ask about Andrea made her feel uncomfortable for some unknown reason.

"Hime you okay?" Mina notice her glare at Jasper.

"Y-yeah..." Hime lie. Her fur still sticks up when Jasper was around. She felt like this yesterday too. Her nose caught a scent that she regonzied. She turn to see Shinso by Aizawa.

"Alright, so we have a new guest with us today. Hitoshi Shinso from general studies would be joining us. He'll be joining in the hero course soon."

Everyone welcome him except for Bakugo who completely ignore him. Adam right away cuddle up to him.

Adam: 😆

"What are you doing?" Shinso try to push him away but it was no use. Adam have already warm up to him. Hime look at this in a bit surprised to see him warm up with someone else besides Kirishima. What happened when I stood home sick?

The bus drivers pull the bus up by the ramp. Everyone line up to get in. Hime stand behind Shinso who seem to be fighting Adam's company. Hime look over to see Jasper who was still staring at her. She can feel her fur going up again.The sight of him made her shiver down her spine. She can feel her burn mark hurting her for some reason. Hime didn't watched where her footing hits. She fell, face first on the steps of the bus. The bus driver held out her hand to help her.

"Are you okay Miss?" The bus driver look to be in his thirties. He have a scruffy beard, sad looking eyes. He wore a cap to hid his face. Hime thank him as she grab his hand. Something weird happened when she grab his hand.

"Do you understand the plan?" A voice machine cover the voice. Two of the bus drivers nod their heads. It was dark outside. They were in the wear house by the docks. Someone was there but they couldn't see who it was. They took the case that have belt bombs to wrap around their body. There where even guns along with the bomb.

"Used them if necessary. Make sure your there at 8o'clock in the morning. Don't let anyone suspect you."

Hime blink a few times as she look at the bus driver. "Miss? Are you okay?" He call out to her. Hime pull him with full force on her strength. She flip the bus driver over her back. She twisted his arm back to his back.

"Ow! What are you doing?"

"Hime! What this the meaning of this?" Iida scold her. "You can't just attack people out of nowhere!"

"Call 911!" Hime sound startle. "Stop the other bus from leaving! The other man have a bomb and a gun!"

"What?" Iida sound shock.

"NOW!" Hime yelled. The bus driver try to move but Hime twisted his arm tighter. She pierced her claws on his risk.

Iida ran towards the other bus to stop Vlad for going in. He look at the student running towards him.

"STOOOOOOP!" Iida yelled at him. "THAT MAN HAVE'S A GUN!"

Vlad look at the corner of his eyes to see the bus driver point a gun at him. He pull the trigger to shoot at him. Vlad used his quirk to shield himself from the bullet. Everyone duck down. Vlad was ready to fight the bus driver but he unzip his windbreaker to show him the bomb that's wrap around his body.

"Come any closer and I'll take them with me!" He yelled at him.

Honenuki tap his foot a bit on the ground of the school bus. His classmates sink down to the quicksand like ground. They all drop down to the concrete floor. Everyone crawl away for safety. The bus driver didn't pay attention to the students since his eyes were on Vlad. Making sure the teacher doesn't step any closer. Once Vlad see his students out, he used his quirk to cage the bus driver's arms.

It didn't take long for the police to come. The students from the hero course watched in the distance from the crime scene. The teachers answer thier questions as much as possible. Vlad and Eraserhead start to talk to each other.

"To think they were able to get pass through our metal detector." Vlad cross his arms.

"What's more, they know our schedule.... Someone is clearly a mole here."

"You think one of the teachers are a mole?"

"Not sure..." Aizawa narrow his eyes down at Hime. She lean on a tree far off from her classmates. She right away knew what they were planning. The question is, how?

Hime look down at her hand, what was that vision she had? Was it a gut feeling or was it a work of a quirk. A second?, She thought. She would have knew that she did have a second quirk. Let alone, Andrea would have told her. Adam hover next to her for a snuggle.

"I'm fine, my old friend. I just..."


"It's nothing." She told him.

"We live! We survived! But most importantly you stop those villains!" Denki praise Hime. The rest of the class look at her with a smile.

"Yeah! How did you know?" Mina sound happy.

"I...um.." Hime lower her ears down. "Lucky guest." She didn't know how to explain it to them.

"You guest?" Shoto look at her with his eyebrows raised in a bit concerned.

".... I... Heh,.... Um... Yes..." Hime lied. "But all in all, we...um.." Hime look over at Jasper who grin at her. Hime can feel her fur going up again. "I'll be back!" She rush towards Jasper who seem to walk towards his dorm house but he went to the side of the school. Hime turn where he went but he vanished. He was here at moment but now he isn't. Hime sniff the air she can smell him close. She look up to see him standing on the wall.

"We need to talk." Hime glare at him.

He grin at her. He jump off the wall to look at her with a smile.

"About what?" He walk around in circle.

"I think you and I both know of what." She growl.

"Oh? Do you mean, about your memories?" He chuckled.

"You seem to know me quite well. Who are you? Really."

"Hime, Hime! It's not who am i? The real question is who are you?" He boob her nose. She growl at him.

"Stop playing games. I sense that your not normal."

"And neither are you." He kept walking in circles around her.

"What do you know?" She demanded.

"I know that you saw a vision of those two men. What they were plotting. I know that you know something about you doesn't feel right. I also know.. about your scars."

Hime widen her eyes at him. She growl angerly at him. She grab his neck to slam him on the wall.


"I see, I pull a nerve on that one! I bet your trying to figure out who did that to you? Hehehe, interesting. Dr. Williams have been hiding some things from you."

"How do you know about Andrea!"

"Ease up, Hime!" Jasper smile. "If you really want to know." He leans towards her ear. "Ask your empty shell of a friend. I'm sure it knows." Hime let's go of him. He chuckled at her on last time.

"If you want some answers, come to my dorms. I'll tell you everything."

Hime glare hard at him. She didn't trust him. None at all. She didn't know why but she felt frustrated.

Sometime around 1 o'clock , classes were to be put on hold for the day. 2-A were a bit happy to have a break. However for Hime, she was stuck in the lab with Mei. She have Hime help her finish up a class project that's due tomorrow.

"Screw driver!" Mei held out her hand. Hime place it down.

"Any new recruits came in?" Hime ask her.

"Are you kidding me?" Mei complain. "Not a single person in my dorms want to join in!" She sound angry.

"Heh, same. Bullocks , how many days do we have left?" Hime ask her.

"Ten days...at this rate, we might not end up joining in the competition."

"Hey! We well!" Hime cheer her up.

"How can you be so sure? You do know not many people like me!"

"And your point?" Hime try to smile but she cover her mouth.

"My point is, rumors about my babies exploding and me ignoring teammates.."

"Look, I don't care about the competition."

"Then why join?"

"You'll laugh."

"Try me?"

"I... sort of know how you feel. About wanting to give it your all. To show the world that you can be remarkable. So, I wanted to help..."

"Even though I forced you into it?"

"Hehe, if you haven't." Hime look at her. "I don't think me and you would have become friends."

Mei look at her with a grin. She look at her baby with a sigh. "Well, I think baby #421 is done." Mei cover up her invention. Hime help her clean up her station.

"Thanks again, for helping me." Mei told her. "It usually take me all day to finish up."

"Not a problem. Hey, want to hangout at my dorm?"


"Yes! Adam seems to want to see you again."

"Where is he by the way. I thought you two were inseparable?"

"He's training with Kirishima. I don't know what happened the day I was sick. But now, he seems to want to be hero?"

Mei widen her eyes with a happy grin. "Let's make him a body!"

"Hehe, what?" Hime chuckles.

"Let's do it! Let's design a body for him."

"Y-you want to help?" Hime look at her surprise.

"Are you kidding me! How cool would it be to design a hero robot! It can't getting any cooler then that!"

Hime grin a little, "alright. We can head to my dorms. I have a few designs that you might like."

"Eeeek! I'm getting goosebumps!" Mei squeal like a fangirl. Hime chuckles a little. She walk side by side with Mei in the school's hallway. Without even looking, Hime pump into Shinso.

"Oh, pardon me!" Hime look at Shinso who sort of frown at her. His tired eyes gave off a glare look on her. Hime lower her eyes down at him. She felt nervous now. Especially the last time they talk.

"I don't need your help! Yeah, I don't have a fancy quirk like yours. You must be lucky to be so bless with an amazing quirk but buzz off! Mind your business and I'll take care of my own."

"You said I was bless with a quirk like mines. But honestly, your wrong." Hime look at him with her gold serious eyes, "I just want you to know that. My quirk isn't a blessing. It's a curse. You couldn't possibly know what's it's like to be call a monster or a demon child."

Shinso stare at her. Hime couldn't look at him in the eye. She avoid him by lowering her head down. Even her ears were down.

"Um,.... sorry." Hime walk around him but Shinso spoke.


Hime look at him in surprise.

"I need to talk to you. In private."

Mei look at the both of them with a grin. She place her hand on Hime's shoulder. She grin at her then gave her a thumps up. Hime look at her confused.

"I'll be at your dorm. Tell me everything."

Mei ran off, leaving Hime and Shinso alone. Hime took a deep breath. She look at Shinso who have is back leaning on the wall. His hands are both in his pocket.

"Wh-what can I do for you?" Hime ask him. He look at her with tired looking eyes.

"I just want to know something. And I want you to be straight." He sound serious. Hime look at him with a bit worried.

"That red hair boy," He mentioned about Jasper. "Mention that you have a vision about those men with bomb. Meaning you knew what they were planning."

Hime look at him in shock. She can feel her body becoming heavy. Even her heart start to beat fast. She took a deep breath, slowly.

"I-I have no idea what your talking about."

"I think you do." Shinso look at her again. He pull out his phone to play back what her and Jasper were talking about.

"I know that you saw a vision of those two men. What they were plotting. I know that you know something about you doesn't feel right. I also know.. about your scars."

Hime lower her head down. He place the phone back into his pocket.

"Are you going to denied that you didn't have those "visions"?"

"What if I have?" Hime sound angry. "Are you going to tell people? Used it to black mail me? Go on then! I don't care! Your just like everyone else!" Hime glare at him. Shinso can see the hurt in her eyes. "Whenever someone is completely different out of the rest of you. You have the urge to hate and look at me as if I'm different!"

"Wait, that's not what..."

"Do you hate the fact the way I look? I'm not human enough, is that it!?" Hime sound angry. She can feel the tears coming. "I can't help the way I am!" She can feel her voice crack.

She look at him. Shinso widen his eyes to look at her golden eyes. He can see tears coming down . "I can't change who I am!" Hime walks off, leaving Shinso alone in the hall.

Hime wipes her eyes to hide her tears. Don't you bloody cry! You don't cry! You suspect it, you've always suspect that there we'll be people like him. Don't give them the privilege of this.

"Hey! Wait, Seifuku!" Shinso catches up to her.

"Leave me alone! You prove your point!" Hime try to get away from him.

"Would you hold up!"

"Just leave me alone! I get it, you completely dislike me! You didn't want me to be in extra studies, you thought it would be just you and Aizawa."

"Wait, how did you know..."

"I'm a bat you dimwit! I can hear 40 ft around me!" Hime growl at him.

"That was different. It's not what you think."

"Sure it isn't!" Hime walk away faster from him.

"Would you wait! Let me explain!"

"Why?" Hime look at him she still have some tears coming down.

Shinso look at her again to see her sad expression. He blush a bit. He turn away to avoid her eye contact.

"I-I wanted to used that recording as a blackmail so you can help me train!" He blurt it out.

"Eh?" Hime look confused now.

"I noticed that you seem to be good at Fighting and Aizawa train me whenever he's available. Since he have to do both teaching in 2-A and us. I-I thought you can teach me...Look I get it that you see me as a jerk right now."

Hime look at him in surprised. She thought he was being judgemental towards her. He look shy talking to her. Hime smile at him. But when he look at her, he saw a angry look instead.

"Okay, okay, I get it. Your not happy with that little attempt."

"Eh? Oh no! I was smiling... But I guess I need to work on it some more." Hime chuckles.

"Smile?... Heh.. so, can you?"

"Can I what?" Hime ask him.

"Train me?" He ask her.

Hime thought for a second. She cover her mouth from showing off her "smile". She hold up two fingers, "one, delete that recording!"


"And two," Hime look at him with her scary grin. "Join the support club in return of me helping you!"

"Huh?" Shinso look at her in surprised.

"If you don't do those things, I won't train you! So, what's your choice?"

Shinso look at the video that he took but look at her. Something about her have been bothering him. First, he couldn't control her with his quirk, which was frustrating. But now he's curious about those visions that Jasper mention.  He look at her with a smirk.

"I could delete it,.. or you can tell me why I can't control you with my quirk and what did red head hair mean about those visions that you got."

Hime look at him in a bit surprised. She didn't like where this was going.

"... Your not going to make things easy for me, are you?" Hime ask him.

Shinso look at her as if he was concentrating by looking at her.

"Would you please not stare at me like that. Your making me uncomfortable." Hime puff her cheeks a little.

"Tell me why I can't used my quirk on you."

"Why should it matter?"

"Because its .... frustrating."  Shinso told her.

Hime start to walk off a little but she look back at him, "I'll explain it to you unless you join the club."

"So what? Do I follow you?"

"That's up to you." Hime place her arms back. She grin a little happy to hear Shinso's footsteps following her.

A minute later, Mei was too busy rubbing Fenrir's belly happily. "Daaaaaw! Whose a cute little puppy? Yes you are! Yes you are! Such a sweet little puppy?"

Hime look at her blankly on the floor for playing with Fenrir. "I didn't take you for a dog person."

"Dogs are interesting creatures! They're loyal to their owners no matter what." Mei look at Shinso behind Hime. She grin at her with a wink at her face. She brought her in closer for a private conversation.

"What is this? Confess to you and now your inviting him over! Didn't think you work so fast!"

Hime blush at her, "It-it isn't like that!" Hime decline. "He - he agree to join our club!"

"Eh!" Mei look at her with a wide grin of a mix of confusion and happiness.

"Hatsume?" Hime call out her name.

"Your not pulling my leg right!" Mei hold her shoulders.

"No! I'm standing right here."

"I mean, for real! Do we really have a new club member?" Mei sound happy.

Hime look at him, even Mei look at him with a smile. Shinso can feel the tension of their stare. He knew if he said no, he wouldn't get that answer from her. If he said yes. Then he would have the answers he's looking for.

"Um...yeah sure."

"Yeeeees!"Mei jumps happily on Hime. "Let's go make some babies then! Bwhahaha!" Mei push both Shinso and Hime to the elevator. They went inside with Fenrir following them. Shinso step away from the dog. He look at him with an uneasy tension.

"Not a fan of dogs?" Hime ask him. She push the floor number.

"I got bit by one when I was a kid. Took five stitches to stop the bleeding."

"Don't worry, Fenrir is good boy."

Fenrir stares at Shinso once the elevator open. Mei skips down the hall heading towards Hime room since she was the only sign that have a bat shape with roses carve around it. Mei open her room to only see how dark and gloomy it look. They see a coffin bed that have creepy stuff dolls that have sharp fangs and claws. They also see another coffin that's a shelf. It have animals skeletons that's place nicely, goth porcelain dolls and books that's nothing but Horror, mystery, anatomy, and wicca, and among other things. Mei look up to see her celling painted as the night sky with star constellation, the Milky Way, it was nice. There were even small lights that's tape in. Bat lights were hanging above Hime's bed. Her rug in the middle of the room is a star pentagon with a coffee table that have a ouija board as the table's surface. In the far end corner of her room were white sheet that seems to cover something that caught Mei's attention.

"Welcome to my room. Make your self at home."

"We're coming in!" Mei drops her bag on the floor. She head towards the books that Hime seem to have. She pull out the book of Wicca. It's mainly medical herbs.

Shinso sat down by the coffee table. He look down on the tables surface, great! Did I join in a cult?

"I'll be back. I'll bring you some tea." Hime told them. She left the room for a bit. Shinso look at Mei who was still snooping around.

"How long have you know Seifuku?" He ask her.

"Hmmm, not long. But she have some amazing blueprints that she's made! Too bad she's in hero course! She would have been great for the support class!"

"Huh,.. so she can make support gear?"

The both of them talk, (well, manly Mei) have talk about the competition and the design that Mei have thought of. For a while, Hime came back with some tea and treats that she made. The three talk for a bit to get to know each other.

Later that day, Andrea light up her cigarette as she walk down the basement, Sora and Shuichi follow her down stairs. There, the rest of the league where there waiting for them. Andrea grin at them, while her cigarette still in her mouth.

"Thank you for coming today everyone."

"Doctor,..." Shigaruke sounds impatient. "I hope your not fooling around just to waste my time."

"What! Me! Why never, oh great leader."

"I hate that sarcasm voice of yours."

"Hehe, straight to the point! I like that." Andrea walk up to her work station, she pull out a vile to hold it in her hand. "The drug you have given me was actually a bit difficult to make. But I did manage to make a almost the exact copy."

"Almost?" Dabi have his back lean on the wall.

"The chemical mix with the blood was a bit tricky. It's almost the exact as the finished one. The boost version can last a bit 10 minutes. Same with the other one. It can only block the quirk the exact same time."

"Guess your not smart enough to make it permanent!" Toga tease her.

"Oh how you wound me my beautiful flower. I could make it if I have more of that D.N.A from that quirk. It's possible for me to make the exact one."

"So you can duplicate?" Mr. Compress ask.

"It's a 45% chance."

"Why 45%?" Shigaruke sound curious.

"The D.N.A. from a human being is always tricky especially the chromosome. In the old days, the Helix was just simple and plain, but ever since we've adapt, along with our quirks. It always seem to change." Andrea look at the vile. "In that said, only 45% of this D.N.A might change but at the same time it might not."

"But if you were to have their yummy blood, you might get it 100%. Right?"

"It doesn't have to be blood. Saliva, hair, even a fingernail can help me out."

"How many have you made already?" Shigaruke as her.

"Hmmm, I have about 5 of each ready. I can probably make 10 more in about an hour."

"Good. Tonight, I have a mission for you Sora."

She stand up straight but bow a little, "I'll be happy to take it, Sir." She told him with her calm sleepy expression.

"You too, Toga."

"Oooh! A girls day! Sounds like fun!" Toga smile happily.

Back in the dorms, Hime walk Mei back to her dorms along with Shinso. She wave at her goodbye then walk with Shinso.

"Sorry we couldn't talk alone." Hime told him. "Mei seem to be more enthusiasm now that you join the club."

"Are you going to tell me how you block my qurik?"

"Heading straight to the point." Hime sigh, "To be honest, I don't feel comfortable talking about it just yet."

"So your backing down our deal?"

"No. I said I would tell you but ... to be honest," she look up at the night sky. "I'm not sure if I want to tell you. Not just yet."

"Tch," Shinso groan.

"Give me a bit time. Please." Hime look at him with her golden eyes. "I normally don't feel comfortable. Not just yet."

Shinso sigh at her as he place his hand behind his neck. "Fine, I can wait. But I'm still expecting you to help me train."

"Why of course!" Hime try to smile but it came out to be more creepy then before, "I'll be expecting you at the first morrow."


"In the morning.." Hime explain."

"Right. This is me." He point out his dorm. "Night."

"Night!" Hime wave at him. She watch him get inside of his dorm then walk away. She hum to herself in a oddly strange song that she never heard of before but yet fimilar to her. As she walk, she can smell the scent again. It smell as if they try to cover it with peppermint . A very strong powder that burns her nose. She look back but didn't see anyone there. Hime didn't like this feeling. Her fur stick up again, just the same with Jasper. She's suspicious about him. He seem to know her more than she know of herself. Hime open up her wings to fly off. She flew down of her balcony, carefully.

"Hey!" She Heard a anger voice that she's fimilar to hear. She look around to only see Bakugo on the third floor, across from her.

"Ah, Bakugo! Sorry. Did I wake you?"

"No, what's up?"

Hime look up the sky, "The stars!"

"Stop being a smartass!"

"Why thank you! I know I'm smart."

"I didn't...grrr. Aren't you going to tell me Language or something?"

"Hmmm, no. I don't see the point of it anymore."

"So what? Giving up?"

"Not really. Your big enough to know when to used and how to used it." Hime smirk. "Why are you up in this fine night?"

"Tch, can't sleep."

"Ah,... mind if I company you then."

"Do the hell you want."

Hime fly down to sit at the rails on his balcony. He look at her in a bit shock of seeing her her at the edge. She gave out her creepy grin at him. He didn't take it offensive by her smile. He just avoid eye contact with her.

"So,... hows your club doing?" He ask her. Hime flap her ears with excitement.

"It's doing great! We finally got one person to actually join!"

"One person? I figure you two would be pack by now."

"Hehe, not exactly!" Hime place her hand behind her head, "Some of the students heard that Hatsume was part of it and we'll..."


"Hatsume! Mei Hatsume, the young girl with the pink dreadlocks. I've been talking to her since I started the school."

"Do you honestly expect me to pay attention to all these dam extras?"

"No, I guess I didn't." Hime turn to face the sky. She took a deep breath to enjoy the night breeze. She couldn't help it but open her wings up. She love the night. Especially when it's nice and quiet. The only thing that's messing in the ocean. "Do you ever get homesick?"

"Hell no! I'm actually happy to be away from my old hag. All she ever does is nag the hell out of me!"

"You Shouldn't call your mother a hag. She brought you into this world."

"Like hell should I care! And my pops no better!"

Hime tighten her fist on the rails with a hurtful expression. "You shouldn't say things when you don't mean it."

"Heh, what would you know."

"...." Hime look at him with her ears down, "That's the thing. I don't. My mother left me with Andrea and grandfather since I was five. At least that's what she told me. And my father,... I never really met him. So, I don't know."

Bakugo stood quite. He look at Hime who didn't move her eyes away from the sky. He groan a bit from the awkwardness  that he set himself to.


"I'm going to bed." She open up her wings and fly off to her balcony. She open up her slide door, she look down at Katsuki. "Bakugo..."

he look at her. He can see how the night brighten her white fur. Her white wings sparkle as if the stars bathe in her. She look at him with her ears still down.

"Be nice to  Mitsuki and Masaru, you are their only child."

"Yeah, yeah, Good...Hey Wait!" Bakugo call out to her but Hime went to her room already. He widen his eyes when he heard Hime call out to his parents name. He felt puzzled for a bit by it. Does Hime really have amnesia or was it coming back to her. Either way, He have questions.

I wanted to post this yesterday but I guess now is good then ever. So Happy birthday to Shinso, the new club member for joining in support club!

Next chapter