
Run Katie...Run

Run Katie...Run

At this moment, the Greys were standing by each other and acting as a shield, Mr. Antonio also went to shield them but his head was busy, he needed to come up with a plan or else he would loose another of his precious daughter and the love of his life. His hatred for Wini has exceeded it's limit he would just like to put her on the floor and strangle her to death!

That's probably what everyone is thinking right now.

"Why would you do all of this, tell me, what did I ever do to deserve this kind of hate from you"

"You see, I always get what I want! I was the popular one, the one people sort for and I managed to share some of that light with you and even called you my best friend, not knowing you would snatch everything away from me! Okay... Antonio came into our lives and you knew just how much I liked him, you and Maggie, you both knew yet you went along and married him. Tell me what kind of best friend does that huh?"

Next chapter