
The unexpected Visitor

So... Things have been kind of quiet but in a good way. I'm still bummed that I can't find anything about Cynthia though, I did my research at home and found nothing and now that I'm back here I'm still not getting any leads and Miss Magarette definitely won't give me anything. Let's just say I'm a little grumpy this morning

"Hey babe good morning" Liam greeted

"Good morning babe" I said as I gave him a quick kiss on the lips

"Uhm you're grumpy this morning what's the matter?" He asked when I sat down next to him.

"How romantic, he just kissed you and he already knows you're not in a good mood. I think someone should learn from that!" Sophia mumbled

"You know I can hear you" Christian rolled his eyes

"What's going on with you guys?" I asked, since it was only the couples around atleast we wouldn't hear some savage comments...

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