
Retreat 3

Chapter 73

Placing one foot in front of the other, Reskeme walked down the path. He eyed the forest, looking for signs of movement. After 3 hours of walking, he was gasping and his legs trembled, Reskeme refused to stop, the soldiers he had fought with were relying on him and his squad to make it on time, He wouldn't forgive himself if he let them down.

He reached up and wiped his forehead, taking in long breaths he tried to cool down, the wool cloth under his leather armour felt wet against his skin. Carley held up a hand and gestured for them to sit on a stump, stumbling Reskeme collapsed and sat on the nearest fallen tree.

He glanced down the long road and tilted his head to the side. After several minutes, he heard the distinct clatter of hooves on stone drifted to his ears.

Reskeme hissed, "Someone's coming,"

Carley said," get to cover, stay out of sight until we know who is approaching."

Reskeme darted to a large tree 20 steps from the road, crouching next to the trunk he peeked through the thick brush.

Staring down the road, he watched the column of riders as they rounded the bend and followed the path. Glancing from face-to-face, Reskeme wondered what on Laurentia 4 city guards were doing out in the middle of nowhere. The shiny metal helmets with a horsehair plume and the shining breastplate looked ridiculous and undoubtedly uncomfortable.

Reskeme scoffed to himself. The bright gold paint on the armour shimmered the sunlight making it hard for him to pay attention to any other than the guards. He couldn't believe how ridiculously bright they dressed these men. They had long red ribbons decorating their swords and sewn into the hair of each of their horses.

Reskemes eyes roved over the other two young women who were rather eye catching, one had a sword on her side and the other held a long staff, he found his eyes wandering back to the one with the staff, he could swear he had seen her curly brown hair before.

In fact, they both seemed rather familiar, but he just couldn't pin down where he remembered them from. Maybe when they got closer, he could tell. The one with the sword had light brown hair cut just past her ears. That wasn't too unusual, Reskeme pushed it from his mind she was probably a follower of Lytheria the goddess of war.

Reskeme felt his heart skip a beat. Gripping his javelin tightly, he stares in at the man in the bright red hat with feathers; the teenager was instantly recognizable by the many feathers and his bright blue outfit. Reskeme would have chuckled to himself at the man's ridiculous clothes but a round pudgy man in silver armour rode next to him, the man's girth and the bright emblem and the bright emblem on his chest plate sent shivers up Reskemes spine, he rode in the saddle swaying with the motion like a practices rider.

Reskeme felt his heart race in his chest. The riders passed. He stared intently at his two hiding squad mates, hoping they wouldn't bring attention to their position. Reskeme wet his lips as dusty steps from his hiding spot and waved towards the group, The group stopped, Reskeme figured he should at least hear what they said before he ran it could be useful.

Dusty said," I am a scout from eagles fortress on detail to Drent, Who might you be? And why are you in a war zone.?"

The younger man with the bright red hat turned up his nose at Dusty's question, He said," I am Mark of house Marte, know your place commoner."

Dusty bowed, He said," my lord, I am under orders to send any civilians back to the city if I see them as the Darva has broken through our lines."

Mark brushed his horse's main flipping the ribbons he said," what those dogs, my men can take care of them."

Dusty said," My lord, it is an order from Lorde Verde of the eagles' garrison, any breach will result in a court-martial."

Lord Mark said," Are you threatening me, commoner?"

Dusty tensed up and bobbed his head in a shallow bowl. He said," and what are you searching for out in the middle of a Warzone?"

Reskeme frantically glanced from side to side. He had no cover to run to from his tree in any direction, as the group would surely see him. He could only listen and hope they passed, One of the young women said," we are looking for the demon that has been killing in Drent, we heard a word he was hiding in the army so we came to get him."

Dusty said," Demon? There is no demon in the army."

The short armoured inquisitor said," his name is Reskeme he is a Demon using his foul magic to hide amongst us, The fiend has been killing and deceiving you all."

Dusty said," wait Reskeme, "he isn't a demon, this must be a mistake."

High inquisitor Kelvin said," as the head of the church in Drent I have put a bounty for his arrest, the fiend needs to arrested and brought to justice, and I will pay whatever it takes to do it."

Reskeme wondered what his quiet squad mate would say, Dusty bowed to the high inquisitor in a deep, respectful bow.

Dusty said," How much would you pay for me to tell you where the demon High inquisitor."

Lord mark cut in, "If you know where he is then tell us immediately."

The inquisitor held up a hand silencing the young noble, Kelvin scratched the side of his head and pulled a pouch from his saddlebag. He hefted the pouch. He could hear the distinct jingle of coins.

Kelvin smirked and said," The bounty is 15 gold" Reskeme felt his heart race, 15 gold? he should turn himself in, that kind of gold he could go to a fancy noble food house.

Dusty said," give me 25 and I will tell you where he is."

Carley said," what are you doing dusty!" The horses startled and jostled as she stood from her hiding spot.

Dusty said," I am getting out of this dump Carley, you know how bad it's getting, with 25 gold I could travel to any city and live comfortably for years this is my chance come with me we could be free of this damned war."

Carley said," he is our squad mate and our friend,"

Dusty said," so what, this is his problem, not ours, we should take the money and give him up to them."

Carley said," what do you think they will do when they get him, throw him a party no they are going to murder him." She glanced from dusty who stared intently and back to the sac of gold.

Dusty said," swear on the goddess of war you will keep your word and pay and I will tell you where the demon is."

Kelvin held his hand to the crest emblazoned on his chest and said, "I solemnly swear if I break my oath may Lytheria strike me down."

Dusty pointed to the large tree and said," he is over hiding behind that tree."

Carley shouts "stay back, anyone who tries to get to him will have to go through me, run Reskeme don't look back Run." Reskeme retreated when he heard her shout, he found he trusted his sergeant she must have a plan

Reskeme watched in fascination as Carley lept forward and drew her sword before driving the pommel into Dusty's head. Dusty collapsed to the ground and thrashed side to side, holding his bleeding scalp. Reskeme stood from the hiding spot and took a step forward to help his sergeant.

Lord Mark said," there the demon is! guards four of you go keep the woman busy just rough her up to don't kill her and the rest of you bring the demon to me."

Reskeme ran and entered the thick brush. He rounded where the large group was easily disappearing from the loud and blundering pursuers. He was lucky horses were terrible in such thick trees. Holding his javelin, he took a wide circle, taking several minutes to move around and change positions.

Reaching the other side and settling into a peeking between a think-leaved bush, he watched as one of the house guards stumbled from the forest back to the clearing. Reskeme would trade a normal city guard or a soldier for them any day. Reskeme watched as the two young women and the armoured soldiers surrounded Carley and worked together to attack her from all sides. They may be terrible at chasing, but four guards surrounding her were terrible odds for anybody.

Carley stumbled as the woman with the staff hit her on the back of the head, Carley shook her hand as her sword fell from her hand by one guard slamming his sword into hers. Carley's sword flew from her grip and she lay flat on her back, grasping at her head as two swords pointed at her neck.

Gripping his javelin, Reskeme wonder what to do. He couldn't win, maybe with his magic, but those soldiers were much better than him. From 100 steps away, Reskeme watched as the two guards dragged her to her feet as she kicked wildly. One soldier shouted as her food struck his knee and gave her a punch in the face for her trouble. Reskeme chuckled as she spits blood into the face of the guard.

Gritting his teeth, Reskeme glared at the back of Dusty's blood-soaked head. The man deserved a lot more than a headache. Reskeme couldn't believe that man would betray them for some gold. The young lord sauntered over to Carley, one guard held each of her arms as mark stopped in front of her.

Mark yelled," I am going to count to ten, if you don't show yourself I am going to let my soldiers rough her up."

Carley yelled, "run don't come back! I'm a sergeant they can't do anything to me!"

Mark backhanded her crossed the face. Reskeme felt sweat pouring down his back. He frantically searched for a way out of this. Well she said it, screw fairly tails, he wasn't an idiot, they couldn't kill Carley maybe she would get a few bruises but she would be fine.

Reskeme listened intently, Mark yelled, "one, two, three,"

Taking in a deep breath, Reskeme frantically glanced around, looking for a new option. Only then did he notice one soldier was missing. He backed away, keeping his eyes on the clearing and trying to see if he could spot the last of the shining guards. He heard a crack and spun around. crouching ten steps away was a man holding a sword. How had the man gotten so close without him noticing? The man grinned. He was missing his chest plate and the bright helmet, standing the man lept forwards, his sword leading the charge.

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