
Seeking Something Foul

Chapter 29.

01. Ardivar smelled His familiar climbing through the window and was repulsed at the foul smell Coming off The Demon boy. Ardivar Hissed is disgust and watched the boy fumble around before falling to the floor to sleep. Ardivar was enraged, He could smell foul magic coming off his familiars' hands and couldn't stand it. He could smell the trail of magic and followed it to the window before glancing at reskeme and chuckling menacingly at the boy. He promised his familiar he would repay whoever used that magic on him. Ardivar didn't like people touching his things, and this boy was his.

02. Ardivar would show whoever had dared harm his Familiar what would happen for such an offence. The demon didn't care about Humans at all but he found He Had a desire to protect this demon child. The demon licked his teeth in excitement, hissing a grating laugh. Ardivar followed His familiars' trail, He climbed down the wall and followed the alley sticking to the dark shadows of the alley. Ardivar naturally liked the dark and the shadows embraced him making him near invisible.

03. The demon was following down alleys and across stone roads to sneak through the thick shadows, He passed by some humans that looked tasty, especially that one Really plump man and 3 of the shelled humans with weapons that had passed him. Ardivar Reassured himself it was much more important to stay focused and get a meal later. Ardivar was sure he was getting close, The four humans had smelled of the foul magic but didn't smell like they had the cause of the offensive stuff. He continued his pursuit and followed the smell heading into the district where the smell of the magic was much worse.

(Inquisitors Pov)

04. Deren Apprentice inquisitor of the church Of Laurentia was debating with himself how in the hell he had gotten soo unlucky as to get stuck with searching for a demon in the slums. He had been searching the streets and houses with dozens of guards and upon finding nothing after searching for hours His boss had decided to give him The ancient artifact. Deren was lazy by nature and soo had been attracted to the lazy job of being a priest. It had started out good but these last couple of days had been much more work than he had signed up for.

05. Daren grumbled to himself, He kept cursing as he went into another house with his two guards going in first, The woman and man were competent at least and did all the work. On the bright side, he found liquor in many of the houses that people had left out for him. The inquisitor sat down in a creaky chair Daren's feet were hurting and he wanted to sit, It was too bad his boss had made it very clear he needed to search every house tonight. That was right before Kelvin had left Daren to do all the work and had left to go drinking with the captain of the guards. Daren pulled out a small flask from his belt taking a sip and feeling the burn as it passed down his parched throat.

06. Daren kicked a sack as the flask he was drinking from had emptied after his last gulp, The guards with him looked at him reproachfully but he didn't care. The woman looked beautiful and he wondered if he could convince her to come by later. Judging by her disgusted look and how she kept her distance from him his chances were around 0%. Both guards would knock on a door and if no one opened it they would kick it down, THis was more efficient than waiting or if people weren't home it was too bad for them.

07. The guards hadn't wanted to do it this way but had grudgingly complied after Kelvin had threatened them with punishment or even getting fired if they didn't. The guards were understandably upset at this development as they didn't like breaking down the doors of normal people. The process continued for a couple of hours after his boss had left. The search became a routine, the guards would knock and demand entry, they would then threaten to break the door. If no one opened they would break it down and search the whole building.

08. Daren would sit in a chair and watch waiting as the man and woman methodically searched each building, Both guards looked tired and sweating at the work but hadn't made any complaints. Daren on the other hand was complaining at every little thing that happened, he would complain the guards were too slow, the guards weren't opening the doors fast enough, and that no one in this shit hole had any good alcohol. Every person that Daren tested the amulet on only made him more upset, no one even made the amulet flicker.

09. Daren followed the guards into a run-down two-story building and sat down right inside the front door. This building was similar to so many in that the people who lived here had most likely fled thinking the guards were looking for them. Daren picked up a bottle from a shelf popped the cork, He smelled the wine and took a long drink before grimacing, He mumbled "this wine is shit!". He shrugged and drained half the bottle, Daren smacked his lips and mumbled "tastes better after a large gulp", He smiled and tilted the bottle to the ceiling draining the entire bottle in one go, His woozy head made so he didn't notice right away when the amulet began to glow.

10. Daren could hear stuff being moved from the basement at the top floor of the building. Through a drunken haze, he looked down at his belt and wondered why the hell light was coming from his pouch. He fumbled with the metal latch before removing the clasp and staring in horror at a flashing Red light coming from the medallion. The red light meant he was near someone or something that was channelling demonic magic. Daren stumbled to his feet and tried drawing the sheathed sword. He didn't get it out on the first try, Daren hadn't drawn his weapon in what seemed like years. He had to reach across his body and wasn't able to draw his weapon until he used both hands.

11. A crashing came from the front door as a demon crashed through the window. The dim lantern light illuminated glass flying everywhere and a demon that was terrifying to behold. The demon wasn't very tall, it was the size of a stray dog, unlike a stray dog this being had yellow eyes, no fur and had claws that were long and cruel, clearly meant for tearing flesh. Daren screamed at the top of his lungs Guards! Guards! Demon! trying to call for the guards. The demon Ruthlessly walked forward unafraid of the man waving his shacking sword. Daren was horrified and clumsily swung his sword to deter the demon, To the man's shame when he swung his sword it hit off a chair and flew from his shaking grip.

12. To the inquisitor's shame he felt a trickle of hot liquid down his leg as the demon stared into his eyes. The yellow eyes of the demon promised an eternity of suffering and despair, the likes of which could break the will of those weak of mind. Daren quickly pulled out the artifact and held it protectively in front of himself trying to ward off the demon with the glowing Amulet. To Daren's joy, the demon lept back hissing with anger and hate. The demon was eying the amulet like the wolf eyes a rabbit.

13. The demon lept forwards and bit Daren on the leg, The demon hissed when the man's blood entered his mouth. Daren opened his mouth screaming in agony, The fight had only been happening for 20 seconds and Daren was wondering where in the hell the lazy guards were. Daren looked over his shoulder and yelled hurry your asses up guards. The inquisitor had made a huge mistake, The demon lept onto his chest and gouged his claws into Daren's armoured chest. The demon's claws made loud scraping sounds as he tore into first metal and then into the soft flesh.

(Demons Pov)

14. Ardivar stared in revulsion at the thing in the human's hand, The demon didn't care that the man who he had his claws in was currently crying like a child. All the demon cared about was the foul thing in the man's hand. Ardivar was certain he didn't want to touch it, He could smell the stench of the enemy radiating from the amulet. He hissed with outrage at the man's weakness, Ardivar dug his claws into the man who was under him before biting into his arm savagely. He received a satisfying scream and wondered maybe he could stop the foul magic if he killed the one who was using it. Ardivar was disappointed that the man was covered in protective gear as this made it much harder to damage him.

15. Loud stomping and a bang were heard before first a male human rounded the corner and was followed by a female. Ardivar hissed at them, He smiled when they both flinched back in fear. Unlike the weakling under him, however, these two had a strong grip and moved forward quickly to attack. To the guards it seemed like a being of nightmare was standing over their boss, The demon's appearance was terrifying and to make things worse blood was covering its jaws and mouth. the whimpering priest was mumbling something incomprehensible to the demon but he didn't care regardless.

16. Ardivar dodged the first swing that was aimed for his head, He was lucky that these two guards were in each other's way and only one could attack at a time. The demon lept forward biting the man's hand and jumping back tasting the coppery tang of blood. The guard cursed at his mistake and stepped to the side allowing the female human to approach beside him. Ardivar was now in trouble both guards began working together. Each human was covered in protective armour that made the demons attacks much less effective. The female attacked quickly, ardivar lept to the side only to get kicked in the leg by the male. He hissed with pain, looking over his back he realized he didn't have much room and knew his back would soon be to the wall. He had no intention of running away however, ardivar was determined to crush the thing that was using the foul magic.

17. Ardivar slashed the guards' leg when he tried to kick him again, that will teach the pesky human He thought. The male cursed and limped back glaring at the snickering demon, ardivar was quick and would avoid sword strikes and attack whenever he could. The humans were also causing him damage, The man kicked at the demon and he lept in to bite the leg. The female took the chance and cut the accursed demon of nightmares on the side as he tried to dodge. Luckily for Ardivar, he was quick enough for the strike to have only made a relatively small gash. The humans spotted his weakness and began acting much wearier. They knew that if they stood back and waited they would win.

18 Ardivar could sense his loss and glared balefully at the guards looking for a way to escape. The guards didn't expect him to run away, up until now it had been the guards who were trying to escape the death trap of a house, upon seeing victory around the corner they were now much more confident. One guard looked wobbly and when they stumbled ardivar lept towards the male guard, The female stepped in front to block him and help him back up. The demon saw his chance and ran past escaping through the gap the woman had been blocking. Ardivar hissed as he tore the amulet from the fat man who was lying on the ground.

19. The weak priest cried out in terror and didn't even fight back as the demon stole the amulet. Ardivar felt a stinging pain on his side and noticed a knife as it bounced a small piece of metal rolling across the floor, The knife had bounced off his rib tearing fur but luckily bouncing off the tough bone. Ardivar took the blood-covered Amulet, before looking over at the female who was standing over the male protectively while reaching for another weapon to throw. The demon hissed loudly and ran for the window before leaping into the night. Ardivar left two injured guards who discovered shortly after that the crying inquisitor wasn't wounded too bad. The inquisitor was still crying while they examined that he only had light scratches on his leg and chest with a bite that had only gone through his armour. The bite had only made a small gash on his arm. The guards realized with disgust that the coward of a man had been so scared he had stayed on the floor crying and waiting for the fight to end.

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