
Ruined Moments

The genmas were attacking from the west direction, filling the roads and rooftops. This district was kinda special because there are no roof tiles installed on every building except on some sparsely placed houses.

There were three separate roads that were parallel to each other, leading into the main road in front of the hospital. These roads were separated by blocks of buildings in between. Thus the west side army had to be separated in three different fronts.

The north and south side of the outpost were tasked to support the rear fronts, while the east side was on standby, in case of another attack.

(N: I'm talking about the East Outpost where Edward is, not all outpost in general.)

Luckily, this outpost was the most equipped outpost after the south one which was built on top of Umbrella's facility. They could hold on until more or less 30 minutes top. That was enough for the other outpost or the military base on the outskirt of Paris to send back up.

On this attack, the Genma were much more diverse in type. There were Genma archers that looked like zombie samurai's, genmas that could roll like a ball with spikes on its back, genmas that brought cannon to attack, etc.

This made the pressure heavier than before. If after 30 minutes, there is no backup, they would be forced into a melee. Meanwhile, scouts were tasked to inspect ways to evacuate the civilians that were trapped with them.

At this time, a few soldiers noticed something odd. Some of the genmas were dying a lot faster than the others. Before the Genma could hold more than 20 shots before it fell, now they only need five or less if they do a critical hit like on the head. However, they didn't know the reason because there are just too many people shooting at the same time. Maybe the tense situation was playing with their minds.

"Tank squadron! Hold off the bigger ones! Don't let them come closer than 50 meters mark!"

"Turrets squadron! Only return fire after they are closer than 50 meters mark!"

"The others keep shooting!"

The commander gave orders using a loudspeaker nonstop. The green camo AMX-56 Leclerc tanks which were on standby turned its main gun toward the giant enemies further behind. Each road was blocked by two tanks.

The turrets installed on the barricade walls weren't firing yet because of how limited their ammo stocks were on this outpost. Thus they have to save the bullets until the genmas were on the closer range.

Meanwhile, I already used 4 charges of the reinforcement when I heard these orders.

"Finally, they started to use the big gun." I smiled and started reinforcing the six tanks on each road. I have to run from one corner to another. Since the hospital building I was on was built in a rectangle form, I could cover all of the three roads.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The tanks began their bombardment. With each interval, my exp screen was scrolling so fast.







Although I only got 10% of the exp, it was much faster than my killing rate. The other 4 normal rifles that I reinforce earlier also keep raising my exp. Not long after I leveled up again.

Grind. Grind. Grind and Grind. This was the best feeling I ever had since I got my system. With the new stats distributed into INT, I could reinforce more items.

After points were distributed into one of the stats, it will recover and improve my condition instantly. That's why, after distributing my stats into INT, my mental capacity improved and recovered a bit.

The soldiers' tense expression was getting better. More and more of the soldiers on the ground started to notice the odd situation. The genmas, although not decreasing in number, were easier to defeat. This put a small hope in their hearts.


Ranmaru Mori was one of Nobunaga Oda's most loyal vassal. At the battle of Honnoji Temple, he was defeated by Samanosuke Akechi. Now, with a revived body, he returned to spread terrors to humankind.

His first mission after reviving was to lead genmas alongside Guildenstern to connect the past and future. Not long ago he was reunited with Samanosuke. They fought once again, but the result was still the same. Thus, he retreated to gain more power, and that was to slaughter more humans and absorb their souls.

The genmas which were under the rule of the Demon clan's Lord, Fortinbras, feasted on human's soul, not their physical body. This made them the most dangerous killing weapon against humans.

The Oni clan was tasked to suppress and destroy both the Genma and Demon clan since the ancient times. Brutal wars were fought endlessly. While the Genma feasted on the human souls, the Oni would feast on the Genma's soul and release the poor souls they absorbed.

Right now, Ranmaru was sitting not far away from the east outpost. He already recovered from his wound by absorbing his prey's soul. No one could escape his reach. He was talking with another Genma general, Marcellus.

Marcellus was an Oni warrior before his soulless body was converted by Guildenstern into a Genma. He was trapped into accepting a duel challenge by Guildenstern and it becomes his demise.

"How long do I have to wait for this bullshit!?" Ranmaru was impatient, he needed more souls to get more power. As a commander, he was reluctant to do all the works by himself. Thus he just released the Genma and tasked them to massacre any human they could find.

Now after finding his prey, he had to wait for a long time. The Genma soldiers he deployed wasn't of the intelligent one. It was all muscle and no brain genmas. Thus he could only seek peace with Marcellus that was standing by his side.

On his back was a huge broadsword and on his left hand was a circular shield. He was topless and wore an Oni mask, the symbol of his past clan. The Oni Gauntlet on his right arm showed that he was an Oni Warrior before, who fought bravely on the battleground.

"Wait, Ranmaru."

Marcellus wasn't the chatty type. His job was to kill, not babysitting someone else. Ranmaru of course was aware of Marcellus's temperament, that's why he was more annoyed.

"That's it! I can't wait anymore." He grabbed his sword that was embedded on the ground by his side and walked away. Marcellus of course followed him. If Ranmaru already walked into the battlefield, it means there was no need to wait here and do nothing.


30 minutes passed. Although the genmas were still there, their number was decreasing by a lot. And also, the ammunition that they thought would be depleted by now was more than enough to finish this horde. That was all thanks to the buff that I gave to them.


I couldn't suppress my happiness. I looked at the blue screen in front of me.

[Edward Kavka]

[Level 15 - Mercenary]

[EXP - 450/25000]

[STR - 21]

[DEX - 21]

[CON - 21]

[INT - 21]

[Unused stat points - 0]

[Main Power: Reinforcement]

[Special Ability: Reinforced Body, Permanent Reinforcement, Personal Assistant, Eagle Eye]

All my stats already passed the 20 points mark for a normal human. This means I am now officially a superhuman. With that, I checked the previous notification I got.

<Congratulation user for reaching 21 points in CON stats>

<Rewarding a new special ability, Regeneration>

<Congratulation user for reaching 21 points in STR stats>

<Rewarding a new special ability, Superhuman Strength>

<Congratulation user for reaching 21 points in INT stats>

<Rewarding a new special ability, Flow Motion>

[Do you want me to explain the new abilities, Sir?] Regina said.

"Yes, please."

[Superhuman Regeneration would multiply the effect of regeneration that was supplied by the CON stats. It also gave users body ability to regrow any destroyed limb or parts of the body]

[Superhuman Strength would multiply the strength which users have that was based on the STR stats. It also gave users the ability to move a bit faster than normal.]

[Flow Motion would allow users to brain the process the information faster and make the world slower, once every one hour. It also gave the user abilities to move inside this slowed world, but how fast user could move depended on the Strength and Dexterity stats.]

Fuck yeah! Now this feels more like it. I couldn't hold it anymore and just keep laughing with another screen that still showed the increasing EXP.


Suddenly, a voice interrupted my happiness.

"Enjoying yourself kid?"


I was so startled that I screamed and cursed out loud while aiming my gun toward the voice.

Ah shit! For real?

I was taken aback by the man in front of me. Not because of how he got here, but who he is.

He's Dante, the white-haired man wearing a red trenchcoat and huge ass sword on his back.

"Chill, kid. I'm not here to fight you." He holds both his hand up, and continued, "I was looking at you from afar and noticed that you seemed to be the cause of this odd events."

Dante actually arrived much earlier. However, when he arrived, he noticed that the armies were winning this war. That was odd, the enemy was strong, too strong. They were basically almost invulnerable against a normal firearm. That was why he didn't come out and just observed until he noticed my laughter.

Knowing that things were getting interesting, he followed it and found me. A kid in a hoodie and shorts, wearing a gas mask that was bigger than his face. The clue was leading to this kid in front of him. Me.

"What the hell are you talking about!?" I, of course, didn't plan to tell him anything. With fewer people knowing my secret means less trouble. I continued, "Find your own roof man, Didn't you see the word occupied on the door?"

Dante turned his head to look back. "Where?"

I pulled out two P90 and carved the word "occupied" with the bullets on the door.


Dante just chuckled and didn't say anything anymore. He looked at me and introduced himself, "The name is Dante, a devil hunter."


"Wow, you have a secret name?" Dante blinked his eyes and started the observe my small body. "How strong are you? From the shots earlier you couldn't be weak right?"

"Do you wanna try? I could shot your leg if you want me to." I didn't have any ill feelings toward him, but I have to build my persona to act like a completely different person. I don't want my identity to be exposed as soon as I act as a mercenary.

"What a scary kid, you reminded me of someone. Although she was more attractive."

Hmm? Is it Lady? She was his companion in Devil May Cry. I wanted to meet her too, did she also came to Paris?

"Okay, may I ask you something, Mister Dante?"

"Feel free."

"How did you get in here? Into Paris exactly?"

For all I know he was living in someplace called The Residential Area. There was no more explanation of where it was in the real world.

"Ahh, that's simple...huh?" Before he could answer, his face turned solemn, and looked toward the west direction. I followed his gaze and saw it.

Ranmaru fucking Mori. About time he came out of hiding. I knew something was weird with the Genma's orderly movement. I didn't expect him to come this late. I couldn't wait to test my newfound power on him. On his side was another big guy, that seemed to be Marcellus.

Poor guy, he should put to rest.

"Hey kid, do you wanna team up? They seemed to be up for a tag-team match."

Dante was smiling and cracking his neck, he seemed to be excited after finding a new enemy.

"They aren't your run of the mill type bosses that roamed the alleyway. Do you have any plans?" I was concerned with Ranmaru's and Marcellus's ability. Just like Brainstern earlier which was much stronger and wilder compared to the game, this couple might be stronger than they look.

"Plan? I have one." He walked closer to me.

"What..." I was about to ask "what is it?" when he grabbed the back of my hoodie and threw me into the sky. I flew at almost the speed of light while screaming.



I was on FIRE!! Next chap would take longer to upload since it was a boss fight.

So see you in the next two days!

Don't forget to leave a comment and any critique or question guys.

NightHowlcreators' thoughts
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