
Mission and Encounter

Up in the sky, 5000m above ground, Blackbird, or mostly known as X-Jet was flying at an almost max speed of 3500km/h.

"This is one of the toughest flights we made. Ever." mumbled, Scott from the backseat.

"Can't help it, we're basically racing against time here," answered Storm, who sat beside him.

"We will arrive at Paris's sky in 2 minutes. Later, while I slowed down, Storm will make the cloudy sky raining and a bit foggy so that the jet would be less visible," said Jean, sitting on the pilot seat. At this time, the stealth mode wasn't installed on Blackbird, yet. So usually Storm would be left to handle the problem.

The cloud on top of Paris had been cloudy since two hours ago, the weather would be perfect for heavy rainfall.

"What's with the permission to land from France's Military?" asked Scott concerned.

"That would be left to SHIELD's agent to do. Our job was to get in and save as many people we could get. ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) 1 minute, prepare for descending." There was a slight turbulence on the plane when they descended through the cloud. They were nervous, worried that they came too late already.

Storm had begun altering the weather. Her eyes turned bright white and her hair floated. A flash lit up the sky for a millisecond and a thunderclap could be heard from far away.

At first, there are only a few dots of water dropping on the nearby flaming car roof, and then it increased in intensity until a huge downpour showered Paris. It was as if the sky was crying at the fate of the city.

"Oh my god." After the jet cut through the cloud, Jean who sat on the front seat saw the poor shape of Paris. The rain was just started falling, so she could see the extent of its destruction. Cars piled up on the streets, burning, with their passenger inside. Several buildings and houses are unrecognizable. The Eiffel Tower was infested with monsters.

"How are we going to find any survivor? Aren't we too late?" She was pessimistic. Anyone could see that Paris was unsalvagable.

However, Scott interjected, "It doesn't matter. We will try, even if what we do looks useless to others, someone has to do it. And that's us."

"I agree, its still too early to gave up," said Storm.

Jean closed her eyes and opened it again, "I'm sorry. I'll land the jet, first."

The blackbird landed inside a football stadium, Stadion Parc des Princes, located in the south-west of the capital city. Since it was a VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) Jet, they didn't need a lot of space. However, the cover of a football stadium was better to hide than other places.

Once they got out, they decided to work together instead of separating by themself. Jean looked at the laptop-like portable radar on her hand, it was a gift from SHIELD to scan for any human life signs.

Surprisingly there were several signs of life around. The plan was to use the stadium as a defense line. However, it would seem to be hard to split another force so it was put on hold. Jean already contacted the SHIELD's agent to send the emergency outpost's coordinate that was made by the French Army. They didn't have any choice but to alter their own plan.

In total there were four outposts currently made, on the west was a University ground. It was wide enough to protect thousands of citizens inside and on the south was a private hospital turned into a hideout since there was an underground facility that can be used to protect civilians, guess who owned it, yep Umbrella Pharmaceuticals. However, this one isn't one of the six B.O.W.s research labs that they owned. Only a regular hospital facility. So it was a good cover to show the Umbrella's hospitality toward the government.

The other two at Eastside and Northside also used private hospitals as a hideout or outpost. Since it would be easier to access any medical equipment and doctor in case of a medical emergency.

The current plan was to direct and protect the survivors to the established hideouts, along with snuffing out any monsters they encounter.

Once they went outside, they were greeted by the excited genmas, twenty at the same time. Scott adjust his visor and used Optic Blast, lasering the Genmas into oblivion, while jean used her telekinesis to hold off their enemies by making shield or forming barricade using the cars and debris. Storm floated on the air and cast thunder from her hand, frying several Genma in instant. A Genma Ninja jumped toward her back but Jean clamped the Genma using two cars laid on the road, flattening it.

The fight was over as fast as it just began. The Oni power that was brought into this world actually resembled the mutant's power or the Inhuman's power from the inhuman series. That's why it was very effective against a Genma minus the ability to extract their soul. Jean using her telepathic power scanned for any enemies and they started moving after there's no sign of them.

One by one, they started to gather survivors. They fighting itself was done by Scott and Storm while Jean was in charge to protect them and the civilian. Although their ability was flashy and loud, it was fast and effective. The heavy rain and occasional thunder would cover them away from others, so they could go all out, the rescued people were haggard. Their eyes were hollow without expression. By the time this tragedy over, all of them would need psychological treatment. Some of them were even on the verge of suicide if not for their arrival.

Finally, after an hour. They were done clearing the southern Paris. Jean was looking to their next destination when a huge tremor shaking from the underground. Using her telepathic power, Jean reached inside the ground.

"What was that?" asked Scott. The tremor was accompanied by an occasional roar and its getting stronger.

"Something big is coming. Move out!" Jean shouted. Storm grabbed both Scott and her into safety. The ground where they stood before exploded. Under the rainfall, a huge two-headed dog was getting out of the hole. It keeps barking and spitting lightning from its left head and ice from the right head.

This monstrosity was 10 meters tall, that was the size of a two-floored house. Everything was bigger and scarier in this world. Its head and body were covered with armor.

Storm gathered lightning power on her two hands, and Scott, with his hand on the visor, was ready to fire his Optic Blast while Jean used her telekinetic power to use cars as her projectile.

However, they then noticed something odd. The thunders and ices that kept spitting out from the dog's mouth weren't directed toward them but the hole that it was coming from.

Several explosion was heard resulting from the impact of those thunders and ices.

"You bad boys. Don't bite a stranger when you first met them, do I look like a mailman to you?"

A red-figure jumped out from the huge hole on the ground. He held a massive sword with a heavy double-edged blade, notched on both sides near the tip. The grip is plain, but the guard is skeletal, with a skull-design on each side leading to the rib cage from which the blade emerges.

He had white hair and wore a red trenchcoat, black shirt, leather pants, boots, and gloves.

"Little doggy, say hello to Rebellion." He smashed the armors on the genmas body, cracking it bit by bit.

The two-headed dog didn't stay still it keeps moving and charging around, however the man stuck close to it and keep flailing the sword like a blunt weapon. The dog's armor was too hard to slash through.

Not long after, the dog's head protector broke apart, leaving its head defenseless. He kicked the jaws of the left head, forcefully making it stand on its hind leg.

"Time to start the execution. Verdict!!" He dashed under the staggering head and swing back his sword. He then continued, "GUILTY!!"


He jumped, step on its chest and sever the left head of the two-headed dog. It flew toward the X-Men trio's direction and stopped near their leg. His "performance" alone was jawdropping, fighting such a huge monster without using any special ability. Only raw power.

The dog, left with only one head tried to bite the white-haired man. However he kicked the chest he stepped on, evading the razor-sharp teeth at the last moment. The Genma raised its paw and clawed toward him but the white-haired man ducked and swapped his weapon.

"Here's your mail and go to hell!"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!...

A barrage of a nonstop bullet was carving a hole on the last head. He wanted to finish the fight faster because the rain was too heavy, he was starting to feel cold.

The shooting finally stopped and the monsters fell down on the ground. The man wiped his wet hair and looked around.

"Hmm... Where's next?" he said. The man was, of course, Dante the Devil Hunter. Someone called his office and hire him to solve France's crisis. But after he arrived, he was confused since the enemy was different than he expected. It resembles hell's demon, but it wasn't one. He gave up on thinking and just went around killing this weird demon.

He put down Ebony and Ivory, switching it with Rebellion the sword. He grabs the handle and holds the sword so that the blade was facing down, toward the ground.

The X-Men trio was intrigued by what he would do next. They keep looking at the sword, maybe it would transform or emit a great power.

Clang! Clang!

And then, Dante let go of the sword. The trio now was more focused. The sword fell and the handle was positioned toward the west.

"Nice! That way!"

He grabbed the sword and placed it on his back. He looked around and noticed the trio watching faraway. He waved and walked away toward the direction the sword pointed.




For anyone wondering who Dante was... seriously?

Spoiler alert***

The MC will took part in the DMC series at the later date. For anyone wondering, this Dante was the one before DMC 4.

DMC official timeline is DMC 3 > 1 > 2 > 4 > 5.

Don't forget to leave comment and critique guys. Any of it would help me to improve as this was my 1st novel.

NightHowlcreators' thoughts
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