

An hour ago, before the meeting with Kay, some shipgirls could be seen talking to each other. Looking at their discussion, it was seen to be very intense.

"Vestal, what's our condition right now? "Wales asked.

Vestal 's look at Wales with a stern face. She just went to the hospital to treat the girls who were injured. Their situation is poor, but they are also lucky because there are no casualties yet.

"Most of the allies are seriously wounded, but we get zero casualties," Vestal responded.

Vestal also can't believe that they're lucky enough to have zero casualties. Although, she knows she's just supposed to be happy with the miracles. She couldn't believe that was possible. After all, the last defense of Azur Lane is left to protect the base. Most of them are damaged after receiving several enemy attacks.

"How did you manage to win this battle, Wales? "Ask Vestal. "I think I have to expect the worst, but you manage to win even though we have few more disadvantages against them.

Wales, Hood, Illustrious and Enterprise are silent. They 're not winning that battle. The unknown man is helping them. They don't have any reason to claim victory. Their silence was broken after a voice called them.

"What can I help you, madam?" said Belfast.

"I need you to go to a conference room. There's a man waiting for there. I need to watch him and treat him for a moment, "Wales said. "He's not a normal man, so be careful, please."

Belfast and Vestal seem to be confused. After all, now is not the time for a guest to visit them. Belfast, however, thinks it is not appropriate for her to ask Wales more about this man. She nodded and go to conference room immediately.

"A visitor, right now?,"Vestal said.

"He's not a regular guest. He's our savior. That's why we're able to win this battle, "Wales said. "We need to talk about this right now."

"So, what are you planning, Wales?" Hood asked. "He's already helping us, but we don't know anything about that man."

"I know that," Wales responded. "We lack the strength as well as the leader. If we can ask him to become our leader, we could have a chance to win this war against them.

Hood and Illustrious are in agreement. They might have a chance with Kay 's abilities. However, Enterprise is not in agreement.

"He's becoming our leader? "The Enterprise said. "We don't know anything about him. What if he's a spy from Crimson Axis? What if he's just playing with us and trying to destroy Azur Lane. It's too gamble for us for asking him to become our leader.

The girls are still silent. It's true that they can't trust Kay that much. He's still unknown to them. They don't have any options, though.

"He's too strong. There's no way we're going to let this chance pass, "said Wales." Based on this battle, Kay doesn't know much about the faction. He asks us which side is good and which side is bad".

"However.....," said Enterprise, before finishing her sentence.

"What if he wants to support the Crimson Axis? "Wales said. "I know this is a gamble, but if he wants to destroy us, he doesn't need to come with us. He can easily destroy us with that power.

Enterprise understands, but still thinks it's too dangerous. It's still worth asking him to help Azur Lane. It's safer than to let Crimson Axis hire him.

"I get that," Enterprise said.

The girls decide to go straight to the conference room, leaving Vestal with utter confusion.


In another place, a few hundred miles from the Azur Lane, a number of ships can be seen. One of the ships, there was a meeting. Hiryuu, Souryuu, Shoukaku and Zuikaku are standing in front of two girls that look the same as foxes. The mood is somewhat depressing than enjoyable. The result of the battle potential to be the cause of this mood.

"All of you are bringing shame to the Sakura Empire," said Kaga, white haired fox. "How did you still lose with that kind of force? Kaga still can not believe, after hearing the report, that they are losing to Azur Lane with complete disadvantages against them.

Kaga is furious, but the other girl seems calm. Then she's trying to calm down her little sister.

"Calm down, Kaga,"said Akagi, brown haired fox. "We heard that one unknown man helping them. He is probably the reason why they lost".

"But it's impossible, Nee-san," Kaga said. "They might lie to us to run away from their defeat."

Kaga claims the report is full of lies. There is no man capable of destroying almost all siren ships within a matter of seconds. Even it is true, she probably knows about that man that strong and capable to destroy sirens in mere seconds.

"It's true, Akagi and Kaga," Souryuu said. "We almost win our battle, but all of a sudden that man comes from the sky and helps Azur Lane. We've lost eighty percent of our forces to this man alone.

"And you're running away from a mere human? "Ask Kaga.

The mood is getting worse. It looks like they're going to fight each other until Shoukaku intervenes.

"Why do you speak like that Kaga-senpai," Shoukaku said. "I don't think any Senpai would be happier to see her Kouhai alive instead of dead. After all, we 're able to warn Senpai about this.

Shoukaku smiled at Kaga, making her more angry. Then Akagi's going to stop her.

"Calm down, Kaga. Give them a few loves," Akagi said. "Well if it is true, we still can destroy Azur Lane".

Akagi walks away from them and then stops. She looks at the sky, murmuring alone. She looks at them after that.

"That man really appears to take my interest," Akagi said. "Perhaps we should look at him first."

Kaga nodded. Then she ordered Zuikaku, Shoukaku, Hiryuu and Souryu to leave them alone. They 're just following orders and leaving.

After leaving them, Shoukaku seems dissatisfied with that. She complains to Zuikaku, even though she seems out of her mind.

Apparently, Zuikaku still thinks about that battle, Enterprise is one of the main concerns, but that man is also in her mind. She really doesn't want to think a lot about it.


"Excuse me?", said Kay.

He was confused after Wales asked him to become their commander, even though Kay didn't know anything about them. He thinks they 're asking too much, and they're gambling their fate to an unknown man.

"I'm sorry, but......," Kay said.

"So you reject us," Wales said.

"No, it's not like that," Kay responded. "I think you 're moving too fast. First, I think you should explain to me.

After hearing that, Wales ask him for forgiveness, then she explains to Kay, in particular, their origins and duties, sirens, Crimson Axis and many others. This didn't take a long time for Kay to understand.

"Curse you, Wiseman," Kay said. "Leaving me alone is the worst possible outcome you can think of."

"Wiseman? "The girls asked.

"Some of you have even met him with me. You don't see that I'm fighting with him in that battle?, "Kay asked.

"You 're fighting with him?" said Enterprise. "The only thing I saw was that you came alone and not with anyone else."

"All right, you should disregard that, "Kay said. "However, based on your explanation, does that mean that all of you here are a biological weapon? "Asks Kay.

"Well, if you think that way, it may be accurate," Illustrious responded.

Kay sighed, this world might hinder him from performing his duty. Nonetheless, he also wants to find a way to keep them from being a burden in the future.

The room is still silent. Kay is still in deep thinking. Then he breaks the silence by answering their first question.

"I refuse to be your commander," Kay said.

"But, why?" Wales asked. "You're already helping us in that battle."

"It's true that I'm helping you, but I have no reason whatsoever to be your commander," Kay said. "I still have a duty of my own."

"What kind of duty?" Enterprise asked.

"I don't think you all earn my trust to tell you my duty," Kay replied. "But I do need a place to rest, to sleep, and so on."

"So you can still help us?," Wales asked.

Kay nodded at Wales. He also needs to survive in this world and a safe place to stay is his main focus right now.

"But I'm just going to protect this place," Kay said. "As long as I'm here, no enemy can attack you. You have my promise".


"I don't need a maid to accompany me," Kay said.

He's reluctant to get a maid to accompany him every day. He's already strong, and the guard is not needed. He can defend himself.

"You still need someone to help you out. You've already told us you don't know anything about this world, "Wales said.

"I still refuse", Kay responded.

Kay left the girls alone, then. Wales is looking at the Enterprise. While the result is not what they expected, they should be thankful to Kay for his promise to help protect Azur Lane. At least, with that kind of power, Azur Lane is safe right now.

"He's really unfriendly and hard to approach," Hood said.

"It's not like that, I think he's just wary of us. He said he doesn't trust us yet," Illustrious said.

"Well, I hope that the case", said Wales.

"He's a good man," Belfast said. Leaving the surprise of all the girls. All of them, however, agree on Belfast 's comment to Kay.

Suddenly, they heard someone coming to the room. It was Kay.

"I change my mind about your suggestion," Kay said. "I need someone to be with me."


Kay left with Belfast, who agreed to become his maid. Apparently, he noticed a lot of eyes watching him walking around at the base. When he feels uncomfortable, he thinks it's best to ask someone to accompany him. +

"Are you sure it's all right?" ask Enterprise. "He also said that no enemies will come here, particularly for a few days, to attack us."

"I think it's all right, but we should always be careful of that", said Wales.

"He may refuse to become our commander, but we still call him 'commander' because it's too disrespectful to call his name alone," Illustrious said. "At first, he's not in agreement, until he gave up and let us call him that."

"We can leave him with Belfast. After all, she's also a proud Royal Navy," Wales said.

After that, the girls went to the hospital to see their comrades who had been injured in the battle. Thanks to Vestal, a lot of them will survive and be able to fight again.


"Where are you going to bring me, Belfast? "Kay asked,

"To your room, Master," said Belfast. "Master is going to stay here for a long time, so Master needs a room to stay. Master can use the Commander 's room because it's empty from the beginning."

"Well, thank you so much. I appreciate that," Kay said.

Several minutes later, they arrived at their destination. Kay see that the room is pretty clean but beautiful and big for one person.

"What about your clothes, Master? "Ask Belfast.

"Not a concern," Kay responded. "I've got a special watch that can store clothes and guns. To be fair, most of my weapons are stored here", said Kay while showing his watch to Belfast.

"That's pretty convenient," Belfast said. "After one hour, I'll come back here again. Please take your time, Master." Then she left Kay alone in his room.

Kay's going to find a bed and hop into it. The bed is soft and comfortable. He wants to sleep and put an end to the day, but it's still early. He really wants to do something today.

He wakes up and goes straight to take a bath. After that, he wore a new collection of clothes and took his silver cape with him. Now he's ready to see Belfast even though he's still early. He 's going to want to take a stroll.

He sees a lot of girls and no man on the roof of the building. He thinks that what Wales has told him is true. The girls he saw were a biological weapon, designed to combat the sirens. However, there are still a number of factions, such as the Royal Navy, the Eagle Union, the Sakura Empire and Ironblood. Clearly, the Sakura Empire and Ironblood are betraying them or something.

Kay notices a lot of eyes watching him as he arrives at the cafeteria together with Belfast. Remember that it is unusual for them to see a man on Azur Lane.

"Don't mind that, Master," said Belfast, trying to comfort Kay. "Your present is very unusual to begin with, so just stay calm."

It's not like the girls are bold enough to approach Kay to begin with. After all, Kay seems hard to approach for them, except one energetic girl, Cleveland, approaching him immediately after saw him.

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