
A normal day at the sea... dungeon 2

"Anyways, now that we got that cleared up, shall we get to hunting?" said Will with a cheerful grin.

"Wait a minute," said Sarah with an undescribable look, "could you clarify what you meant by the male adventurer model 'Not to fall for the first beautiful girl we see?'"

Will sighed. "Fine Miss Sarah, since I might have said words that hurt your pride, I shall go into a deeper explanation of the motto, 'Not to fall for the first beautiful girl we see'."

"Other than the S rank Flaming Dragon Slayer," Will pointed at another girl. "That girl over there with the skimpy blue swimsuit cut off her boyfriend's you know what after she discovered that he cheated on her. The only reason why she isn't in jail is that she is an A rank who helps out the guild a lot. That girl with the yellow hair and a nice body? She forcefully embarrassed thirteen men in public to the point where all thirteen of them either committed suicide or became useless shut ins. The priest over there reading a book? Everyone knows that she sold her husband to a necromancer but we don't have enough evidence to prove it. The girl with white hair? She turned her ex boyfriend into an undead."

Silence was the only response that was able to surface within the three knights and Sarah as they stared at all the beautiful girls who were much scarier than their appearances would suggest.

"Don't even think about hitting on the lower ranked girls. If the news that you forced a young female adventurer to date you gets to those high ranker girl's ears... you are basically dead from that moment on."

Will gave the three knights a reassuring pat on their metal covered backs. "Genesis city may be a city filled with hopes and dreams, but it isn't the city for a love mate. So be careful and keep the motto to your heart. 'Not to fall for the first beautiful girl we see.'"

"U- understood!" Whimpered two of the knights while the most aggressive knight stood silent.

"Alright then," said Will after stretching this neck, "I feel like I spent too much time on this stupid but admittedly life saving subject, shall we finally get to hunting some sea monsters?"

Sarah nodded her head in a slightly hesitant matter while her knights observed their surroundings with wary expressions, most likely afraid that any wandering lady might come near and beat them up. "I- I am sorry for wasting so much of your precious time. We will no longer bother you and follow your orders quietly."

"Perfect," exclaimed Will with a satisfied smile. "Now then, let me ask you. Do you guys prefer quality or quantity?"

"Didn't we answer this question already?" asked Sarah. "What we are currently looking for quantity over quality. You should be aware of our lack of funds."

Will smiled and wagged his finger back and forth before stating, "Ahh... but what if you didn't need to pay for high quality water attributed mana stones? In that situation, would you prefer to have a high quality stone or many low quality stones?"

Sarah hesitated, gave her knights a look before saying, "A single large water attributed mana stone would be nice to have as a single high quality water attribute mana stone would be able to provide enough water for an-"

"-Entire city for a year if the citizens are facing a drought," finished Will with an intrigued expression. "Is your land experiencing a drought? Hmm?"

Seeing the look on her face, Will knew at once that he had guessed true and let out a frown. "Do you not have an ally to help you with resources? As a noble family, you should be able to ask for assistance from other nobles or kings."

"I am sorry if this comes as disrespectful and rude but please keep your mind off this subject as it is inappropriate to discuss in a public space and towards a stranger such as yourself," Sarah said in a calm but cautious matter.

However, far from being offended, Will only let out a laugh and waved the matter off as if it were nothing. "Don't worry about it. I know how messy politics can be between many different kingdoms and between the nobles within those colonies. I bet that some sort of war or standoff began and your allies are either dead, isolated, or cut ties with you. This would explain why your situation is quite dire as with no allies to supply you with water during a drought, your land is basically doomed, and also explain why you are poor while also providing enough evidence to suggest why you only have three knights with you of average strength. After all, if there is currently a war brewing or a tense standoff, it would be almost suicidal to send your strongest knights as an escort to collect water attributed mana stones."

Sarah gave Will a surprised look. "H- How did you know that?"

"By using logic and guessing, Miss Sarah," said Will with a small little bow. "Your reaction only confirms my theory as true."

"W- who are you?" asked Sarah once again, with a trembling voice.

"I have already answered that question, Miss Sarah," Will answered with his head still bowed. "My name is Will, Miss Sarah. But you may call this humble adventurer Phantom."

"I... I know you don't I?"

"How could that be?" Replied Will with a small grin. "Today is the first time you came to Genesis city isn't it? I've been living in Genesis city for at least two years. The year before I lived in a small village for a little bit of time right after I left the city I was born in near the sea. We can't have possibly met Miss Sarah. After all, I do not recall my kingdom having a noble with the name of Desset holding the title of a count."

Will let out a final sigh. "Now can we please get to hunting sea monsters? I am really starting to feel like the last two chapters were fillers only."

(A/N: WHAT! C-COUGH! H-H-HOW COULD THIS EVER BE A FILLER CHAPTER!!! *Averts eyes* I'm gonna make you suffer Will... I swear on my omnipotence and omniscience as the writer of this book...)

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