


The end is near, that tree is already blooming. Eve's curse will be in full power if that tree reaches the final fruit. It serves as our time to be ready. Vernon has arrived a few days ago and he is keeping up with my instructions on how we can handle this past the hurdle. "You should be ready anytime soon, Eve will be sent where everything started by her diary and we will follow her. This war will be our chance to get the hold of power…" I looked at him, "and freedom." He put his spear on his chest. 

"I will serve you with all that I can so we can achieve our goals. That human is weak when the curse tries to repeat what happened to her past life. She will not be able to change anything unless she defeats us, which is impossible to happen." Hades is right when he said that his son is rebellious but can be reliable as a soldier. He is my strongest weapon among these three. 

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