
Winda returns to the Hospital.

Tinnnt ... Tint ....

A deafening sound startled Winda and Dirga, who were still immersed in intimacy. The beauty of the atmosphere that adorns their hearts which are blooming with the happiness of the marriage that has just been inaugurated makes them negligent. Early life in marriage is very sweet.

Tint... Tint... the loud sound of a car horn startled them.

"Kyaa!!" shouted Winda who then pushed Dirga away. "Dear!"

"Yes, yes, okay." The car behind them was very impatient. "Don't they know that we are newlyweds who are in love?" grumbled Dirga.

"Don't be ridiculous. After all, we are wrong. Look, the light is already green. Are we going to stop here? Hurry up and run," said Winda.

"Hahaha yes. Hmm even though I'm a little closer to it. Ah, do I have to put a sticker on the back of the car so other drivers know that we just got married. So other people will understand if we suddenly make out in the car. How?" Dirga smiled.

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