

Martin blinked his eyes, not believing Heather was calling. He was sure the girl had deleted his number long ago. She had no reason to keep it after she ended their relationship. Martin was supposed to delete it, too, and he didn't know how it happened that he didn't. He didn't count on them coming together. He hadn't counted on it for at least several months. He probably just forgot to erase her number.

Now Heather was calling him.

It surprised him so much that his heart twitched unpleasantly. He didn't feel like talking to his ex-girlfriend. Their breakup was not very civilized. Heather cheated on him with his friend and abandoned him, even though she knew he was madly in love with her. He'd been recovering from her betrayal for a good few months, but even though he had Ami then, now Steve, there was still a wound in Martin's heart. The two of them no longer had anything in common, so the boy had no reason to answer her call.

He decided not to answer.

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