
Hello Ami!

"See? Just check that this wire has not come loose. It is not necessary to replace the entire battery. He will drive the old car for a good six months before the problems start. "

"You're right," Sid agreed. Martin's younger colleague was clearly delighted with such a simple solution.

Martin has just repaired the second car. He left the third one for tomorrow, because it required more serious dredging under the chassis and the young mechanic did not want to start a job he knew he would not finish today. Of course, he asked his boss if that was acceptable, and Teddy didn't mind.

"You did a lot for one day," he praised. "You think you could handle new cars, too, like, you know, filled with electronics?"

"Yes, I could do it," assured Martin. "But for that you need the right diagnostic equipment that is not here."

"Well, yes," the old man nodded. "We are a car repair shop from a different era."

"But such places are also needed." Martin passionately assured. "When it comes to new cars, autocasco insurance usually require that they be repaired at the manufacturer's authorized service stations or those that have a contract with them. And yet there are still a lot of cars like these on the roads. Some choose them because they cannot afford newer ones, others do it out of sentiment. But as long as there are such cars, such car repair workshop will also be needed. "

Teddy smiled, patted Martin on the shoulder and left without a word.

"The old man is worried about his workshop," explained Dave. "There is no one to take it over."

"No family?"

"His son died while on a peacekeeping mission in the Middle East. It wasn't even hostilities. They were clearing the area after the earthquake and the guy unhappily fell. "

The world, Martin thought, was full of great tragedies for little people that no one cares about except them and those who know them. Like the tragedy of Teddy's son. Like difficult life for Dave and Sid.

Like the tragedy of Steve and Hannah.

Martin sighed as his heart ached. A day full of positive impressions allowed him to forget about Paxton, but only for a moment. Even though they parted this morning, Martin missed him so much! For the past two months, he had seen him almost every day, several hours a day, and even if they hardly had a word with each other, the sheer closeness of Steve felt like an injection of true, purest happiness.

But it's gone, forever. Martin had to accept that.

How is Steve doing? They are leaving for a competition tomorrow, and Paxton after Hannah's death did not always drive as he should. As a fan, Martin believed Steve was indestructible and insurmountable, but as a man with a different kind of love, he felt unease in his heart.

"Are you so concerned about Teddy's story?" Dave asked.

"No, it's just ... A friend of mine lost someone very close to him a few days ago too."


Nobody was developing the topic anymore, because it was not an ideal topic for conversation during the first meeting. Besides, Martin wasn't sure if he should ever be talking to someone about a topic so personal to Paxton?

From the entrance they heard the click of heels and the voice of a young woman. Everyone looked in that direction, and soon saw two young women entering their garage. Martin recognized one of them immediately. It was Ami.

Martin's face lit up instantly. His friend was wearing casual clothes, dark jeans and a light beige blouse. He'd seen her dressed for dates so far, but the style suited her as well.

"Hello!" her companion cried. "Someone called to pick up my car now."

"It was me," Teddy emerged from the counter.

"Oh!" Ami stopped in surprise. She just spotted and recognized Martin.

"Hi!" said hello.

Ami ran up to him lightly. She greeted his colleagues and stood in front of Martin.

"A new job?" she asked. "Did you find something so quickly?"

"I was lucky," he admitted.

Sid and Dave gave each other knowingly. They naturally assumed Ami was their new friend's girlfriend.

Ami and Martin stood smiling at each other, which only increased the impression. They looked like they knew each other well, but there was a slight awkwardness between them - just like between a couple who had just taken their relationship to the next level.

"You look good in these clothes" Martin praised, breaking the silence between them.

"Really? Thanks." Ami blushed at the compliment.

The young mechanics nudged each other again and pulled back to give the couple some privacy.

"Have you eaten dinner yet?" Ami suddenly asked.

"No. I'm here from noon ... And you? "

"Me neither."

" Will we go eat together? But right, you are already in the company of a friend. ... "

"She was afraid to come to this part of the city alone. It's not the best district ... "

"Ah, ah. So why don't we eat something together? "


Meeting Ami was an unexpected but enjoyable event. Martin had been wildly busy with Stables and Steve's stuff lately, but he almost desperately needed a friend now. He knew he could count on Jack that the driver would be willing to listen and advise him, but Lambert now had his own professional matters to deal with, and Martin didn't want to be a burden to him. Jack, like Steve, should be focusing on the race ahead.

Ami was the only person, besides Jack, who knew about Martin's heart, body and life dilemmas. Unexpectedly, the young mechanic found someone who really sincerely supports him and was very grateful to her for that. Only he hadn't even told her yet about the tragedy that had frozen Steve's life and heart for so long. He wasn't sure if he had the right to tell her about it, but he really trusted Ami and knew that a girl with her kind, sincere heart would not use this information against Paxton, that she would keep it in complete secrecy. After all, Steve was a public figure and even the slightest scandal could hurt him a lot.

Ami and Martin were no longer a couple, but the atmosphere between them was probably quite specific as Teddy himself suggested that Martin leave work now. After all, he was paying him for the job he did, not for sitting on his ass, and on his first day, Martin had repaired two cars.

Ami's friend was making some booty faces and vague suggestions about an unexpected date, but Ami ignored her. She really liked Martin, and liking someone doesn't mean marrying him right away. Being friends is truly something wonderful, and friendship between a man and a woman was possible even if they had sex before. Ami didn't have to believe it because she and Martin were living proof of the theory.

That's why they didn't have to blush or explain that they weren't a couple, they just left together as soon as Martin took off his dirty work coveralls.

"You really surprised me that you have already found a new job," Ami announced as they walked slowly towards the bus stop. "Although, to tell you the truth, I expected you to work in a better place than in a small car repair shop in a poor neighborhood."

"Actually, I don't care where I'm going to work, with cars and in this city is enough."

"Do you want to be close to him?" she asked by default.

Martin sighed heavily.

"You know, you were right, he has a hard time accepting the thought of having a relationship with a man."

"Oh, Martin! Did he tell you that? "

"In some sense. See, he had one adventure with a man a few years ago, but then something very bad happened and Steve thinks…" Oh shit! He said his name!

Ami stopped blushing to the tips of her ears.

"Am I supposed to pretend I didn't hear it?"

What to do? What to do? Martin felt that he was about to start panicking. He looked around nervously. Could anyone else hear it? Some passerby? No one but Ami seemed to have heard him, or at least had no connection to the facts, but Ami ...

"Do you understand this must remain a secret?" he asked her very nervously.

"Of course! Who do you think I am?" she was indignant, but not so much. Ami sighed too. "But I understand your problem is more complicated than I suspected. With his status and popularity ... But wait, did you say something bad happened? "

There was no empty curiosity in Ami's voice, but sincere concern. The girl was really worried about Martin and his happiness, and now it seemed like she was worried about Steve too.

So Martin told her everything. He said that when Steve showed interest in the same sex for the first time in his life and started experimenting, a teenager who fell in love with him was shocked when she found both men. She run into a car and spent over three years in a coma. Steve had blamed himself a lot during this time and didn't even look at the man anymore until he met Martin. But Steve is still not quite able to accept another man, so while they have allowed themselves to be physically close, emotional closeness is still impossible for Paxton. Especially since the girl died a few days ago.

Ami was sitting on a bench at the bus stop with her hands clasped over her purse. Martin was sitting next to her. He waited impatiently for what Ami had to say.

Next chapter