
Ice Cream

Years ago in Mia and Yuzan's original world . . .

"Onii-chan! Onii-chan!"

A small Mia with her black hair in pig tails burst in her big brother's room.

"Mia-chan," Yuzan said, his features softening into a smile.

He closed his laptop and opened him arms wide. Mia smiled widely and ran then leaped in her brother's arms.

"Oof!" Yuzan exclaimed.

"Mia-chan, what brought you here? Did you miss your Onii-chan?" Yuzan asked while rubbing his cheek on Mia's cheek.

"N-nya! Stop it, Onii-chan. You're not a cat!" Mia protested placing her tiny hands on her big brother's face.

"Mia-chan is just so cute. So, what does my cute little sister want?" Yuzan asked.

"Snow!" Mia said.

"Snow?" Yuzan repeated.

"There's snow outside, Onii-chan!" Mia said.

Yuzan looked out his window.

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