

Rubiella wore the green dress. It made her think of his emerald eyes that he was hiding behind his eyeglasses. It also had that dipping neckline which was perfect for her necklace and also for . . . other purposes.

There was a knock on her door.

"My lady, it's me."


She looked at the mirror again and ran her fingers over her curls. A tangle. Another tangle.

"My lady?"


To hell with it.

"Hansel! Come in" Rubiella said, beaming at him.

"You look like a fairy queen, my lady," Hansel said.

Rubiella chuckled. He was so romantic with his words. Not that she didn't like it. She liked it a lot actually.

"Then you must be the nobleman who got lost in the woods and accidentally met the fairy queen," Rubiella said.

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