
To save a lady

Rubiella had a filling dinner from the pub. She ate steak, bread, and cheese. She was in a great mood. Her night escape was really worth it.

She was supposed to go home already when two men suddenly grabbed her.

She screamed and fought back but they were far stronger than her.

Rubiella couldn't reach the dagger in her dress pocket. If only she could reach it perhaps she'd have a fighting chance.

The two men dragged her into a dark pathway. Then she saw the old building. It had red lanterns hanging on the front. She couldn't remember what the red lanterns meant.

The two men holding her showed her off to another man who seemed to be their boss. She finally understood. The red lanterns meant the building was a brothel. She was going to be sold off as a prostitute. Was this her retribution for going against her father's wishes?

Then she saw him.

He was dressed like a noble. She couldn't clearly see his face because of her tears.

The two men holding her noticed him also

"Please help me. They have kidnapped me!"

She could feel his stare even in the darkness.

"I'll take her," he said.

Rubiella didn't know if she would be horrified or delighted. Was he a customer or a savior?

She noticed that the men holding were stunned too and their grip had loosened. She took the opportunity and broke free from their grip.

"Get her!"

She quickly got her dagger from her dress pocket and brandished it to her abductors.

"Stay away from me if you don't want to be cut," Rubiella said in the most intimidating way she could do.

She continued raising her dagger at them as she slowly backed away. The three men laughed at her.

"Stay there!" Rubiella shouted.

"Get the lass. We're wastin' time," the boss said.

The two men lunged at her. She was too surprised to react.

"I said I'll take her." The man behind her said.

The noble man grabbed their arms and twisted them. They shouted in agony. He shoved them on the ground and kicked them. They shouted in pain again. He stopped and looked at the boss intensely.

"Tell your men to never take her again or I'll break your bones too," he said.

The boss looked frightened. "No one will touch her again! I'll tell my men to stay off lasses with red hair. Please take her and leave!"

The noble man nodded. He walked towards the boss.

"Please! We didn't know she was yours, Your Lordship!" The boss said.

The noble man cocked his head to the side.

"She is not mine . . . yet." He said in a whisper.

He punched the boss at the stomach.

"Just leaving a reminder. If you break your word and this lass goes missing, I'll be back to finish you," the noble man said.

The noble man turned and walked towards Rubiella. Rubiella looked at his face. His emerald green eyes seemed to glow in the darkness.

She was about to thank him but he suddenly took her hand.

"Let's get out of here first," he said.

They got out of the pathway and walked together in silence, his hand still holding hers.

Rubiella could see his face more clearly under the moonlight. He was good-looking in a bookish way. He looked like someone who wouldn't get in a fight. He was clean shaven, his light brown hair looked silky, and his posture was straight. His green eyes were almost cat-like.

"Thank you for saving me," Rubiella said.

He looked at her then at their joined hands. His eyes widened and let go of her hand.

"I'm sorry I didn't ask permission to hold your hand," he said.

Rubiella smiled. He seemed like a proper gentleman when there's no fight.

"It's quite all right," Rubiella assured him. She actually felt comforted when he held her hand.

"From what house are you, My Lady?" He asked.

She looked at him in surprise. She didn't expect him to call her formally when she looked like a maid. A proper gentleman indeed!

"I'm from House Summers," Rubiella said.

Should she tell him that she's the daughter of the viscount? Would he find her repulsive for disguising as a maid and going out into the night?

"It really is dangerous for a young lady like you to go out alone especially for one such as pretty as you," he said.

Rubiella's eyes widened. No one had ever called her pretty before. Even her own father said it would have been better if she was born with blonde hair like all the other ladies.

"But my hair is red, My Lord," Rubiella said.

"Yes, very much so," he said.

"No one likes red hair," Rubiella said.

He looked at her with an eyebrow raised. "Perhaps I'm the exception."

Rubiella felt her cheeks go warm. Was he flirting with her? She was not used to it. The only young man she had spoken with was the crown prince and what he said to her was far from flirting.

"Perhaps . . . you could come with me for dinner next time so I won't be alone," Rubiella said.

She probably looked like a strawberry already with her red hair, red cheeks, and red ears but she wanted to meet him again.

He smiled at her. "Perhaps."

Rubiella contained her excitement and bit her lip to keep from smiling too widely. Then she remembered something. He was a noble man and she looked like a maid. Did that mean he was fine in accompanying a maid to dinner? It was unheard of. Perhaps he was just being kind in declining her. Should she just tell that she's an aristocrat too?

"We're here, My Lady," he said.

They had arrived in front of her house.

"May I know your name, My Lord?" Rubiella asked.

Rubiella decided that she would invite him formally with a letter instead. She'll send a letter to his house and when they meet, he'll see her noble lady self instead. She just hoped that he would still treat her kindly when he learns that she's the viscount's daughter.

"Hansel," he said.

Rubiella nodded and smiled. "Thank you for saving me, Lord Hansel. I bid you good night. Until we meet again!"

He smiled back, with a hint of regret, "Yes, until we meet again."

Rubiella went back to her room the same way she sneaked out. She changed her clothes and hid the maid uniform. When she was about to sleep already she remembered something important.

She forgot to ask which house he was from!




Euphemia woke up refreshed. She decided that moping would not solve anything. Perhaps learning about the past Saintesses would help her. Maybe someone kept records about them in Aderlan.

Breakfast was nice as usual in the Ashburn House.

"Did you sleep well, Lady Euphemia?" Lucien asked, looking worried.

Euphemia smiled at him. "Yes, I did. I would like to ask your help about something later if you're free."

Lucien brightened. "Yes, if there's anything I can help with."

"Sorry to interrupt. There's a letter for Lady Euphemia," Hansel said.

Euphemia looked at him as he handed her the envelope. He looked different. He was smiling.

"You look like you're in a good mood, Hansel," Euphemia said.

Hansel looked startled. "I'm uhh . . . it's just a nice day."

Lucien looked at him in amusement. "Someone had a nice night outside."

Euphemia's eyes widened. "Oh? Were you on a date last night, Hansel?"

Hansel looked confused. "I'm not sure what you mean by that, Lady Euphemia."

Oh, right. They didn't call it "date" in Aderlan. She thought for a moment for the old word.

"A tryst!" Euphemia exclaimed.

Hansel's ears turned red.

"Were you on a tryst last night, Hansel?" Euphemia asked.

"No, I wasn't. I was her sav- . . . she was in a danger of sorts and I just happened to be there to save her," Hansel said.

"How exciting. She must be really pretty to get you to smile until morning," Lucien said in great amusement.

"So what's her name?" Euphemia asked. Maybe it was one of the characters in the story and she can help them be together!

"I . . . did not ask," Hansel said, he looked regretful.

"What?!" Euphemia exclaimed.

Lucien sighed. "She must have been really pretty to make Hansel forget to ask."

Euphemia proceeded in opening the envelope. The letter inside was an inquiry if they would allow her to visit the Ashburn residence. She would like to talk to the Saintess.

Euphemia's eyes widened at the name signed at the bottom of the letter.

She was the character who did atrocious things to break the engagement of the crown prince and the Saintess. She was the one who tormented the Saintess out of jealousy. She was the villainess of the story.

Rubiella Summers.

Thank you for reading!

Be careful when you go out in evenings. Bring a Hansel with you :)

Tanya_Winterscreators' thoughts
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