

But Caleb's mouth curved into a grin. For some reason his grin for me was more like a mischievous-mocking grin. He climbs in and stand at the left beside me.

"So, Livie. What yeah say?" Luke asked me, bringing me back to my thoughts.

"About that..." My words trails off when an arm suddenly curled around my shoulder. I glance at Caleb who's not staring at me, but straight ahead. It was as if it's a casual thing he does often. Luke on the other hand noticed Caleb's arm on top of my shoulder. His forehead puckered. "Uhmmm...thanks though, but I can't, hopefully some other time." I say, fumbling with the strap of my bag. Feeling unease all of a sudden.

"Is that so..." He puckered his lips. "Is he by chance your boyfriend?" He asked pointing at Caleb. Caleb glances at Luke when he heard Luke asked.


"Yes, I am. Got a problem with that?" Caleb interjected, completely cutting me off.

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