
CHAPTER 157: nightmares

I stepped away from the dwarf and tried to let what he said sink in.

"Thanks. But. Even tough it might not be the wisest choice right now. I just want to be alone for a little while."

Without awaiting his answer, I walked away. Quetzalcoatl who was still sitting on my horn panicked and flapped its flightless wings in order to keep its balance. At the entrance I clocked myself in illusions to make it seem like I disappeared in thin air.

If the dwarf needed me for something, then he would be able to find me anyway with his compass.

Whilst still making sure that I was hidden I flew up to one of the towers. This one had a staircase that was still intact. That way the dwarf would be able to actually reach me in in case he came into trouble with the other people who were looking for me.

Here I laid on my back and stared at what would be the sky if this was actually the outside world. This however was slightly uncomfortable due to the bone spikes that ran down my spine. But it was still better than being chained up against a wall so I couldn't complain.

With a loud groan I sat back up. My new set of wings was lifelessly hanging along my body. Why couldn't people leave me alone for one second?

Tough they were still verry far away I noticed that the humans who were locked in the dungeon with me were now walking trough the ruins.

I could understand that that this was a good hiding place. but it was not like they had no other option. Verry few knew their face. They could have just hidden themselves in the city until the people had forgotten about what happened. They also could have just stayed in the wilderness surrounding the ruins. It would be a lot harder for pole to find them there than here.

Out of all their options this one must have been the least convenient. Tough they were not the top priority; they would still get in great trouble if they got caught. Also, they would have had no idea whether or not I would let them live. I was even doubting that my father would trust me enough not to kill them.

Despite how inconvenient it was for them to be here, I was also not ready to face them. For my and their sake I would just tr to scare them away.

I left Quetzalcoatl behind and flew to where they currently were. In order to not get seen by anyone who was currently searching for me and the escaped humans, I hid myself with illusions.

I landed on one of the roofs in the street that they were currently walking through. This caused some heads to be turned in my direction because I had not taken the trouble to hide the sound. But this was quickly overlooked by the thick layer of mist, obscuring the street from view. everything became darker for as far as they could see.

I was not good enough at manipulating water to create actual fog, so I used illusions instead. But that did not mater much. I was about to use a lot more illusions anyways.

No one spoke a word. They all looked around to find a cause for the sudden change in their surroundings. suddenly the decorations on the walls begun to move. The carvings in the wall and the few small statues all slowly turned their heads and looked at the people who were passing by.

At first the humans just played it off as just their imagination running wild due to sudden darkness and fog. It wouldn't also have been weird for them to hallucinate after all they had been trough.

But they could no longer use that excuse when a dark red liquid started to drip from the lifeless eyes and opened mouths of the figures.

The group stopped moving forward and stared at what was happening. Some were hyperventilating while others were barely breathing. Others held the arms of those that they held dear.

With twitching and shaking movements the figures slowly crawled out of whatever place they belonged. Their limbs bended in ways that would be impossible if they were not broken. Yet they moved at an unmatched speed.

The bodies of the statues and carvings that had only displayed a head appeared as raw living flesh. Every movement of their muscles were visible just as the blood that ran through their veins.

The humans backed away, yet the creatures did not stop their approach. Clearly in pain with disformed faces that twisted until they were barely recognisable as what they once were, they still pursued. Only when the long-broken fingernails of the figures were about to make contact with the skin of the humans did they stop. They were al frozen in motion, some even mid-air.

Suddenly a path appeared through the fog. Rays of the light that I had hidden illuminated the way back. Most of the humans ran away as fast as they could. They now saw an exit to this nightmare and did not let the chance to flee go to waste.

I was quite annoyed to see that the only ones remaining were the only people I actually cared about. Realising that they would not leave anytime soon I closed up the path and let the darkness return.

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