
Chapter 98

"What the crap is going on?" I ask angrily, trying to survey the forest with a more perceiving eye. To my alarm, I can make out some humanlike bodies, making their way out onto the beach.

Caleb, still carrying Jim, starts to make his way towards James. 

"Come on, we all fight together," he says in a commanding voice, and then turns away. His bare feet stomp through the sand, and even though his voice is calm, his shoulders are shaking in either fear or exhaustion.

Now having gained clarity of the situation, I start running with all my might. The space beside my arm glitters as a large, silver spear forms within my fingertips.

I can see them, a multitude of Shifters in either physical or spirit form converging upon the coastline, and these are nothing like the others I've seen. Red eyes glitter in dark, pulsating bodies. 

Next chapter